For so long I thought I was crazy...or stupid..........or bad...............or whatever thing my mom made me feel. It wasn't until I worked with her that I finally realized that SHE was the problem. I had some validation from some VERY credible people a few years back and that is what put the wind in my sails.............I was ok..I was just a victim of a narcissist parent. So as I am working through my journey, it is my goal to set people straight. When the counselor told my mom he thought I might have borderling personality (therefore validating HER......) I wrote him an email and told him of my dismay. Then I copied an article on victims of narcissism and sent that to him. My correspondence with him is over but I think I made my point.
Now this book is further validation and if anyone questions me, I will get the book and PROVE myself...............AND I will leave my job. Maybe when people can't believe I left, I will pull out the book. Anyway, the further I get from her the better I will feel. I KNOW it!