Hiya again, changing,

Thank you for your lovely message and I didn’t realize what a help I had been to you. Many of things, I learned with on-the-job training, and didn’t have a name for what I was doing. Over 10 years later from my first job, I needed another in a different city, and wondered if my talents were needed….I thought. ‘I ought to take typing and bookkeeping, just in case.’ So I signed up at Business College.
First time at bookkeeping, I realized I had been doing that for 4 years, double entry bookkeeping, and didn’t know it (I was 17-21 and naïve….straight off the farm) I kept up with typing though , then I got a job, right down my payroll alley and stopped the typing, as I didn’t need to be at 90-150 wpm
So don’t be embarrassed about needing knowledge on these things…Hell I needed to know what they were called!!!!! Lighter is a great help. I agree!!
AH! A change in school: will this give you a job as a Law clerk or some such? The therapy courses must be wonderful for you, and I suspect you were in bad shape for the past year. You sound so much more well now.
Fun Fun Fun! To Izzify? What else might I tell you? *thinking* (Came back and nothing new yet, because I forgot to think.)
Thank you for the voice lesson advice. I can well imagine that no one would take me on. I am like a bull moose who sings at Johnny Cash’s range.
So sorry Bagworm is still in the picture in whatever way. I am now so happy I never married. (Wait until I get to my cleaning gal.)
I see the dentist every 6 months for a cleaning, and I began using straight baking soda to brush not regularly, as that would ‘burn’ the gums, but I sometimes have a sore crack at the corner of my mouth if I don’t rinse properly, but………Dentist said. ‘Izzy! What have you been doing? There’s nothing to clean!” I told him, and my cleaning sessions are so much less trouble now.
Now I will say that I really dislike going to the dentist. I asked them to bear with me, make an appointment for every 6 months, and then send me a notice, because otherwise I wouldn’t make one--- I let it go for 3 years once….. I’m ashamed to say….that was after my daughter married her N.
And yes, Doctor-wise, all is well and I wonder if the periods of SOB (shortness of breath) have to do with allergies/asthma? I never had that, but people who live here will often develop it, and I felt a little SOB with all the dust the cleaning gal scattered around. She did too….with her asthma.
Twila, 28, brings all her own supplies, has tattoos, belly button, nose and other piercing, knows about dope etc, has General Anxiety Disorder and is OC ( a bit) She cleaned like I used to….everything in sight! I was thrilled to see her start in the bathroom and attack the tiles around the tub (haven’t been done in 6 years, as I don’t shower, but I smoke.) The bathroom just sparkles, and she left all the lights on so she could look in every time she passed. I found it fascinating to look at too. A BATHROOM? She said it wasn’t really dirty…no place she found in her 4 hours was very dirty, but with her ability to tackle the job, it looks so nice. We understood everything the other was saying. How wonderful!
She wasn’t afraid of the computer cords, as all my other cleaners have been, and when she came to the dining room and removed the chandelier globes to a sink of hot, soapy water, she replaced the 2 burnt out bulbs, let the globes dry after rinsed in hot water (as I would have done) and when I turned on the lights after it was all together, I laughed and clapped my hands as though the chandelier was a mess of Xmas light. (That job was the only one I had to remind her of, as it was ‘over her head’ (I god

. The chandelier is over my head too, but further.)
When she came in she thought far less than the 4 hours I allowed, but it was 3 ¾ hrs. I still gave her Cash, as requested, under the table, $100.00. She is applying for Employment Insurance and I don’t mind paying in cash. She lifted the TV and my Comp tower while I dusted underneath. She has a swiffer. I’m going to get one!
She says she sees no point in getting married since ½ the marriages end in divorce and I agreed with her. We talked about prescription drugs, as she saw mine and took some similar. She said I can call her for an hour (only me) as she liked me as soon as she turned a corridor corner and saw me, as I said, “Sheesh! You make a lot of noise!” (I went out, because I forgot, over the intercom, to tell her to come thru the fire doors. Some people have stopped there and gone back)
I better shut up and watch Y&R that was taped today because she was here.
Keep well, changing. You sound good and sound like you are on top. I love it!