Dear Sun
I think you ask an important question , a crucial one.
I have to face the truth about my past. Alice Miller calls it,"Know your history"
It is a painful path filled with grief, like a death.
I am doing that now. I am having the emotional memories that I repressed come back and I am feeling what I felt as a child, hopelessness and despair.
Once I face my history, I will understand my life. Then, I can understand my parent's life, I think.
They had to be abused, too.
HOWEVER, I can understand ,but not put myself in a position to be hurt by them,again. This might consist of NC or contact with a big stick.
It took me a lifetime to realize that I had to get a stick and beat down all the N's with it. It just IS, with N's. They only understand force, not kindness.
I have no idea what life would be like with other types of parents. With my GM, I never had to be "strong". She was kind to me. I had this with other extended family,but with my M,F, and H, I had to get that stick and whack it until they realized I meant business. Now, they do.
It is sad,but it worked.
I wish I had good news.
Life with N's is sad, beyond belief. I know you know that all too well. Ami