I believe in every individual the answer is a complex mix of genetics and learning...and that when we finally see a personality pattern that may be an inherited inclination, there is still no limit to the learning and wisdom we can acquire and apply to both our positive and negative sides.
I don't think we're perfectable, but I think we're always improvable.
And even the hard-core N, as in biting dog, who can't be let past our boundaries, can learn.
I was so struck by an interview Park Dietz had with "The Ice Man' (a serial hitman) and a moment when the Ice Man actually wondered aloud: I wonder what's wrong with me? It wasn't an urgent or painful question, it appeared, but more like the actual acceptance: I know there is something wrong with me. Fundamentally wrong. And I am curious about it.
Sounds so lame but I saw it as a leap. That he was curious. Someone like him will probably never grow a soul that's safe to be outside the walls, but he might grow inside some. Even separate from others, he can learn.