Author Topic: From my meditation guidance group. Very interesting.  (Read 1092 times)


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From my meditation guidance group. Very interesting.
« on: January 04, 2009, 07:26:39 PM »
If you had to pick a theme of growth for 2008, what would it be?  What did you most need to learn?

What changes have you made that let you know you got the lesson?

What one thing are you still beatingyourself up about?  Are you ready to do what it takes to put an end tothis hurtful behavior?  Okay, then.  What do you need to do right nowto get started?

What did you accomplish last year that madeyou feel good about yourself and how did you celebrate?  If you didn'tcelebrate, what will you do this week?

How was 2008 perfect for you?  Whathappened, good or bad, that forced you to wake up and see your life withclarity and truth?

Finally, as you think back over the last year, take some time tothink about the people who influenced your growth - the ones who hurt you and the ones who supported you - and, in your own private way, thank them for their contribution to your life. 

A Mighty Fine 2009!

  This year is dedicated to your Extreme Self Care and I'll be challenging you to raise the bar on how you make choices, how you interact with others, and how you honor your precious time and energy.  It won't be easy, but it will be worth your while - I can promise you that.

To that end, I invite you to look through the followinglist of rules for those you'd like to adopt in 2009.  Think of usingthese guidelines as a way of putting in place a little"self-care insurance" right at the start.

 Rule #1 - Remember who's in charge of your life.

Don't be seduced by the false belief that you have no choice about how youspend your time or energy.  You always have choices. They may be tough choices, like saying no to something you'd really like to doso your schedule isn't overbooked, or letting a friend down when you need toback out of a commitment, but don't confuse tough choices with havingno choice at all.  You're the boss.

Rule #2 - Be gentle with yourself.  When you feelstuck, afraid, confused, or frustrated by what's happening or not happening inyour life, don't succumb to the outdated belief that a "good kick in thebutt" will get you moving in the right direction. Trust me.  If butt-kicking worked, we'd all be thin, healthy, andrich :).  Instead, choose to be gentle with yourself by asking someone wholoves you for help. 

Rule #3 - Risk upsetting others to keep peace withyourself.

Rule #4 - Make basic nourishment - sunlight, healthy food,daily movement, and soulful connections with others a top priority.  You'dbe surprised by how this one rule alone could dramatically alter yourwhole life in significant ways.

 Rule #5 - Be a good steward for your money.  Like it or not, the state of your financial health impacts every aspect of your life - either consciously or subconsciously.  Everything from where you work, where and how you live, how generous you are with yourself and others, or how well you sleep at night, are just some examples.  Think of these tough economic times as an invitation to step up your financial self-care.   

Rule #6 - Stop pretending things are okay when they'renot.  When you don't feel right about something in your life, trustyourself and your feelings and face the truth.  Then do something about it.

Rule #7 - Honor the people in your life by beinghonest.  Even when it's hard.

Rule #8 - Follow this simple and wise advice from LouiseHay:  "Do what makes you feel good."  Now, what if itwere really that simple?

 Happy New Year