Author Topic: Black president or female VP - what a new world  (Read 9784 times)


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Re: Black president or female VP - what a new world
« Reply #45 on: September 05, 2008, 04:02:07 PM »
I am sorry my words were not acceptable to you, SS.               Ami
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Re: Black president or female VP - what a new world
« Reply #46 on: September 05, 2008, 05:24:07 PM »
Thanks SS

So then 2 were/are running for the republican Party, then the winner of each run against each other?

I guess I paid attention too soon? because of a woman and a black man and thought it was the finals.



« Last Edit: September 05, 2008, 05:29:19 PM by Izzy_*now* »
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Re: Black president or female VP - what a new world
« Reply #47 on: September 05, 2008, 05:34:29 PM »
Wow - I'm on fire about this years election.

I actually made a living working in politics for a number of years and gave up in frustration and disgust.  I have had NO interest in politics as usual for a very long time.

Between Obama's speech last night and McCain's announcement today - I'm excited!

How about you?

I'm going to respond to your initial post as I should have instead of picking on poor Mud...

I, too, am excited.  I was in the dumps when the election "stuff" started and I watched Tim Russert say on MSNBC one night how excited he was and his verbal and body language thoroughly supported his statement.  So I said to myself, I guess I'll look into this and guess what, I am now very excited.  Who would have thought McCain would have picked Sarah and who would have thought that Obama is as sophisticated as he is.  Now.....I know....those are just my thoughts....but I also learned that when I talk politics to my adult children, it's as if strangers are stuck together on a train in a tunnel in a snow storm....We're stuck together still yapping but we're strangers!  What fun!!!

I miss Tim Russert.  And I'm glad I became energized enough to start watching what was going on and...

I'm glad my adult children are talking to me about politics....Even though none of us agree....It's sort of like getting to know you all over again...

OK...enough of warm/fuzzy...

Sarah has a tough row to how....Just saying she has a 5-month old developmentally delayed child does not make her an authority on the current state/federal laws concerning the child's rights much less her ability to modify them although she has promised to be a lantern of lightness for all special needs children....

She went to six colleges in six years? 

Did not some of us stay home to ensure our daughters would complete their education and not become pregnant?

The investigation into her brother-in-law's loss of his job is continuing.

Does McCain always need a babe on his arm?

I hope this post infuriates some of us, bores others, and makes the rest think of the difference between life inside the political world as opposed to real life. 

What fun!!  And by thinking about the political contest, we also are invited to think about our own agendas which are often expressed by who we favour....I guess that's what it is all about, No?  That's why talking politics is so fascinating?!

Oh, I forgot field-dressing that moose....I don't know what that signifies.  Maybe you aren't put off by blood and guts?  Sounds good, though.

Take care....

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Re: Black president or female VP - what a new world
« Reply #48 on: September 05, 2008, 06:16:32 PM »
Izzy - i know it is confusing but here's the short story.  Basically anyone (with some restrictions) can run in the primaries in either the Republican or the Democratic primaries to try to win their party's nomination for President.  After one person is selected in each party that candidate can select the person they chose to run as Vice President (VP) with them.  Barak Obama beat Hillary Clinton and others to become the democrats presidential candidate. He selected Sen. Joe Biden to be his Vice Presidential candidate.  Sen. John McCain won the republican party's choice for president.  He selected Gov. Palin to be his Vice Presidential candidate.  So now it is McCain/Palin (republicans) v. Obama/Biden (democrats).  One of those pairs will win in November.

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Re: Black president or female VP - what a new world
« Reply #49 on: September 05, 2008, 06:34:13 PM »
Thanks so much for your post Lupine.  This is the first time in my life that I will not be afraid of either candidate.  Though I have a clear preferrence I could conceivably vote for the other candidate without rancor. 

 McCain was my choice in 2000.  Things would have been much better had he won.


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Re: Black president or female VP - what a new world
« Reply #50 on: September 05, 2008, 06:41:48 PM »

Hi lupine,

Oh, I forgot field-dressing that moose....I don't know what that signifies.  Maybe you aren't put off by blood and guts?  Sounds good, though.

I haven't field dressed a moose, but I know cuts of meat because I've helped dress the cow for human consumption.  What did I take from that?  I can tell you when the one selling the hamburger has ground up ice cubes in it to fool the consumer into thinking he's getting more than he is paying for.   


« Last Edit: September 05, 2008, 06:45:08 PM by teartracks »


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Re: Black president or female VP - what a new world
« Reply #51 on: September 05, 2008, 11:13:10 PM »
Thanks SS

I appreciate and understand
I did begin to pay attention too soon...... and thought it weird when November was so far away........ doing computer things and listening to the news, etc.

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Re: Black president or female VP - what a new world
« Reply #52 on: September 06, 2008, 01:22:43 AM »

I'm glad my adult children are talking to me about politics....Even though none of us agree....It's sort of like getting to know you all over again...

OK...enough of warm/fuzzy...

Sarah has a tough row to how....Just saying she has a 5-month old developmentally delayed child does not make her an authority on the current state/federal laws concerning the child's rights much less her ability to modify them although she has promised to be a lantern of lightness for all special needs children....

Hi Lupine,

Wow.  I am in awe that your family is able to talk politics and respectfully disagree.  You must have done something right!  :)  That's something we need more of everywhere.  I grew up in a house where NDad talked Fox News talking points before there was a thing called Fox News and you were NOT allowed to disagree.  (OK I know there are some dems who act this way also). 

One time (as an adult) I took him on just to see what would happen.  It was a very ambiguous issue that really would have no impact on my life or my father's life, did not cost him a penny, etc.  It didn't matter.  So I experimented and took the opposite point of view just to see how he would react.  Boy!  What a phone call!  And I got mail, too, with photocopies of articles (opinion pieces, of course) backing up his POV.  Highlighted.  Yep.  I chalked it up as a successful experiment even if I lost the debate in that my prediction was 100% verified.  Other family members follow his lead and agree with him.  I (silently and voicelessly) disagree.  I have a button that says "My silence might mean you are not worth the argument."

I am disturbed on many levels by the choice of Sarah Palin for VP.  McCain in 2000 I liked a lot.  not so much now.  I won't get into the BS about why.  I have a special needs child and I can tell you republicans care not and her words rang esp. hollow on that point.  at least for me.  I'm going to stop there.

Izzy, thanks for the interest.  I can't imagine trying to follow another country's election system.  Don't look to me for any coherent explanation about the electorate college (delegates).  Yowza!