I'll be quick and blunt or I won't get it all out:
I have just faced more honestly how serious Gennulman's alcoholism is.
I was in denial for some time because he is SO sweet, kind, nurturing, supportive, lovely and wonderful.*
(*unlike most of the previous men I've been involved with, he's EAGER to be involved back, to be close, to build something...)
Our Christmas day together was the happiest I've felt in years. SO many things in common and that I like to do with him.
His loyalty and support during my whole crisis about my brother was staggering to me. He was REALLY there for me in ways that made a huge difference in my life.
He's delightful.
I'm attracted to him (not sleeping with him...I told him I am very slow on purpose and he's never made me unhappy about it.)
Last night, at a party at a friend's, he drank too much. He was just a little sloppy--nothing offensive and I'm not sure others noticed. But I did. He was slurring his words on the way home. (I drive.)
That is the 3rd time in the 6 months I've been seeing him that he's been that inebriated around me. Often, when I first see him, I sense he's already been drinking, and every evening we spend together, he pours multiple glasses of wine. One day he called him drunk at 5:30 pm. He tops off my winglass when we're together, too, though I've told him I'd prefer he didn't as I'd like to limit my intake to 1 or 2 glasses and when it's just "topped off" I can become unaware. I do not like to overdrink and I don't like "protecting the supply". To be SURE we always have some ready to uncork.
So here I am, happier in companionship than I've been in ages...and there's this dark cloud.
I talked to him about it briefly, gently. He wasn't defensive but didn't know what I'd noticed. When I said he'd been slurring his words a look of great pain crossed his face. I asked if noone else had ever told him they were concerned about his drinking and he said yes, in previous relationships, he'd been asked not to drink so much. But he doesn't talk about it more directly than that, so far.
The simplest and most sensible advice is to not go any further, turn this quickly to "just friendship". I can do that. Ow ow ow.
One hard thing is that many of my friends and church mates have met him and they ALL think he is a lovely, wonderful person. Virtually without exception they're pained at the idea I wouldn't let it go forward. They want me to be happy. They have seen him so happy with him.
And they're right.
I have not been involved with someone who's so kind, decent, caring. (The nudie bar thing...I made my peace with it. It's in his past, I think it was great loneliness and social awkwardness he fell into, and he was a sort of geeky guy. Still is, but it's someting that disarms me.)
So I will probably have to give up the remarriage, build a new life together notion. I haven't been obsessing about a future together, but I've started to think about it some. The present has been pretty wonderful.
I welcome all your thoughts, any of them, blunt or anything. I feel as though I need some help with this.
The idea of taking care of someone new exhausts me. I feel a little selfish. I don't want to deal with it!
But I do care for him very much and he's made me very happy. He is a GOOD man.
love, and thank you,