I have been following this story for awhile now. They have been trying to catch him but he keeps slipping through the cracks.
I saw a show not too long ago that an undercover reporter got him to admit he was there with her on the beach that night, and that she went into seizures. He claimed he didn't know what to do, so he and a friend threw her into the ocean. There is some doubt as to whether or not she died before they threw her in the water.
All he had to do was call an ambulance when she went into seizures - instead, he threw her into the water.
He subsequently claimed that he made the whole story up to impress his "new friend" (the reporter). I have not heard whether or not they are going to take him to trial.
The reporter taped the conversation - it was awful to watch him as he described what happened that night, no remorse, laughing at times. Very much a predator.
I will see if I can find the link.
I hope you are feeling better soon.