hi all and thank you for thinking of me.
Last wed a.m. into Emergency, the same Ortho Surg removed all the hardware and rest reset all the bones.
This case was a meeting of the Ortho Surg'n's ,minds with no answers to go on. From what little I garbled out, no pan in lower leg, yet pain in upper leg does not mean bone density is the same. Who is to know? They tried and it failed, so all the hardware came out and a regular bone setting made.
The week on IV antibiotics and home.
Most people are nice but karma exists. I know. Sheena was a bossy little bi*ch. She tried to give me laxatives one night. Uh Uh! Not BEFORE bedtime I said so and she said to do as I was told, so I did. ....and so I did. Sheena had to healp clean me up and time is of the essence when I hit the buzzer. She and her co-nurse set to work and I said I don't know when I'm finished but if I say PAD! Then grab one, She wasn't listening, barking out orders to the other and I tried to used the words, "It's Time" and she just ignored me so Blam! She got it in the face. (Hospitals don't give much time to finish what you started, before they have to have their say.
I hope she always wonders if I did that on purpose or if "time is of the essence " is best to follow.
I have daily dressings at home now
....for a few days anyway ...then will pray that the anitbiotics have taken hold.
and it's the 28th of April
HB to IZ