Bones - you make a great point. I remember my mother trying to squish my talent as a teen. I was a competitive tennis player and one summer some family friend had a teenaged boy visiting and I was asked to play tennis with him. My mother lectured me before hand to "not win." It sounds innocuous as I write it but it ate at me to the core like acid on my heart. Looking back at my life I see a pattern of taking up interests that were also my father's and time and time again he would completely drop his participation. I did not notice until many years had passed. But it was very painful.
Now as a parent I would only be joyful if my son became interested in something that I loved. My father on the other hand dropped it completely.
Here is a prayer that was posted on an EFT forum. I have rearranged the order of some of the line and changed the voice from 3rd person to 1st person. But I post it here because it is helping me counter that voice that shouts in my unconscious, "Don't you DARE outshine ME!"
Mandela’s Prayer (revised)
My Greatest Fear is not that I am inadequate. (Eye Brow)
My deepest fear is that I am powerful beyond measure. (Side Eye)
It is my light not my darkness that most frightens me. (Under Eye)
I was born to make manifest the glory of God within me. (Under nose)
There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around me. (Chin)
My playing small doesn’t serve the world. (collar bone)
I am a child of God. (under arm)
My mother excoriates, “Who are you to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous?” (head)
Actually, who am I not to be? (Eye Brow)
It is not just in some of us, (Side of Eye)
it is in every one, (Under Eye)
And as I let my own light shine, (Under Nose)
I unconsciously give other people Permission (chin)
to do the same. (collarbone)
As I am liberated from my own fear, (Under arm)
My presence automatically liberates others. (Head)