Author Topic: heading to court with Nbrother  (Read 4409 times)


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Re: heading to court with Nbrother
« Reply #15 on: December 05, 2008, 07:10:08 AM »
... and do something to ground yourself - center yourself - within your body. Light stretching or a short walk, deep aware breathing.

This will help create a sense of calm within. I'll be checking back later; still working on the access problem from work. I think I know what it is - but only time will correct it. So, I take a moment to check for news at lunch, from home.

I SOOOOOOO hope that this is the end of this problem for you.
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Re: heading to court with Nbrother
« Reply #16 on: December 05, 2008, 07:53:29 AM »

Thoughts and prayers with you today.

Back Off Bug-A-Loo!

Gaining Strength

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Re: heading to court with Nbrother
« Reply #17 on: December 05, 2008, 06:13:09 PM »
Thought of you all morning.  Am anxious to hear something - anything from you about todays experience.  I so hope and pray that you emerge victorious - really, truly victorious.


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Re: heading to court with Nbrother
« Reply #18 on: December 05, 2008, 06:53:43 PM »
Whatever happened, Hops......

it's going to be OK.




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Re: heading to court with Nbrother
« Reply #19 on: December 06, 2008, 06:21:20 AM »
Oh Hops....

are you catching your breath? totally drained? or celebrating?

Are YOU OK? When you're ready to talk... it's soon enough.
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Re: heading to court with Nbrother
« Reply #20 on: December 06, 2008, 07:43:18 AM »
Hi Hopsy-wopsy, what happened? how did it go?
How are you feeling?

Hope that everything went favorable towards you.

Love to you.

God bless!!!!


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Re: heading to court with Nbrother
« Reply #21 on: December 06, 2008, 07:46:34 AM »
Hi dear dear people. I am sorry I didn't post last night, just wrecked-tired.

Gotta tell you, there's something about Muddy Amazons...

Long story way short (I'm exhausted, long day of work followed by 5 hours prep at night, at court all day, not enough sleep last night for the adrenalin. I'm heading out for wknd job in a few):
Brother was 3 hours late --driving, why didn't he leave earlier and come the night before I'll never know, my suspicion is he overslept (family trait)--but when the judge proposed a compromise--temporary conservator-- that would mean he could skip a hearing, he refused, so I was up anyway at 5:00 a.m., my atty's cranking out photocopies at 6 and my brother doesn't call until 8:30 to tell us he's 3 hours away -- and the hearing's at 9. !  So he didn't exactly start on the "good foot" w/the judge and we both spent thousands of unecessary $$$ ... OWWWW
We (the 3 attorneys--1 each plus guardian ad litem, my 4 witnesses, judge, brother, me) waded through 4 hours' testimony -- poring over paperwork and all the statements we'd already given them months ago -- once he finally got there. All the witnesses were perfect, my paperwork was organized and my atty said I did an excellent job ("and I'm not just saying that"). Judge got pissed at my brother a couple times and brother made several weird, irrational or off-putting remarks. He was disorganized, had no coherent evidence but innuendo (Judge kept saying, what evidence do you have, I see no evidence whatsoever of any misappropriation or these things you're hinting at), was a cross between evil and pitiful. He announced that he had moved to town as of today, would separate from his wife (and leave his "special needs:" daughter behind) to move into this house and take over everything.  !!!!  As of last night!
Judge sez: "You mean you plan to do that against your sister's wishes? How are you going to stay there when there is no more relationship between the two of you?" Brother says, welll no, I wouldn't force my way in but "that's what families do"... and it was so weird. I have no idea what he'll do but he may lurk a while. I felt absolutely backed up about him not having access to the house, by judge and lawyers. I hope he goes home. I don't know what he meant about his marriage but it was weird. Ultimately so very sad. But not my job -- I can't fix him.
As Gman & I took my atty to the garage we all sat in the car a while talking about it and my brother walked by. I blurted, I feel sorry for him, my atty said, "In that moment when I just saw him I briefly felt the same way, but please do not hesitate to call the police if he comes anywhere near you or even cruises past tonight."
In a nutshell for now, that was it. My brother is a tragic figure and an unsafe one who is tormented, paranoid, horrendously insecure-narcissistic and to me, vicious. I am an imperfect bookkeeper, and honorably burned out recovering exhausted caregiver. I am still to be her guardian and we'll have a temporary independent conservator (paralegal or book-keeper) for a few months and then the judge will make an order. I think we're to transfer the house in the meantime if brother will cooperate. No idea. But the judge kept smiling at me. Dunno if that means anything.
The whole ordeal has been a stupid sick waste of time and resources and my atty said my brother's lawyer signaled him in several nonverbal ways that his heart isn't in it, he can't bear his client. Judge was warm to me, brother's atty did not live up to his reputation and didn't badger me, my atty was unflappable, our elderly family friend (95) was so charming the lawyers all swooned, Mom's morning companion was her honest spitfire loving self, my notary friend was crystal clear about the POA and my church-neighbor friend was steady as a rock about my worrying over Ma that she's witnessed over the decade.
My brother is acting out a lifetime volcano of suppressed resentment and guilt and shame and envy he's projected onto me and he either can't or won't get help to see himself. Unless Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter count as help.
Gman (Gennulman) sat on a hard chair in the hallway All Day Long.

And then there were the angels of VESMB...surrounding the courthouse, beating silently against the windows with their wings.
I am one blessed human being.

with grateful love,
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."

Gaining Strength

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Re: heading to court with Nbrother
« Reply #22 on: December 06, 2008, 10:25:01 AM »
I am so deeply overjoyed!  So touched.  Have faith in the hope for justice again.  I know you have to go to work but this evening I hope you rest deeply - after you dance your toes off.


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Re: heading to court with Nbrother
« Reply #23 on: December 06, 2008, 11:02:16 AM »


I believe the process went through a huge improvment yesterday, Hops.  You sound strong of heart even in the face of physical exhaustion.  Way to go.  Just keep at it.   Rooting for you.



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Re: heading to court with Nbrother
« Reply #24 on: December 06, 2008, 11:19:09 AM »
Butt kicked.



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Re: heading to court with Nbrother
« Reply #25 on: December 06, 2008, 01:56:39 PM »
Wow, hops

This sounds so much, all in your favour, that is sounds that 'it is all over in your favour'!

I was so pleased to read your account of what transpired.

... and I can believe you are just "wrung right out"!

"The joy of love lasts such a short time, but the pain of love lasts one's whole life"


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Re: heading to court with Nbrother
« Reply #26 on: December 06, 2008, 08:08:48 PM »


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Re: heading to court with Nbrother
« Reply #27 on: December 06, 2008, 09:31:01 PM »
Hops...... I'm thinking the best part about yesterday......

 was that your brother's lies, and unfounded attempts to smear your character, were apparent to everyone.

But, he still has the right to continue inflicting emotional and financial trauma on you...... who knows when he'll leave you in peace? 

Maybe never.

The victory will come when he finally turns his attention away from you.

Have you spoken with your niece recently?  Her mother? 

Please be careful.



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Re: heading to court with Nbrother
« Reply #28 on: December 07, 2008, 12:11:49 AM »
I feel like we're all sitting in front of the fire in our PJs, big pillows all around, drinking hot chocolate, feeling completely secure in a circle of friendship. (Mud is allowed, his PJs have big feet in them.)

Thank you. Thank you.

And Lighter...sad thing is, but necessary...I am not contacting his wife or child right now. I do not want to until things are really resolved, and even then, I have no way of knowing if my conversation with either would be confidential. They've been  under his dominance for a long time, and I don't know how good/bad/volatile/peaceful things are in their home. I think my calling or writing them would possibly agitate their situation.

I think it's best for me just to abide. One day I am sure I will see my neice and nephews again -- they all know I love them. I do hope my SIL will be able to contact me too. But I need to keep my distance from them right now, for their sake as well as my own I think. They do live halfway across the country. And though my brother roams back and forth and is on the road a lot...I hope he's going home. And I hope he'll get help and not wind up a human ruin.

I thought also when he was walking away that he is one of the loneliest people I've ever seen. He has hurt and isolated himself so much.

It is quite painful not to be able to try to heal him by continuing to welcome him, in a way. But I am clear. He just went too far when he lied, slandered, and went after my kid. Boundary set. I didn't even look at him for four hours except once for 2 seconds.

(I read in a Narcissists in Court article that one way to deal w/them is simply never to look at them. The craving for attention is so huge that if you never look at them, they will be agitated and talk more and reveal more of themselves ... and he did. Due also to my lawyer's skill, and I think the awareness and intelligence of the other attorneys--even his, sadly--and the judge, that we were witnessing someone who's quite disturbed.)

Mud, do you still love the N in your life? That's painful. Isn't it.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: heading to court with Nbrother
« Reply #29 on: December 07, 2008, 07:27:39 AM »

Back Off Bug-A-Loo!