Author Topic: International Library Day~~~fun, fun~~~ and more  (Read 4257 times)


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International Library Day~~~fun, fun~~~ and more
« on: September 06, 2008, 07:09:19 PM »
The more you read
The more you know
The more you know
The smarter you grow
The smarter you grow
The stronger your voice
When speaking your mind
Or making your choice

That was hanging in the Library today and I think it is a marvelous, short piece of work that tells all of us here about our trials and successes.

The 3 week borrowing period, I renewed, was up today, as I had purchased 'East of Eden' and have but about 50 pages left. How close I was!

As I was propelling with a bit of a struggle up the car ramp to the Library, a young man behind me just passed me by, but a lovely young girl driving her car to the Drop Boxes came to help just as I crested the ramp to the level part, but she still wanted to help. Her name is Meagan and appears like the type of person that I had wished to be when I was young. (Smiling, friendly, helpful, kind, sparkly, a breath of fresh air whereever I went in this gray world of ours.)

Just inside the door another girl helped me put my returns down the chute....something I can do...but...and a nice man held the elevator for me. Upstairs I chose 5 books as usual, and used the elevator down. Since a young child, with her mother, was ahead of me and special things were happening for children, a young man opened up another checkout for me, and as I left is when I spoke with two of the welcoming committere at the door. I spoke of the above poem and we couldn't remember the exact wording, so the gal went back and took a picture with her camera and we straightened out the words.

It was a bit of a rainy sprinkling day, not steady at all, but my wheels picked up some yellow blossoms from the sidewalks. I saw 2 scruffy young guys playing some kind of a game with a 'rolled up pair of socks?' ad I asked if the game had a name. (They had stopped for me to pass through.) They told me, and I have forgotten, as both gave different but close answers, and on I went.

Of course I was homebound and it made me think.

Who has the knowledge about me to tell me to spend $6,000.00 on a power chair?

I see my doctor on Monday and will ask, but he is just a GP.  The therapist told me I needed one as my shoulders would give out before I do. Is this an accurate assessment of me without tests, x-rays?"  (I thought of how I saw people in golf carts, and using remote controls as lazy and ungrateful) I have lightened up now on THEM, but in a power chair I would see myself as lazy. I see my GP on Monday.

It's one year since I broke my leg, Sept 4.07, and today was the first day I've seen it looking so well after ther 12:00 noon hour, and now at 4:00 there is still no more swelling, so I suppose it's over, and my leg is just a 'coversation piece' instead of a deformity.

I emailed my sister and have owed her one since Aug14. That is good......for me to not immediately respond to her.

EDIT IN] I have yet to take my cell phone out on a trip with me.  How strange am I?

So this was just a little cheery day for me and I felt like sharing some things, just for the Hell of it!

Best to all
« Last Edit: September 06, 2008, 09:40:51 PM by Izzy_*now* »
"The joy of love lasts such a short time, but the pain of love lasts one's whole life"


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Re: International Library Day~~~fun, fun~~~ and more
« Reply #1 on: September 06, 2008, 11:45:44 PM »
Hello Strangely Fantastic Izzy-

The news about your leg is wonderful- you have been through a great deal this last year, and a happy milestone must be most welcome.


I have been going through an intensive library phase of my own and loved to read your description of the people and things that you encounter there in your own branch ( I do like the tree allusion). There is so much poetry and imagery percolating through you, as evidenced by your writing- your sweet, creative and kicky side is predominating, it seems...

I have not read East of Eden, but have checked the video out of the library recently. Liked the movie and the performances and story- Steinbeck always weaves a magic tapestry of seemingly simple threads, dramatic narrative, symbolism , and nature, with locale as a major character. I have been immersing myself in movies lately ( for free) as I have not had to study anything seriously for the first time in a great while.

The libraries in my immediate area vary a great deal as far as their ambiance and routine inhabitants. One library branch has vaguely pleasant but ineffectual librarians, another slovenly and outright rude ones, another is the picture of brisk efficiency in all of its aspects. The patrons vary in most part from wacked-out vagrants to unsupervised children to frenzied teens to boomers in tennis shoes and shorts. Some young mothers and tots, rarely some professionals.

It has been unrelievedly hot here, and shade trees at our libraries are often few and far between. The facilities are air conditioned after a fashion, and many times there are no empty seats  inside ( though at any rate I almost never spend anytime at the library reading or using the computers any more) Do you think that the dodgy economy and high unemployment rate are the dominant factors in this, or the changing demographics, or both? Or perhaps there is a library Renaissance in the making?

I like the image of the yellow blossoms clinging to the wheels of your chair, creating a living part of the local landscape. I have read and heard that one's tools or vehicles becomes converted in "the map of the brain" into an extension of one's self...According to this theory, borne out by brain studies, the mind "feels" the raking end of a rakes and the bumper of a car, and the wheels of a bicycle, etc as a physical extension of the self...It seems like your are experiencing the world as a less hostile place now.

Sorry about the outrageous cost of a "lazy" chair...I cannot wrap my tiny brain around the idea that your doctor's indication that you need the contraption comes with no help forthcoming in purchasing one. What the ....!?!?!?! With all of the stupid and even harmful governmental schemes that tax monies are used to implement, one would think that a basic need for a deserving member of society would be a given... Hope something works out for you Deer.

Thank you for the splendid post, and Happy International Library Day!

Cheers to Cheery Izzy,



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Re: International Library Day~~~fun, fun~~~ and more
« Reply #2 on: September 06, 2008, 11:54:06 PM »

Oh darn, Iz...

I'm still reading E of E.  I'm just at the point where Adam is coming our of his depression.  "You're getting well," Samuel said.  "Some people think it's an insult to the glory of their sickness to get well.  But the time poultice is no respecter of glories.  Everyone gets well if he waits around.    

I'm not sure everyone gets well, but Samuel was for sure a sage.

So are you.



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Re: International Library Day~~~fun, fun~~~ and more
« Reply #3 on: September 07, 2008, 12:58:03 AM »
Izzy and TT-

thanks to your intriguing references in your posts, I must get a copy of East of Eden...Thank you for sharing this.




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Re: International Library Day~~~fun, fun~~~ and more
« Reply #4 on: September 07, 2008, 03:37:09 AM »
hiya changing and TT

Well for sure, Samuel was a sage. He had a way about him that could seem to hurt no person when he spoke or offered advice. I liked the fist fight he and Adam had just to knock sense into Adam. A friendly set of fisticuffs! AND Lee was also a wise soul and a very good friend.
I think it is a terrific piece of literature and am so interested in the farming aspect that fits so well into my young life--such as, doubletree, stone boat, the sandy useless land, the buckboard, the buggy...that because of our isolation were used well longer than would have been necessary in a community world.
Yes, I wish I had known Samuel. TT

My library group, changing, did not have E of E available so I bought it. Yes, the people at my Library, from when I began using it have been nothing but nice people. I just cannot picture anything less.

Now if you are going to watch the video, you will not be able to relish Steinbeck's writing. In his book it is about half way through that the movie people begin There was a 4 hour special made quite some yearsa go and it covered from the book's beginning and the same, the middle of that one was about the beginning of the 2 hour movie. It really bears reading to understand fully, the psychology of all the characters. Steinbeck writes himself as one of Samuel's sons and says very little about that aspect. This was my first read, I so much was familiar to me.

My world is definitely a less hostile place. I just needed the toxic people out of it and allow me to live out who I am, with NO critcism or taunting. It took so long to learn who was toxic to me and to understand that they would never be a 'friend'....and those are my siblings, right under my nose, all these years!

Yes, the psychology iin the book is quite insightful as to sibling reltionships. I was intrigued

Correction on you! The doctor has not yet said I need a power chair: I see him Monday and ask him why some little runt therapist can insist I need one when she hasn't even checked my shoulders! (Not to worry. I have the $$$.)

Should I require one, I think it ought to be kept within the family (that would be my daughter) for someone who might need it after I'm gone. To sell a $6,000 chair is to realize about $1500. My mother had a 'toilet chair',on casters, a hole and a place to slip in the potty. She suggested I take it when she was found to have to stay in hospital until death, but I didn't use it. It came in handy though for my daughter, in winter, with only the outhouse to use. Although to suggest it ne kept in case someone needs it is depressing for those left behind.

It is 12:33 am Sunday, so I am off to bed.

I watched a movie"The Usual Suspects". I saw it first less than a week ago and was so intrigued I wanted to see it again. When it was over, I checked in here,

Thanks gals, for your visits  and kind words.

"The joy of love lasts such a short time, but the pain of love lasts one's whole life"


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Re: International Library Day~~~fun, fun~~~ and more
« Reply #5 on: September 07, 2008, 12:41:18 PM »
Hey Iz,

I love to read although I had slowed down and usually buy the books.  I do enjoy the library and Borders store even more.  I have a son who hates to read.  I will read the book he has to just to make sure he knows what he is reading.  He is 13 and I think, God, I have to read this and sometimes, shhh him, and wind up crying from the end of the book.   

So now we have been hearing from him about the girls in school 14 who was into this series and all they did was talk about an annoyed..disgusted...they think the character is so romantic..yuk..jealous mode.     My friends D who's is 16 talked about it too.  My D came home (who is turning 24) and said she has to read it because all the people she works with talk about it (some are in their 30's).  Around June, the last of the series came out and my friends daughter went to borders where they  had a party and at 12:oo am the last book of the series was released.  500 people showed up..all ages....  The book is in the young readers section and I just had to get this book to see what the big hoopla is about.

The book is about a family of vampires (good) who are mixing in with the regular people, going to high school, and don't want to say to much first I thought what am I reading !!!! and then....HOOKED!!!

What is so nice is that I actually am having conversation with all ages about this book our viewpoints..our feelings..what is going to maybe happen next...and it is so enjoyable to be able to discuss with my d, her friends, my friends D, her's not a scary book....and as my daughter's alot about loving someone...he happens to be dead..but...very romantic character....

So if anyone would like to share this book with a young reader..teen..or me the old bag....I would recommend this series...

It's by Stephenie Meyer and the first book is Twilight....if you read with your teen...or even older..younger ...14 or will be amazed at the conversation you have about this book with them....The movie is also coming out I believe in November...but the book..the conversations..were so much fun between myself and the Adults/teen/20's/40's  to all share our thoughts....
Fun, fun, fun..and we all connected...on a all aged book club....girls only..I am having such a good time with  them all.  Mother D,aunt, teen..all able to discuss..and either be that age (17) or go back and think..of when you were 17 and how you would have felt and how your teen now is feeling about this book...I can't say how much fun it is to share with them...connet with them...on such a fun level...think back to your first time love...and truly...just have a good time with them..see how they feel about the character....and when they talk about getting butterflies in their stomach from reading about the characters....
It is very enjoyable for me to talk with them and the excitement about..yet..the next be read..the anticipation...



I am so happy that your leg is better and just a story now...I think you should also get that chair...and...I am awaiting you writing your own Novel...your life story...your I can sit and share/read with my D..once again....our book club....

I do enjoy your reads on here about your family, growing up, and get captivated into your I can see the farm..maybe what your mother would be wearing at the kitchen have the talents Izzy....I wish you would really go for it.

I broke my glasses so I can't see what I am typing that good..Hope this didn't come out crazy..



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Re: International Library Day~~~fun, fun~~~ and more
« Reply #6 on: September 07, 2008, 08:57:38 PM »
hiya Deb

How Interesting about the book Series and being hooked--I love to be hooked on something--and also one that youngsters enjoy.

As I recall at that age, I read a book, the words, that is, and failed understand what some of the stories meant. Well Shakespeare I was into then, but younger it was fairy tales--though cannot remember if I thought that was real life or not---likely no because I wasn't a Fairy Princess.

I found E of E so interesting because of the character development that fits in with what we here on the board might be trying to understand and/or move forward from.

I'm just on a break between Parts 1&2 of E of E movie and am so surprised at the difference in the screenplay. When I read a book I like to apply my own image of the character and Raymond Massey is no Adam Trask! When Abra was introduced in the book I had totally forgotten about her in the movie. EDIT] Missee Lee velly velly much.

My favourites to borrow are General Fiction and Mystery/Suspense. I can become so lost in those stories, I have to thiink twice as to where I live.---and that's the truth.

A book club would be good for me.

« Last Edit: September 07, 2008, 11:00:21 PM by Izzy_*now* »
"The joy of love lasts such a short time, but the pain of love lasts one's whole life"


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Re: International Library Day~~~fun, fun~~~ and more
« Reply #7 on: September 10, 2008, 05:48:09 PM »
Hello Izzy-

Hope get things went well with your doctor yesterday.

As to East of Eden, I will read the actual book. The library system here facilitates ordering books or videos/cds from any branch, and having them delivered to the local branch, so there is a vast array of available items. I have already seen the cd, and I loved the kinetic action of the scene with James Dean swinging and rushing up to the camera as he said "I'm not my brother's keeper", as well as the nuanced acting of the hardend yet pathetically hopeful mother. Of course the book will be a revelation!

The changes in your new world and world view are stupendous. It took a lot of hard work and fortitude, but seems well worth it. So many things hold one back from eliminationg the toxic- pity, shame, convention, habit, fear, comfort.

Love You,



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Re: International Library Day~~~fun, fun~~~ and more
« Reply #8 on: September 11, 2008, 05:40:46 PM »
Hi changing,

I read all your posts the other day, and have been slow in response.

The Dr. went well as it was a she, replacing him.... vacation. She said my heart and lungs are fine and the Shortness of Breath period is a mystery. All else was well and she even gave me a prescription regarding my sinus problem.

I hope you enjoy E of E book. I did feel a special connection with the 'farming' on the ranch(es).

I appreciated all your posts and they were fun, which I like. I hope I never stop having fun.

How is school and home, reading and movie-watching going? I like mine, plus I picked up a mess of work at the Office yesterday.

The cleaning woman coming at 5:30 today called and changed to 1:00 tomorrow. I said it was Okay but I forgot had to make a bank deposit, but I suppose Monday will be all right. Haven't had anyone in for about 2 years.

'Once in a while' things, though needed/wanted, throw me off!

doing laundry now


« Last Edit: September 11, 2008, 05:42:35 PM by Izzy_*now* »
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Re: International Library Day~~~fun, fun~~~ and more
« Reply #9 on: September 12, 2008, 07:07:05 PM »
Hello Dear Friend-

Thank you for your sweet reply...I want to tell you that you have been a profound influence for the good- I was embarrassed at my neediness in begging for your help, especially in regard to my filing (what a dope I am)- I was overwhelmed with my back to a corner! Your help has really changed things- Perhaps it was the N trauma and my conditioning, but I failed to see what I could do with the ingredients at hand, and your example shed new light on old staterooms. Lighter helped so much as well, so often propping me up when I was at a precipice.

I love my Izzyfied surroundings, love my new movie obssession, and the new filing system is a true pleasure ( sounds like I need to get out more, doesn't it!) I feel so honored to know you, it is a great gift!

Thank you for asking about what I am doing-I have had to change my original plans regarding school because of all the legal wackiness going on at present, though I am taking Criminal Procedure , adaptive martial arts ( a special program for disabilities- each person gets an individual program designed around their specific strengths and weaknesses- the instructor is wonderful and very strict), pool therapy and land therapy- I am feeling so much better.  And so much fun!!! My physical being really suffered this past year, and I can't let that happen again. Fun is essential, as you have said. I cannot allow myself to be starved for fun any longer!!!!

The divorce is still dragging on, though Bagworm stops progress at every point. At least the court is aware now of his recalcitrance and dishonesty. I have been getting dental work done, etc. instead of waiting for the divorce to come through-  I really abused myself and want to start over again, refashioning my goals and lifestyle. Your generosity and smarts have really helped me with this!

I am glad that the doctor's visit went well. As to the shortness of breath, perhaps you could take up singing? There is a series of vocal exercises for opera singers that really provides a breathing tune up and they do a lot for general health as well- it is said that opera singers are notoriously long-lived as a result (no, not Maria Callas) A voice teacher can come to your home ( so you would have a visitor , and he could be a cutie as well- providing some incentive to hit those high notes spot on!!!) could use your keyboard, and then record your exercises, and you could practice every day with the recordings!!! As a bonus, it could prove to be a nice treat for the neighbors (especially if you took up tuba playing on the side!!!!)

Hmm- what songs would you sing???? Johnny Cash of course, you have mentioned that you love his work- something soulful and transcendant. How about Carmen's song about the nature of love La La La La La La La La La- yes, you would be quite good with that ( do you speak French?) Do you like Moon River? I think there's a part of you in that song as well...

I hope you and your family are well and having fun!!! Today I have When Harry Met Sally, There Will Be Blood, and  Shine slated to view. Hope you had a lovely day and all went well with the cleaning.

Love To My Deer,



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Re: International Library Day~~~fun, fun~~~ and more
« Reply #10 on: September 12, 2008, 10:20:05 PM »
Hiya again, changing,  :lol:

Thank you for your lovely message and I didn’t realize what a help I had been to you. Many of things, I learned with on-the-job training, and didn’t have a name for what I was doing.  Over 10 years later from my first job, I needed another in a different city, and wondered if my talents were needed….I thought. ‘I ought to take typing and bookkeeping, just in case.’ So I signed up at Business College.

First time at bookkeeping, I realized I had been doing that for 4 years, double entry bookkeeping, and didn’t know it (I was 17-21 and naïve….straight off the farm) I kept up with typing though , then I got a job, right down my payroll alley and stopped the typing, as I didn’t need to be at 90-150 wpm

So don’t be embarrassed about needing knowledge on these things…Hell I needed to know what they were called!!!!! Lighter is a great help. I agree!!

AH! A change in school: will this give you a job as a Law clerk or some such? The therapy courses must be wonderful for you, and I suspect you were in bad shape for the past year. You sound so much more well now.

Fun Fun Fun! To Izzify? What else might I tell you? *thinking* (Came back and nothing new yet, because I forgot to think.)

Thank you for the voice lesson advice. I can well imagine that no one would take me on. I am like a bull moose who sings at Johnny Cash’s range.

So sorry Bagworm is still in the picture in whatever way. I am now so happy I never married. (Wait until I get to my cleaning gal.)

I see the dentist every 6 months for a cleaning, and I began using straight baking soda to brush not regularly, as that would ‘burn’ the gums, but I sometimes have a sore crack at the corner of my mouth if I don’t rinse properly, but………Dentist said. ‘Izzy! What have you been doing? There’s nothing to clean!” I told him, and my cleaning sessions are so much less trouble now.

Now I will say that I really dislike going to the dentist. I asked them to bear with me, make an appointment for every 6 months, and then send me a notice, because otherwise I wouldn’t make one--- I let it go for 3 years once….. I’m ashamed to say….that was after my daughter married her N.

And yes, Doctor-wise, all is well and I wonder if the periods of SOB (shortness of breath) have to do with allergies/asthma? I never had that, but people who live here will often develop it, and I felt a little SOB with all the dust the cleaning gal scattered around. She did too….with her asthma.

Twila, 28, brings all her own supplies, has tattoos, belly button, nose and other piercing, knows about dope etc, has General Anxiety Disorder and is OC ( a bit) She cleaned like I used to….everything in sight! I was thrilled to see her start in the bathroom and attack the tiles around the tub (haven’t been done in 6 years, as I don’t shower, but I smoke.) The bathroom just sparkles, and she left all the lights on so she could look in every time she passed. I found it fascinating to look at too. A BATHROOM?  She said it wasn’t really dirty…no place she found in her 4 hours was very dirty, but with her ability to tackle the job, it looks so nice. We understood everything the other was saying. How wonderful!

She wasn’t afraid of the computer cords, as all my other cleaners have been, and when she came to the dining room and removed the chandelier globes to a sink of hot, soapy water, she replaced the 2 burnt out bulbs, let the globes dry after rinsed in hot water (as I would have done) and when I turned on the lights after it was all together, I laughed and clapped my hands as though the chandelier was a mess of Xmas light. (That job was the only one I had to remind her of, as it was ‘over her head’ (I god  :lol:. The chandelier is over my head too, but further.)

When she came in she thought far less than the 4 hours I allowed, but it was 3 ¾ hrs. I still gave her Cash, as requested, under the table, $100.00. She is applying for Employment Insurance and I don’t mind paying in cash. She lifted the TV and my Comp tower while I dusted underneath. She has a swiffer. I’m going to get one!

She says she sees no point in getting married since ½ the marriages end in divorce and I agreed with her. We talked about prescription drugs, as she saw mine and took some similar. She said I can call her for an hour (only me) as she liked me as soon as she turned a corridor corner and saw me, as I said, “Sheesh! You  make a lot of noise!” (I went out, because I forgot, over the intercom, to tell her to come thru the fire doors. Some people have stopped there and gone back)

I better shut up and watch Y&R that was taped today because she was here.

Keep well, changing. You sound good and sound like you are on top. I love it!

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Re: International Library Day~~~fun, fun~~~ and more
« Reply #11 on: September 12, 2008, 11:42:01 PM »
Well pOOp
There were 3 bulbs 'alive' and 2 'dead' when Twila arrived.

She did her work and put in the 3 good bulbs and two new ones.

I was tranfixed......................... I just had to take a picture.

OOps 1 bulb (old I hope) has already blown

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Re: International Library Day~~~fun, fun~~~ and more
« Reply #12 on: September 13, 2008, 02:03:16 AM »
Such a happy day to share. I love the library too.  Kindness is contagious and so good for the soul.
Great to hear better news about your leg.  :)

ox seasons


I wanted to tell you my daughter who is an avid reader, LOVED the Twilight book series.
She read all four? this summer.
 I hear teachers are reading them too and love it.
I should give it a try after all the excitement I keep hearing.

 ox seasons
« Last Edit: September 13, 2008, 02:07:50 AM by seasons »
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Re: International Library Day~~~fun, fun~~~ and more
« Reply #13 on: September 16, 2008, 06:12:00 PM »
The more you read

Who has the knowledge about me to tell me to spend $6,000.00 on a power chair?

Best to all

Izz:  My shoulders know enough to suggest you consider that 6K power chair.

 I couldn't move my right shoulder a while back.  Now I baby them both.

Word of advice:

Don't go putting heavy things into the back seat, or taking them out, if your in the front seat.

Be kind to all your joints..... how they're missed, when they've gone.


ps, thanks for sharing that lovely day.  I felt like I was with you for a while.


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Re: International Library Day~~~fun, fun~~~ and more
« Reply #14 on: September 16, 2008, 07:25:20 PM »
Awwwwwwwwwwww, Hi lighter,

I thought, that day, that someone was following me around, trying to catch up! <g>

Good words to remember about the joints. Think of all the people with bad knees and replaced hips.

Have you damaged yours doing all that gardening?

Well since my legs are 'gone' can't lose the arms, so will go a-looking.

Thnks Lighter

Take good care now
"The joy of love lasts such a short time, but the pain of love lasts one's whole life"