I have wasted too many years trying to love people that wouldn't or couldn't love me back
I can so identify with this singular thought. I have spent my whole life trying to get people I love to love me back...but they simply don't....and never will. The challenge is in giving up that hope, that wish that you will be loved back. In my personal case, the challenge is also in accepting that when I understand these people won't love me back, dealing with the loneliness and emptiness of being alone without anyone.
I also find myself being angry not only with my NM who was incapable of caring about me.....but also with my very co-dependent dad, who is not N, who has witnessed firsthand the cruelty of the N, and refused to do nothing except to enable and support my Nmom. I can't excuse away his behavior to a personality disorder like N.
This weekend I am revisiting all this betrayal and neglect. Once again, my Nmom chose to spend the entire Mother's Day weekend with my Nsis. I had expected she would, just as she does every holiday, every weekend, every vacation, etc,....it still strikes a painful chord. It is another reminder that she cares nothing about me and never will.
I've begun to accept, too, that the one brother I thought was "healthy" and exempt from the effects of N, has shown has true colors. He is not cruel or N in nature, but he is selfish. He makes no effort to have a relationship with me or spend time with me. All he cares about is his own family (wife and child). I've done everything for them and my niece...and when, on a whim, I decided to not be the one to take the initiative to see how long it would be before I'd get a phone call, you can imagine what happened. I'm still waiting for that phone call a year and a half later.
So yes, I totally understand the sadness that comes with waiting and hoping that one day those you love will love you back...that they will demonstrate compassion, empathy and support...like other families do. But it won't happen.
Now I have to figure out how to live a life with no one to turn to....It's hard.
For those of you who have your own children, hope you have a wonderful Mother's Day...and hope you can relish the love and care you receive form them and now dwell on the deserved love and care you never received from your Nmothers, fathers or partners.