Author Topic: Interesting Development in Fantasy Land  (Read 899 times)


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Interesting Development in Fantasy Land
« on: September 03, 2008, 08:48:43 PM »

A Narcissist is always looking for attention. Basically he hates himself so in return he hates anyone who professes to love him. “Who would love the arrogant jerk I am”, he says to himself. It’s the same as saying ‘I wouldn’t attend any party I was invited to”.
When Victor has been ‘found out’, to have these abusive outbursts, he then knows that someone is on to him and he begins to hate and abuse that person for knowing his dysfunction.
With Sabrina she fawned all over him, knew nothing of his abuse and admired everything about him. This was all new but I did notice his controlling nature creep a bit into their relationship before she died. She will always be his lost love, because she never saw the faulty Victor.
Outside business people would never be subjected to his abuse, so wouldn’t know ‘what goes on behind closed doors’.
Now Adam knows Victor has begun the abuse that he never showed at the beginning. It is only when someone had a mind of his own that the abuse and controlling begins. Adam began to use his own mind.
What Nikki ought to have done was spin on her heel, saying ”Well stay here and rot then, you abusive pig!” and leave without any of that groveling. That’s the only way to handle those outbursts, then cut off all communication. It is more difficult for children though, little ones. Adult children can put No Contact into effect as well, but little children are not yet wise enough to see through his mask.
Because Nikki is co-dependant, Victor has always returned to her as he knows she with soothe his damaged ego from another failed marriage!
This time? I hope not!


Posted by: DianeR
Date posted: Wed Sep 3 15:21:25 2008
1.) Victor never ABUSED anyone.  What ARE you smoki'n?
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2,).. maybe not physically. I wouldn't want any man talking to my mother the way he talks to Nikki. I mean this is TV so it's ok, but do you think TGVN would get away with his treatment of people IRL? No he would be dead by now.

3.) Everything Victor does to Nikki she brings on herself...kerravon

4.) I hate when people say 'she brought it on herself' - as an emt, I see a lot in real life where the woman says 'I upset him so he hit me'. Abuse is abuse.

5.) Does locking people in his dungeon count?

6.) I don't think Victor has ever hit a woman.

7.) Since this storyline I've seen Victor grab Nikki by the arm trwice. The first time she actually bent her knees and said ''You're hurting me'' That is not abuse? Does blood have to be drawn?

8.) Emotional abuse is SO evident, I think the writers are into it in real life and know no other way!

9.) Mental abuse is as hurtful and has as long lasting scars as physical abuse.

10.) Victor's first wife Julia talked to her doctor about her husband beating her. That is the first time we saw Victor Newman. Not only was he physicially abusive to Julia he has verbally and emotionally abused his family. I am hoping that he has now realized how he has treated people.

I think only the original post and #6 arenot clued in to emotional abuse!! OK It's only a Soap Opera, but this shows how responses came in.
"The joy of love lasts such a short time, but the pain of love lasts one's whole life"