I found this board many years ago, probably close to its start date. It’s been about ten years since I got a diagnosis of NPD for my mother, which is when I started combing the Internet for information. After the board changed formats a few years ago, my post count was reset and I now show as a newbie. Most of you will probably consider me a newbie anyway, as I rarely post here. I mostly come here to read, but have also gone through a few lengthy absences. Life gets busy, things happen, and when my N mother isn’t tormenting me, there isn’t a need to come here.
BUT, I always end up here on Christmas day, the absolute worst day of the year for me. It’s been a painful day for me for as long as I can remember, and now, eight years after completely detaching myself from my N mother, she still finds ways to get to me on the day when she knows I’m most vulnerable.
So, here I am, seeing this post for the first time.
Dr G, if you need to close the board for personal reasons, I respect and understand your decision. I do want to thank you for creating this board in the first place, as it has helped me more than I can say. Before I found this place, no one (including several therapists) believed the stories I told about my mother. Coming here and reading about identical experiences, finding answers, and learning of ways to cope . . . well, I could never put a price on that.
That said, if the costs associated with maintaining the board is a driving issue, I too would be willing to make a contribution to keep it going. When my mother is on the attack, I’ve always known that I could come here for help. I know that I would feel a bit lost without having this board here.
I’m rambling, but let me just say thank you to everyone here for your words of wisdom, your encouragement, and the stories you’ve chosen to share. I hope this board will continue on, but if not, well, THANK YOU.