Author Topic: The Pain! I need help  (Read 5293 times)


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The Pain! I need help
« on: April 20, 2009, 10:41:41 AM »
This is just a tad away from unbearable. 22 days post-op and the pain will not allow me to sleep

I'm researching pain meds ans T3/codeine is what I had, 60 tablets prescribed and used. (acetaminophen in that too.)
Too much acetominaphen, like over 5 days? is dangerous?

I sleep in shifts, about 3 x 2 hour ones and sitting is more bearable than lying down,

I feel sick
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Re: The Pain! I need help
« Reply #1 on: April 20, 2009, 10:57:53 AM »
Izzy...... I'm so sorry to hear things are dragging on, so painfully, without relief.

Maybe the doctor could prescribe something that's longer lasting?

12 hour release oxicontin or a different medication that more specifically helps your pain?

There are pain management specialists you can contact?

You shouldn't have to suffer like this, Izz.

It's harder to heal and function when you're up all night in agony, unable to sleep..... that's when the body repairs itself.


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Re: The Pain! I need help
« Reply #2 on: April 20, 2009, 11:25:04 AM »
My OT is in Pain Management, I left a message.

Acetaminophen causes three times as many cases of liver failure as all other drugs combined

This is scary: will check if Canada carries it!

What is OxyContin?
OxyContin (“Oxy” or “OC” on the street) is a time-released pain medication. It was developed in 1995 for people needing around-the-clock pain relief, so they don’t have to take pills as often. OxyContin contains oxycodone, which is an opioid drug, like morphine, codeine, heroin and methadone.

Oxycodone is the same opioid that’s in Percocet, Oxycocet and Endocet.

What’s the difference between Percocet and OxyContin?
Both Percocet and OxyContin relieve pain, but while Percocet gives relief for about five hours, the effects of OxyContin last for about 12 hours
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Re: The Pain! I need help
« Reply #3 on: April 20, 2009, 01:06:53 PM »
I hope your OT cares and is motivated to help you.

It's barbaric to leave you in such much pain.


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Re: The Pain! I need help
« Reply #4 on: April 20, 2009, 03:28:08 PM »
Hey Iz,

OxyContin has no Acetaminophen in it.  It is also substained (time released).  OxyCodone is pretty much like Percocet also with Acetaminophen.

I think if I am correct that is how it goes.

I wish you could get some comfort. You need to be able to get a full nights rest for healing.

I'm so sorry Izzy.



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Re: The Pain! I need help
« Reply #5 on: April 20, 2009, 03:43:20 PM »
Hi Iz,

I also found out that that Oxycotin should really only be given out for Cancer Patients and Severe Back (surgery). 


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Re: The Pain! I need help
« Reply #6 on: April 20, 2009, 04:11:35 PM »
My Internet has been down, but Michele called this a.m., will be here sometime today, asked me if I bled overnight and I had that thigh hip in the air, laying on my right side. I saw what looked like the shape of a rod trying to poke through. The Ortho Surgeon has left something inside my leg! Let's all say malpractice?

Gad For all I've read online, my case was not healing as the other online strangers. Michele is out looking for him, my lawyer comes today. Mary Jo came and took the leg lifter from the loaner wheelchair and left the regular footrest.

I've been feeling 'sick' like only food that tastes good is Oranges--big juicy seedless ones. Michele is also after more T3s--I thought the first 60 was the limit, but here I am in as much pain as before.

I tend to believe that relief is in sight!

Oh, when things like this arise, is just SO helps to have someone to talk to.

Love all
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Re: The Pain! I need help
« Reply #7 on: April 20, 2009, 04:41:14 PM »
Deb.... why would oxycontin be prescribed for cancer related and spinal injury pain, only?

Is it prescribed for bone cancer as well as other types?

I know I've seen it prescribed for knee surgery and c-sections, as well as cancer pain management.



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Re: The Pain! I need help
« Reply #8 on: April 20, 2009, 06:26:06 PM »
Lightning is not supposed to hit the same place twice.
I am so sorry for your pain!
If there was something I could do to help you, I would.
Will pray for God to give you the strenght to endure your difficult situation, and send all the help that you need.
Love you.


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Re: The Pain! I need help
« Reply #9 on: April 20, 2009, 08:26:17 PM »
Mof2 and Iz,

Oxycontin is sustained-release oxycodone. This means it is time released to help treat the pain for a longer period of time.  It is powerfully addictive. It was a high mg of sr oxycodone.  For example, percocet is only 5 mg oxycodone, 325 mg of acetaminophen. That would be one strength. It really is up to the md your seeing and the severity of the pain.  There are many other pain alternatives before using Oxycontin. It is usually recommended when needed for around-the-clock pain for an extended period of time, not usually for the use of pain if not being used for an extended period of time. It isnt only used for cancer releated and spine injuries, but that is most commonly what it is used for. Honestly, I would speak to your md if your still in pain because when your in pain, your in pain. And most certaintly share your concerns about the acetaminophen and the effects to your liver. Always feel free to alsk your md questions,thats what hes there for! :) Feel better!

That is the information that was passed on to me when I asked about Oxycontin. 



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Re: The Pain! I need help
« Reply #10 on: April 20, 2009, 08:50:07 PM »
thanks Lupita, Mo2
and Deb

No one saw this?
The Ortho Surgeon has left something inside my leg! Let's all say malpractice?

and I have my T3s Tylenol/codeine. The first Rx said no refills so I expected none, but different doctor and I have them.

My lawyer stopped in to meet me and we got along fine. He says I am charismatic and charming to be with---while I grab my knee and howl at the pain. It's in his hands now!

Without being crude, he "loves" the woman in a wheelchair is struck, putting her in a wheelchair irony. Me too!


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Re: The Pain! I need help
« Reply #11 on: April 20, 2009, 09:52:19 PM »

Dearest Iz,

I am so very sorry for the pain you're experiencing.  If it's any consolation, my mom took Darvocet for years and she lived to be 88 1/2.  She never abused it and usually 2 of the big pink pills kept her going for 24 hours.  Different people probably have different tolerances for the ingredients, but she did fine.

I'm late posting because at first, I read the subject of your thread as, 'The paint, I need help'.  I don't know much about painting, so I didn't post.

Unrelenting body pain is such a drag and just pulls you down in every way.  I hope that by the time you read this, you have found relief.   

Much love,


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Re: The Pain! I need help
« Reply #12 on: April 21, 2009, 09:46:57 AM »
It sounds like you're on your way to more surgery, Izz.

So sorry but I pray everything starts healing very soon.



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Re: The Pain! I need help
« Reply #13 on: April 21, 2009, 09:59:29 AM »
Izzy, help me out here...

are you saying it looks like a pin or steel rod used to stabilize your leg is trying to poke through the skin???! That might be more likely than they left something behind... I wonder if something came loose?

Can you get in to see your MD or surgeon about this? Once you get some pain relief and sleep?
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Re: The Pain! I need help
« Reply #14 on: April 21, 2009, 12:56:03 PM »

Sorry Izzy for all your going through.

I can't believe the surgeon left something in your leg!!! Unbelievable, how much can one person be put through?

Sending thoughts of pain relief and answers for your returned health.    seasons ox
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Maya Angelou