I sent him this e-mail.
Dear W,
I have been giving it a lot of thought and I will be honored if you are my friend. I miss very much my life of going out on my own. I cannot continue with the kind of relationship that you want.
You are a wonderful person and you deserve a woman that will devote her life to you. I am not that kind. I have too much going on in my life.
We can continue with all the wonderful activities that we have developed, in fact, I would enjoy very much that. But it has to be kept strictly that, a friendship. I cannot see you every single day.
I really miss my life going out with other people, and dancing, and not devoting all my free time to one only person.
If you still want, I would love to help you with the salsa classes and go kayaking, Powerpoint, Spanish lessons, trip to Mexico, etc. But I have to be free as I was before.
Please, be my friend. I love you as that. As a wonderful friend and as the wonderful person that you are.
Please, respect my wishes and leave me alone for a few weeks. We can talk in a few weeks. I need to be alone for now.
A bad arrangement is always better than a good fight.
With love,
I do not know why, but I feel fearful.