Miss Piggy...
Thank you, and, yes, you are right. I know she always wants something... I feel sometimes like I go overboard reading this into every interaction with her, but it is true. I just need to do as you say and take it as WODA (water off a duck's ass).
Yes, I think youa re so right. I am right. She is devious and cunning - all the time. And I do need to watch out for her. I just don't want her in my head all the time!!!!!!!!!
I wish I coulg go NC. Without my dad, I would. But you know she really has no idea I detest her as I do. She has no clue. It is ridiculous, but I can't imagine telling her what I think of her and what I know about her. I am not sure it would have any effect - in fact, I am sure she would spin it into some fun little drama if I did. My sister is in my life and my dad is in my life. I can't cut her out and not cause a huge something. I ahve no love for her and no need for her. But I am obviously not free of her, because she is in my mind too much.
Yes, tt, I have a great garden!!!!!! So very true. I try to say my thanks for it every day. I have to say, this has been one of the kindest places to live. (Ami, do you find the people very nice here too?) Nearly every person we meet is sweet and helpful. I wonder if it is the weather here???
As for Fay, we didn't get anything but a day of rain from the storm. You know, in Japan when we got typhoons, the dragonflies would swarm around for days before. I do hear frogs - we have little ones and medium ones, and a big old fat, loud bullfrog that lives somewhere behind our house!!! I will have to see next time if the frogs are louder before the storm. We have another headed up this way...
Thanks everyone and lots of love
