thanks tt, Mo2 PR, Deb and seasons
I am almost but not quite as filled with pain as the beginnning. This object is likely the answer.
That one incision has been seeping for a week. With dressing changes finally something was trying to surface and felt hard to the nurse. now to find out what, but I hope it isn't an N. (I have bloodied up every sheet and towel, but for my very good ones.) (Christine comes today to clean, launder, shop.)
She is trying hard to reach MY surgeon and hopes today, for an X-ray and then.........the healing will begin! Should have been more like 2 weeks, not going on 4.
Store brought a trapeze but I tend to think it will be more in my way. Therapists are not always right.(The leg elevator on the chair didn't suit my long leg--not built for me.)
Funny the little things that can irritate me, They all know how to flip a switch UP, but not down. I'm always turning off lights.
Michelle changed cover on my chair cushion, did it backwards and ripped the zipper out of place. I figured out too late, when my wheel kept clanging on this "unknown object". Also built the dressing so high that I need a matching height on other side. Used a folding towel and puts the plastic pads on--must tucked or the annoyingly rub on wheels, clackety-clack, like cards on a bicycle wheel. All minor issues compared to the good and the reassurance they give me, but my nerves are taut~
I tremble, head, shoulders, arms hands, and don't know why. Over-exertion can be one, but when being still for2 hours, still feel it --even in my jaw.
{Before injury, I sent 2 of my songs back to Ontario for Barry to demo for me. He was trying to contact me and no answer, like after 4 calls, so found my landlady and then I called him when I was released from hospital. She let it slip the other day that he and Sue are going to be here on the 26th, as their eldest son lives here now! It was supposed to be a surprise, and I was wondering why he set aside his others to do I know hand-delivered.)
So sleepy. must lie down. I try to not, so can sleep at night. Never make it!
xx (((((((((((((((((ALLLLLLLLLLL)
That incision in pic.