Author Topic: ZeitGeist--  (Read 1921 times)


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« on: January 01, 2009, 11:20:39 PM »
I found these (each 2 hours) movie on google very thought provoking.
...just my newly found true interest in 'truth', that I find mind boggling at times, but I sit alone with these.

Has anyone watched one or both?

"The joy of love lasts such a short time, but the pain of love lasts one's whole life"


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Re: ZeitGeist--
« Reply #1 on: January 04, 2009, 08:52:55 AM »
I watched 10 minutes of the first and had to stop, Izz.
I can't hold so much anguish.

What is the final point they make?

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: ZeitGeist--
« Reply #2 on: January 04, 2009, 03:30:46 PM »
Hi Hops,

I posted these as  ‘food for thought’ and hoped to have some opinions  (My note at the bottom as well.) on the (basically) 3 topics.
1.) Christianity
2.) 9-11 an inside job
3.) the Federal reserve bank (is privately owned) and the Nation’s debt

Regarding the Sun, in a school learning way, we know its value, that it orbits the earth once a year (once every 365¼days) and that it has often been the object of worship.
The Sun/ Son, the stars (constellations, signs of the zodiac, the ages, with the age of aquarius upcoming), the universe, the Zodiac layout, ancient Egyptian writings
… that long before the birth of Jesus, there were 6-7 other births recorded of being virgin births, on Dec 25th  , the star in the east and 3 Kings.

..pointed  out that the Star is there and further behind 3 more stars (called the 3 kings) always in line with following the Sun.

That Moses , the teacher, was also preceded by four ‘like’ men (teachers)


9-11 was an inside job and was planned well in advance because of the thermite (from) bombs that had been strategically placed there to have the building pancake into collapse. Engineers are interviewed and comparisons made with other planned demolitions (legal). Bin Laden was never proved to be directly involved as Bush was intent on saying.  A CNN news crew went to Osama and interviewed him in June/01 --interviewer was killed shortly thereafter, Bill Cooper. The Gov’t never did get Bin Laden, and have but one video of ‘him’ which is obviously a set-up. Flight #93 never did crash in Shanksville Pa, as there was no debris nor bodies. (The tail markings that identify an airplane) Flight #93 was spotted on the tarmac in Chicago in 2002-3. It was shown that the (Todd) Beamer book, ‘Let’s Roll’ was just that, a book and people were leaving it be, “Let Lisa have her day”. A 5th plane was to have crashed near Camp David, MD, which could have been #93 according to reports, but #93 was never scheduled to fly that day nor was flight #11 and are both considered “available”.

Plenty more..

… the Federal Reserve bank that is not a Government Institution but privately owned.. and the incidents that have led to 3 wars in order  to garner more profits for those at the top of the pyramid, Rockefellers, J.P. Morgans,  etc.
---sinking of the Lusitania opening WWI for the USA to become involved (prior warning)
---Bombing of Pearl Harbour  to bring USA into WWII (prior warning)
---(I forget…Gulf of Tonken lie?) yes  to bring the USA into the Vietnamese War which was never to be won, just sustained.
--9-11 to have USA go to war over Oil Iraq/Iran etc. (prior warning)

(As a child, I recall adults making remarks resembling, "Did you ever notice that when the economy is a mess that a war breaks out?")

How these money makers control everything, as interest and inflation and loaning trillions of dollars to fund a War makes them even richer and the country more in debt
(Borrow $1.00 at interest and you are now in debt…borrow Trillions of dollars at Interest and you are forever in debt…just look at a mortgage on your home--how all one is paying is interest and so little principal that it takes forever to own a home. Pay CASH for a home and you owe no one. My personal experience opened my eyes when I bought my first home and saw the mortgage agreement. I paid it off in cash in 4 years… way was anyone ‘stealing my money in interest. but then I became a mortgage broker and loaned $29,000 to a friend at going rate of interest. He and his wife paid me $350.00 /mo for 3 years, ($12,600) mortgage was due and I received a cheque from them for $28,000 +, as basically they were paying only interest for 3 years. ) Think of this in trillions and  also that education has been on a down spiral as Gov’t doesn’t want their people to THINK!

Plenty more….

What you will please keep in mind is that all my life I believed others ‘in authority’ over my own instincts…..or did I have any instincts/ gut reactions.??????…………but have ALWAYS been open for a discussion on various issues to listen to others’ opinions.


(Anyone willing to watch and comment to a Canadian atheist/agnostic/whatever?)

Edit] Bible words..."I will be with you until the end of the world". Apparently world was originally 'aeon' meaning 'age'  Meaning? That the World will NOT end?
« Last Edit: January 04, 2009, 03:41:23 PM by Izzy_*now* »
"The joy of love lasts such a short time, but the pain of love lasts one's whole life"