Hi all
Recent activities with my temporary Therapist, who I am seeing to validate all the results of my self-searching are paying off.
Thanks to James , too, for his insight to the dynamics of my family, who I have come to believe are still living with unresolved issues from childhood and from stress related illnesses. I doubt any of them (4 siblings) would understand if I were to try to explain, so I keep this between my daughter and me, which has brought about a better understanding of our relationship, and more honesty has been coming from each to the other.
I sent D a lengthy email with more information than before and hoped her answer would not contain any criticism or support of her Aunts and Uncles over my distressful upbringing. She answered with a lengthy mail and more understanding than before, as well as more information from her. She questioned a couple of things and I answered with another lengthy mail to comment on hers and to better explain where she questioned.
We spoke much of memories and each sent our own memories of the incident, proving that everyone’s perception is not the same. In fact I had mentioned an event and the disharmony surrounding it, but she said there had to be a gap in my writing, like I wasn’t telling all, so in return I mentioned that she was there and she answered with a ha ha The joke’s on me remark.
She can now see that after everything, her N-husband only added to my distress and now he has taken their second son from her, bought with a motorcycle, and now wants her to pay support for him,. She said Like Hell…as he owes her 3 years back support.
She misses her sons and has her daughter only part time because of her D’s boyfriend
She has a hypnotherapy business and can hypnotize herself….which I don’t understand but will take her word… as she “went inside’ and fixed her back pain, L4-5 degenerative discs and is now pain free. Next trip is into her eye.
She has a good life being a midwife, too, and bringing life into the world, but she has her sad issues too but she is strong and persistent like her mother and will learn to live with them, as we all have to learn to live with an unsolvable, or irreparable, issue in our lives.
Nothing is perfect, but I feel as though I have improved 100% from being here
Thanks everyone