Author Topic: Update...Summer's over  (Read 3858 times)


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Update...Summer's over
« on: August 30, 2008, 11:01:45 AM »
The kids are back in school..... they've adjusted well and seem to be doing fine.

The comfort of familiar faces and routines...

piano lessons.....

bedtime rituals.....


are a good thing.

The storms are bringing cooler days,

only to be replaced by very humid 95 degree days.

So... now I'm longing for the fall in earnest.

I haven't planted anything lately, besides herbs on the windowsill.

The basils still fine....

the oregano.....

not so much.

We've been cooking together, the girls and I.

Publix sells pizza dough in the bakery department.

I blend up a can of tomatoes, mit basil, and we do a very thin layer over pizza dough (the girls have managed to spread thinly over a buttered cookie sheet.)  It takes a lot of patience and I'm always amazed at the wonderful job they do.

We prefer straight shredded mazzarella.  Mexican blends aren't acceptable. 

::shaking head::

Turkey Pepperoni is pretty good.

I'm having great luck with peppers, mushrooms, onions and a good drizzle of olive oil.... made one for the church picnic last Sunday.  Crunchy and yummy. Also made 3 sky blue frosted dark chocolate cakes, for the cakewalk, and we each did artists' version of frosted artwork. 

One was SKY BEE, another was CRAZY CAKE and the last was FRIED EGGS IN THE SKY.  Lovely, each one.

We had a bit of success with homeade calzones.  They really were nice.

450degrees.... I flipped them after 10 minutes but will check them earlier next time as they were a little on the "too carmelized" side.

Right now we're going through homeade doughnut recipes.  I'm looking for something similar to my farmhouse grandma's yeast raised version.

We have a visit with Auntie Helen planned later today.

The Botanical Garden and a neighborhood picnic/pool party are on the agenda.

Paperwork's under control..... computer billpay has been extremely helpful.

The house is well organized but must be diligent as space is very limited.

We spent 3 hours at the pool yesterday..... savoring the cool.  It's very nice and we usually have it to ourselves.

Well, that's my update.




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Re: Update...Summer's over
« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2008, 12:57:54 PM »
Hi Lighter

Your message is so homey and peaceful, to me. It's a far cry to describe my daily doings, especially about cooking.

Yes, did my laundry and the whilte clam diggers are put away until next year.

Keep well, my friend
"The joy of love lasts such a short time, but the pain of love lasts one's whole life"


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Re: Update...Summer's over
« Reply #2 on: August 30, 2008, 01:03:47 PM »

What a truly lovely picture you paint!!  How lucky you are to have children to make pizza with, grow a garden with, splash in a pool with!  How lucky you are to have love in your life!

Personally, I dread the fall.  Summer is my season...and because of a Nboss, I missed the entire summer having to work every moment.....But still I so appreciate the sunshine, the memories I have of times at the beach and pool...My moniker here is not SunBlue for nothing!

For me, a lifelong depressive, fall and winter brings increases sadness and darkness.  I can appreciate the beauty of the colorful falling leaves....but I'd so rather see the lush green of summer lawns, the bright colors of flowers that bloom from May through August, and most of all, the rich blues and aquas of swimming pools and beaches.

Perhaps it is because of my current melancholy and lonely mood....but I mourn this soon-to-be passing from summer to fall.  I think children help with that...There's always something to look forward to with them....When you're alone, there is not.

But I can imagine the laughter and smiles in your kitchen as you prepared the dough for your scrumptious pizzas....the sensation of the warm son and cool water on your skin as you played at the pool....

I hope you can continue to relish those moments.....Some days, it's hard to keep life in perspective, to remember what's important....In your post, you did that very well.

Hope all is going well with you and that many more of these lovely moment continue to come your way.....



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Re: Update...Summer's over
« Reply #3 on: August 30, 2008, 08:28:40 PM »


I wish the crisp cool fall air brought you relief from the heat....

 and happiness that Halloween and Thanksgiving are on the way.

About the darker months.... have you checked out the SAD lights yet? 

Maybe they'll help?

Izzy...... what comes out of the closet..... after the clamdiggers are put away?

::picturing Izzy sandwiched between Bob and Doug McKenzie::

Can't be easy.... dressing for the Great White North.



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Re: Update...Summer's over
« Reply #4 on: August 30, 2008, 09:01:58 PM »
Ha ha h a h a ha h aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

I am so glad you know Bob and Doug Mackenzie!!!!

I love them and they had great skits!

For a little while, in the still lovely weather, I can wear my navy, or black and white checked or funny striped clam diiggers and not glare on the streets. I was out in the striped ones today! (I don't have a white purse or shoes to give up after Labour Day.)

Next will come slacks and I tell you truthfully, I need slacks, beyond belief. I have only 2 pr black slacks that are 'terribly suitable' but they are 'ruined' from ankle and leg casts. My better slacks are 'just not right any more'--tan, blue, grey and more that are good but 'not me'.

A-shopping I must go.................and should have last fall, for the winter (which I spent in black slacks and a bad leg.)

I have a great black and gray winter jacket. I'm fine with one, but last year went out one day in a light squall jacket on a cold cold cold day so stopped at a store and bought a red parka. Maybe I will wear that one this winter.

In my 'hey day', I had lots, but now I need only one or two of things to get me by--still haven't unpacked all my sweaters from 2 winters ago.

eh? Ya eh? wanna beer?
"The joy of love lasts such a short time, but the pain of love lasts one's whole life"


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Re: Update...Summer's over
« Reply #5 on: August 31, 2008, 08:40:26 AM »
::picturing Izzy sandwiched between Doug and Bob... wearing a red parka::

You also have a stocking cap, with built in earmuffs, and large fuzzy ball, perched atop.

Where do you plan to go shopping?  Or do you mail order and return?



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Re: Update...Summer's over
« Reply #6 on: August 31, 2008, 04:01:20 PM »
Dear Light:

I do not understand your update. But I enjoy so much hearing about you. Although I do not understand it, it lets me know that you are doing fine and your children are doing fine.

That is good enough.

God bless you so much!

I would be so sad if I do not hear from you.

The news from Dr G really made me sad.

I hope that we develop any kind os system to stay in touch with each other just in case.

Love to you!


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Re: Update...Summer's over
« Reply #7 on: September 01, 2008, 12:09:13 PM »
Lupita:  My children are adjusting well and that's the main focus of my life right now. 

As for this board's future....... I hope whatever happens that something good, and lasting, will come from it.

No doubt there will be ideas for keeping in touch.

I feel hopeful about this (and imagine this board could be the beginning, not the end, of positive things.)



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Re: Update...Summer's over
« Reply #8 on: September 07, 2008, 12:05:38 AM »
Hi Lighter-

Sounds like such a fun time- and the fresh pizza dough is such a good idea. Still feels like summer here.

I didn't think anyone did cakewalks any more...What did Crazy Cake and Eggs in the Sky look like, and what did you use to paint them with? Did you get a cake? I would love a coconut cake right about now... You are such a good mom!

Love From Your Friend,



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Re: Update...Summer's over
« Reply #9 on: September 07, 2008, 12:09:45 AM »
Hi Izz...

How about ordering stuff online?

I love doing that. So decadent.

I can't do it much anymore but it's quite amazing the deals one can find.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Update...Summer's over
« Reply #10 on: September 07, 2008, 12:44:36 AM »

Unfortunately, I have never had the pleasure of drinking beer, but did come across a copule of extremely funny beer songs in a movie I checked out from the library and jotted them down for you Miss Izzy- "You Can Count on Beer" and "Beer Drinking Christians"- I found them almost pathologically funny!!!!

Love To All,



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Re: Update...Summer's over
« Reply #11 on: September 07, 2008, 09:32:50 AM »

We iced the cakes in skyblue homeade buttercream frosting and had white buttercream and canned yellow on hand..... a bit of confettie and black sprinkles rounded out our palet.

That's how we came up  with our cakes.  My youngest dalloped the white icing, cloudlike, then put yellow circles in each.  FRIED EGGS IN THE SKY was the picture it created. 

I made a bee with black sugar sprinkles and yellow icing, thus, SKYBEE was born and rounded out with some white clouds to float among.

My oldest just went crazy with the white and yellow icings then crazy with the confetti sprinkles then titled it CRAZY CAKE very appropriately, IMO.

We've been doing some painting on the lanai.  The girls are using actual canvases, which I intend to hang in our home.  Lots more of that planned with fall's cool on the way.

How about an update from you?



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Re: Update...Summer's over
« Reply #12 on: September 10, 2008, 06:01:04 PM »
Hello My Friend Lighter-

The cake decorating and painting sounds so fun and absorbing!!! I got a strange urge to do some sketches in watercolor pencils- sketched a friend's two dogs, Tina and Rio, and I enjoyed the efforts quite a lot. I like the forgiving nature of the watercolor pencils, which can be blended, erased, wet, etc for different effects and are readily portable. I did the backgrounds in a sort of turquisey- greeny wash. This is first downtimw that I have had in quite a while and everything seems compelling and fun...




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Re: Update...Summer's over
« Reply #13 on: September 16, 2008, 06:17:59 PM »
Hey Changing:

I don't get to the board much lately but so glad to read you're painting.

Never used water color pencils..... I like to draw in pencil but haven't done it in many years.

Very nice to see you posting.

Hope you're doing well.



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Re: Update...Summer's over
« Reply #14 on: September 22, 2008, 04:35:15 AM »
Hi Friend Lighter-

I am doing better, thanks so much to you and Our Izzy. I still get sickened and numb occassionally, but have accepted the fact that holding onto my original plans until the divorce was finalized, etc was not a viable option, so I have let go a bit and am not punishing and denying myself as much. Thank you for being there for me when I became desperate...I owe you!
Have a warm and happy fall- you deserve it!
Oh, and try the watercolor pencils- they are so versatile and fun!

Love to You and the Babies!!!!
