Author Topic: Voiceless AGAIN?!  (Read 11294 times)


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Re: Voiceless AGAIN?!
« Reply #15 on: June 01, 2009, 11:59:04 PM »
Great idea, TT...

They're called geriatric care managers.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Voiceless AGAIN?!
« Reply #16 on: June 02, 2009, 07:33:34 AM »
Well, here's the rub - I don't CARE about my mother any more.  She can go..... (etc).  I just don't CARE.  Something I said to the social worker (I've known her for years) : "Anyone would think that I GIVE a stuff! As far as I'm concerned my mother ruined my life - why should I CARE anyway?".  They seem to think I'm some kind of doting daughter being misled by misplaced loyalty or 'love' (whatever that might be).  I LOATHE the woman - she's given nothing to me the whole of my adult life. My choices have always been 'stay close to your mother and get damaged by her' or 'stand up for the truth and get rejected and ostracised by the world at large'.  Mostly I've chosen to keep out of her way and not HAVE to stand up for the truth.  My husband was stunned by her behaviour (after years of just hearing my side of various conversations on the phone) when we visited her.  He had NO idea it was so bad!!!

I watched a documentary about teenagers and eating disorders once.  I saw how bad this girl's family was for her.  They treated her like an irritation and a nuisance instead of with proper attention and respect.  It was far from a healing environment.  And yet the place where she had been treated as a resident sent her home with the message that compliance with parents meant she was getting better - I could only see a quick deterioration ahead. It was the last place where she could continue to recover.  These 'nice' parents who 'only had their daughter's interests at heart'. How could the professionals be so blind?  (If any has seen the Ken Loach film, Family Life, they'll get the general idea!]

ALL I've tried to do in recent times is 'the right thing' by her - she's alone, nobody else is around to look out for her and she's VULNERABLE.  

But it seems that ALL I can think about now is myself.  [So that's something else to stoke the flames with (guilt, inappropriateness)]. I've experienced so much anger and belittling from people because I have tried to represent my mother honestly and fairly.  All I want to do is PROVE that I'm right, to right my world, to stop people humiliating me and damaging me.  And I'm trying to get that under control.  It's pointless, I am so unimportant in all this.  I'm just a little cog and the more I fight, the more the wheels will grind against me.  I had a dream about it - it likened my situation to One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.  Try to buck the system and the system will destroy you - however crazy and unfair and 'wrong'.  People want to destroy what they don't understand.

I'll add that the meeting which started all this in January was supposed to be an 'end of life' discussion - but we didn't have that discussion - I found myself under attack - I didn't even have a context for what went on in that meeting.  i gathered my mother had been labelled as 'manipulative' from day one and that was it as far as they were concerned.  Oooh - as I wrote that I felt such rage, such impotent rage, such speechless, important rage.  Sick bi***es.  

The Mental Health Assessor - all contemptous and hissy - had asked what it was I wanted to achieve and, after some thought, I said I wanted peace of mind for her.  I'd never met him before but obviously (in retrospect) the care home had set him up to disbelieve anything I said.  I felt attacked - I could hardly speak my mouth was so dry! He expressed anger ('It makes my blood boil') when I said that the possibiilty of autism being the source of my mother's challenging behaviour had come from my son's paediatrician.  I said 'if he knew the amount of pain there was in families, he'd know her suggestion was a gift'.  I know I managed to turn him around - he was 'mellowed' by some of the things I said.  I can only assume that, if the social worker completely dropped me, they will all be throwing their lot in with each other.  I just don't know which way to turn - who will be our 'saviour'!!  Where's the way 'in'?  Who's got the key?

My conclusion is that nobody will open the door while I'm in this insane state!!!!!

Me, me, me.  Pay attention to ME.  I am credible - stop discrediting me.  Stop pushing me out.  Aaagh! (Goes tumbling down the stairs)

OK you win - I'm such a nutjob now that I'll discredit myself if I so much as open my mouth!!!!! You WIN!

But it isn't just pride - it's my 'sanity' that's at stake.  If you 'prove' I'm wrong (even tho I know I'm right), then all that I've built up in recent years will have crumbled.  I WILL have to end up (the destiny I have fought so hard against) in a mental hospital or dead. :cry:

Look : autism (not the really obvious 'traditional' kind) is something which is of the variety 'now you see it, now you don't'.  Mothers are often accused of Munchausen's if they try to get a diagnosis for their children. When autism was first being recognised, mothers were blamed for it (it 'must be' because they are cold and unfeeling).  I was ready for that in relation to my son.  There are support groups for parents - and forums.  

But I didn't expect to get it from a care home and from mental health professionals working with adults.  I had taken 'Aspergers-in-my-life' for granted.  It was part of my life.  I just accepted it.  I went to conferences.  I'd take a certificated University course.  I'm well regarded within the system - especially by people with autism because I understand things from THEIR point of view.  I KNOW how hard it is for them - we make it as hard for them as they make it hard for us.

But, of course, I'm one on my own in my current circumstances.  There may be a handful of us around the country - but Aspergers wasn't even know when my mother was born.  Elderly people just don't 'have' autism.  Mental health workers don't have the knowledge or experience to recognise it.  And yet - like so many teachers - claim to be all-knowing about their area of 'expertise'.  

What really stopped the mental health worker in his tracks (OK so this was cleverly manpulative of ME) : I turned to my husband and said 'do you mind if I talk about you'  and then went on to describe my situation in relation to my WHOLE family.  He was also 'impressed' by the fact I'd been in therapy (der?).  So by the time we ended the meeting, I was so credible in his eyes that I had to produce (was the only person qualified to do so, he said) this d*** communication care plan.  So the care home could act out their own (passive) aggression on me.  "We're not cooperating. Just try to make us. Nyah, nyah."

It's simply childish.


It's all my own fault.  Nobody would have expected me to break in the way I did.  They tell me my mother's dying and I go to a meeting to discuss her dying wishes - nobody said 'oh we've decided she's alright now'.  Nobody took care around someone who just might be feeling fragile.  (Wouldn't anyone be fragile dealing with a dying parent??).   I must look very very tough and strong.  I was happy and attractive and slimmed down last year, my year of freedom and new starts.  All I see now is someone who looks fat and ill and pale and ugly and plain and dull.

Do you mind if I have another scream....Aaaaaaaggghgghghghghhghghghghhghghghghghghghghhgh!

« Last Edit: June 02, 2009, 07:51:25 AM by rosencrantz »
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Re: Voiceless AGAIN?!
« Reply #17 on: June 02, 2009, 07:41:49 AM »
Thanks for your suggestion about a geriatric care manager - I've read of someone's experiences with that on a blog.  We don't have anything like that in the UK.  Things work in a different way.  Tried all the elderly organisations - most services are carried out by volunteers or unqualified helpers.  The priority is physical care - they tick the boxes to say 'fed and clean, taking medication' and that's supposed to be it.
« Last Edit: June 13, 2009, 11:21:47 AM by rosencrantz »
"No matter how enmeshed a commander becomes in the elaboration of his own
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Re: Voiceless AGAIN?!
« Reply #18 on: June 02, 2009, 08:16:26 AM »
Jeez - I've only just finished writing and I'm back again.

Prompted by my mother's hysterical call to my husband yesterday (I don't let her have my telephone number), I emailed the social worker and she replies by telling me that my mother is (fine, of course) and now walking a few yards down the corridor and last week actually went down to the hairdresser.  

Actually thereby proving that she's a lot better off without me.

(Still doesn't take into account the fact that she's now on tablets to stop her anxiety so there's actually time for people to communicate with her before panic takes over and she loses it and refuses to engage.)

I'm sobbing away, I hate her for her betrayal if it really is all a con.  I'm trying to be totally honest about my feelings in the hope I can uncover enough layers to get hold of what's happening and start acting 'normal' again.  But I'm actually totally confused.  I'm in some kind of 'child' state.  And I just can't get my 'dignified' (adult) brain working.  

She did it without me.  Or is it the care home did it 'with' me.  If it wasn't for me forcing my mother to communicate with the nurses and vice versa, she wouldn't be on the tablets to stop the anxiety.  I sacrificed my relationship with her so they could all come together.  That's good, isn't it.  But i find myself sobbing 'What about me?'  The care home isn't about to thank me or admit that I did anything helpful.  Nor how much pain they caused me.

And if she's finally succeeding, then there's no reason to take her away as it would only be to make life easier for me (always a dangerous thing to do with elderly people anyway)

I could scream at her anyway because when I phoned for a brief couple of minutes the other day she was so obviously 'putting it on' and all i know is that it means care staff will pay even less attention to discredited me.

BUT her hysterical call was about having misheard or misunderstood the social worker.  So that hasn't changed.

Oh dear - I really have lost all my marbles.  I'm the one who's likely to be hysterical if one more button gets pushed.

sorry guys - I know this is getting both too much and really boring
« Last Edit: June 02, 2009, 01:18:13 PM by rosencrantz »
"No matter how enmeshed a commander becomes in the elaboration of his own
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Re: Voiceless AGAIN?!
« Reply #19 on: June 02, 2009, 09:27:22 AM »
I sacrificed my relationship with her so they could all come together.  That's good, isn't it.

Yes. And it's better for you too.

But i find myself sobbing 'What about me?'  The care home isn't about to thank me or admit that I did anything helpful.

That's right. They're not.

Nor how much pain they caused me.

No, they won't admit or acknowledge that either. It's good that you know this.

They will not change for you.

The last 2 quotes above made me think, hmmmm, who's being projected onto the institution?

My D has big meltdowns and anxiety over school, professors, bosses, imperfect workplace rules, etc. It took me a long time to understand that she was projecting her unhealed FOO stuff onto the institutions (and especially the authority figures) she has to deal with in her life. It all gets played out there.

I was startled by how intensely personal your feelings about the care home are (they won't appreciate --thank-- me) and so that's what crossed my mind to say -- a care home is an institution, not a family.

You've perhaps slipped into projecting your very personal feelings about your parents onto them, so when the care home doesn't thank you, appreciate your heroic efforts, or show functional empathy for you or her ... the reason you feel so childish and out of control is you're making a care home your parent substitute? (Because if your mother is Asperger's you may have felt you missed out on a lot of affection, empathy, appreciation and acknowledgment from a parent, right? So when a school or a care home with their warm-and-caring talk is in your life, how natural that you might suddenly have a HUGELY personal fantasy about getting the responses you've craved all your life from THEM?)

I'm guessing, Rose...does it seem right to you?

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Voiceless AGAIN?!
« Reply #20 on: June 02, 2009, 11:21:16 AM »
Rose - sweetie - slow down!  :D

I know about needing PROOF. I BELIEVE YOU.
The reason I said I wanted to ask you more about Aspbergers' is because I do believe I've "been there", too. At least, the behaviors sound scarily similar! And as recently as a few weeks ago... and as far back as I can remember.

Deep breath now. I know the horrible feeling that if you say or do anything in a situation - you'll appear as the "crazy one". And the more panicked you are by that feeling - well, damn if you don't start to think that about yourself. YOU'RE NOT CRAZY. I BELIEVE YOU.

That self-doubt is waaaaaay familiar to me. As well as the frustration, outrage, and impotence of not being able to blame "them" for how they are without feeling you are being unfair. Well, those feelings are natural I think. I think we're allowed to feel them, even when the people aren't able to help it - when it's unintentional.

Please take a few minutes to allow yourself to experience calm and safety.

Close your eyes. Visualize a favorite, comfortable, happy place. Breathe in slowly, breathe out slowly. Look around you in this place... what do you see? hear? how does it smell? It's OK to stay here for a bit. You might feel that you've "got to get up and DO something right now" or that you've let yourself drift in this place for a very long time... but it's been only minutes. You are ALLOWED to take yourself to this place and rest. I'm asking you to PLEASE do this for yourself.

This is an exercise that my T told me to do 3 times a day, until I felt that I didn't need to anymore. Years later - I still need to do this from time to time, though it's changed and I can do this anywhere, anytime. The 3 times a day repetition though, lowered that feeling of panic in about a week; I started to sleep better, too. And don't you know? Lbrain started to function a bit better, too.

I also want you know that you're not alone in your experience with Aspberger's on this board, OK? my grandson's been diagnosed, I suspected it about his mom (my D)... and my brother surely fits the profile. My mom is still a question mark for me - and doesn't quite fit; her issues are a bit different. But I see in your descriptions - so much of what I've gone through repeatedly. And yes, in how you're feeling, too. IT WILL BE OK; EVERYTHING WILL BE ALL RIGHT.

Please, spend some time allowing yourself to rest. Think about this - not everyone will respond to you like she does; not everyone is trying control the situation and blame you or cover their ass. Believe it or not, they will eventually find out that you weren't making it all up - it does however, take time. I used to think that everyone was out to make me look mentally unstable, that everyone would react to me like my mom & brother did and I tried to overcompensate by being as unemotional and rational as I possibly could... but I was wrong. The only reason I ever had to tell someone about "what's really going on" was to reassure myself. Everyone else already SAW and KNEW.

And while I was so busy overcompensating - I wasn't taking care of my own physical, emotional, intellectual needs. In fact, I'd gotten to the point, I didn't really know what those needs WERE. I'd hate to see you get that bad off, Rose. It won't hurt for you to "take a day off" (maybe two days) from even thinking about all this - it'll still be there when you're more rested, a bit refreshed and maybe have had a chance to see things from a different perspective.

Success is never final, failure is never fatal.


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Re: Voiceless AGAIN?!
« Reply #21 on: June 02, 2009, 01:16:02 PM »
Please ignore the hysterical panic if you can.  Can't go yet! ;-)  I've just come back from a reflexology session - she's exceptional and I'm lucky to have found her.  She thinks I ought to let 'them' know just how badly I've been affected.  I recognise that I'm in quite a bad place.  It became obvious during the session - I have to wonder, often do, if I'm not on the 'Spectrum' myself.  Sometimes I wish I were - it would explain why the world reacts so badly to me and why I seem to be so naive in my dealings with people.  But I suspect overall...not.

BTW AS runs in the male gene although, in principle, it may miss a generation.  But I'm betting if a child has been diagnosed then the father and grandfather will have the same thing to some degree or other.   LOL  Joke coming up : if the wife is a basket case then the husband probably has AS. ;-)  That's my 'finger in the wind' test.  Actually, seriously, it makes you ill.  If a wife has  been married for more than a decade and has some kind of immune system disorder or debilitating illness...

I'm up for answering questions, sharing information. 

Is the care home my 'mother'?  Well, I do 'hear' myself when I refer to the care home and I know exactly what you mean.  And I couldn't say that there isn't truth in that.  I recognise my childhood coming up and smacking me in the face and I can't find a way out.  I refuse to humiliate myself by 'acting it out' which is why I'm here being hysterical instead of rampaging round the care home. ;-) (Oh and you described it all so beautifully! Hit the nail on the head perfectly.  I'll come back later and read that again just to remind myself.)  The thing is it's mixed up with current reality, too.  But I've 'lost it'.  It's like the past is a magnet and it's sucked me in because I finally wasn't strong enough to resist its power.

I continue to refer to the 'care home' because it's less challenging than making it personal and referring to the care home manager.  Some of the nurses have not behaved well but it's the care home manager who is 'out to destroy' the threat ie me.  I suppose even saying 'out to destroy' is madness.  She was angry but also two-faced and a liar. That's what I couldn't cope with.

I find it SO difficult to define this stuff.  I 'experience' it.  (That's where my husband was such a treasure - he and my son can always put words to what's going on - I struggle around it with my feelings and experience and they supply the words and that settles me and satisfies me and makes me feel safe.  And that's just what I don't have any more.)  The care home manager wanted to block me and stop me (just like the special needs coordinator at my son's school).  She thought that right was on her side.  I'm sure they all think that right is on their side.

She had felt attacked by me.  What I'd written was misinterpreted but also I have no doubt that it had offended her (nearly wrote 'their' again!) professional pride because some outsider (me) had been invited to write up this care plan - a relative no less and someone she already held in contempt - not that I had known that at the time.  Because they kept choosing not to communicate with me or answer my questions (oh yes - I've been well used by the social worker to 'make things happen' while she stayed with her own butter not melting!) there was a lot going on that I didn't know about. 

I was SO ashamed when I realised I'd done something so bad.  I'd written something that was so 'wrong'.  I keep saying it was misinterpreted and it was.  But that does't stop me being 'shriven' to my core.  It's a long time since I've had that kind of feeling. I'd set a match to a bomb and it went off!!!  And I have turned into a wailing, whinging child.  Wasn't my fault.  Can't be my fault.  eek eek eek.  Terror...terrorised...

But what that brings up for my mother's meltdowns.  People with Aspergers have meltdowns.  I must have set them off in her when I was a child.  I've seen more recently what happens to her.  Mostly I've just experienced it over the phone.  I actually can't take this any further right now.  Am exhausted.  I apologise for bringing so much distress onto the forum, I really do - but just grateful for being here and for people being willing to respond.  Very, very grateful.
"No matter how enmeshed a commander becomes in the elaboration of his own
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Re: Voiceless AGAIN?!
« Reply #22 on: June 02, 2009, 01:55:18 PM »
Dear Rose,
 Don't apologize for hurting. You were not  able to develop a  sense of identity b/c you had to take care of a mentally ill M.
 I am talking to myself ,too, Rose.
 You did not have the chance to develop the  adult self that a person with a good M did.
  You are reacting from your poor scared child.
  Keep writing. I want to hear it all.        Love    Ami

PS I got a DVD on Kundalini Yoga  from Amazon----Yoga House Calls. It has a meditation that says it can  heal core emotional pain . I have been doing it and feel much better. I can't explain it but wanted to present it to you for your consideration since you seem to embrace natural modalities.
« Last Edit: June 02, 2009, 02:02:09 PM by Ami »
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
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Re: Voiceless AGAIN?!
« Reply #23 on: June 02, 2009, 02:47:02 PM »
Heavens, no apologies for "bringing distress onto the forum"!!!

Lawsy, girl, what you think we're here for?

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Voiceless AGAIN?!
« Reply #24 on: June 02, 2009, 08:55:15 PM »
We're all glad the board's still here,(( Rose.))

Keep posting..... you're making a lot of sense.



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Re: Voiceless AGAIN?!
« Reply #25 on: June 06, 2009, 08:15:04 AM »
My poor reflexologist has to put up with me rabbiting on  - I lie on her couch and 'freefall'. I told her about how I was back here on the forum - hoping for that moment of insight by digging deep, exposing my soul, confessing the smallest emotional misdemeanour, shining a light into the furthest recesses - and I came to a sudden full stop in mid-flow with the conclusion that...actually...this wasn't about 'me' but about 'them'. 

My great distress is the result of other people behaving badly.  Even the strongest person will break.  My husband wouldn't break but he'd just not let them reach him in the first place - somehow he wouldn't get caught up in the 'game'.  He'd 'play' the game, and just do what they'd want of him but wouldn't go beyond that.  He wouldn't be attempting to help my mother in the way I have, so simply wouldn't be vulnerable to getting emotionally 'beaten up'.  He wouldn't throw his heart and soul into anything.  He'd use his intellectual capacity and that would be it.  No heart and soul to get mangled.  I regard it as his gift - even tho it has caused me pain as his wife (who expected so much more to evolve from the relationship!!)

But then I did find some more insight here - coming up to a complete full stop with the memory of my mother's meltdowns.  And connecting (intellectually at least) to the full horror of my 'moments of truth'.   That moment of horror in respect of the care home - the other being when my husband revealed himself to me, letting me know that he'd been 'hiding' so much from me throughout our 18+ years of marriage.  He's often said since then that he felt his revelation had been blown up out of all proportion.  But it 'blew up' my brain, my heart, my soul and drove me into a place of sheer horror and terror which can only have previously been experienced in early childhood.  I recognise these as feelings which have crept up on me in times of quiet.  I have tried to get hold of them, tried to run from them - whatever they were...It was about the full horror of knowing...what? the full extent of my mother's narcissism?? That I didn't exist for her, that I was invisible, that I didn't matter, that I was both victim and persecutor.  Annihilated myself, after having lit the touch paper to annihilate someone else.  ????

I have no idea what I am talking about but it seems to have some meaning.  It feels as tho a bomb went off in my brain, a fuse blew all the connections.  There is no-one to blame except my inability to process the full horror.

Reflexologist tells me that she senses some emotion keep trying to find its way out, that I shut it down before I'm even conscious of it.  And I wonder again if it relates to my father's death and not having properly grieved - but then...not properly grieved for all the burnt-out relationships.  The irony is that I forced myself to stick out my relationship with my husband when actually he was trying to get rid of me.  I just didn't recognise that feeling I wanted to escape was a result of how he was choosing to treat me!  I assumed it was my fear of creating a deeper relationship, my inability to stick something out.  Jeez!  I've been 'on the move' so often in my life - and that was OK when I was younger but I wanted to encourage myself to settle more and not be such a butterfly, albeit a serious and studious one!!  And it turned out to be such a mistake - my health has suffered so much.

I feel like someone who has been bashed and battered and left to die on the pavement, no strength left even to drag myself to any kind of shelter, open for passing folk to give me another kick or beating as they choose because it's so evident that I've no fight left in me.

I'm disinclined to feel sorry for myself but I could do with being given recognition for who I am, my gifts, my abilities - or at least stop having my failures held up to me every day.  But I find that I'm locked in to (business) relationships which treat me just as badly.  I left my husband, but I don't see any way out of these business relationships - I'm stuck with them because I don't have the strength to start all over again.  I don't have to start (marital) relationships all over again - but paying the bills begin to be a problem because I've been smacked down for so long.  I ask people to have more consideration and they just can't help the 'same old' behaviour - ignoring me, reneging on promises - passive-aggressive behaviour.  And perhaps I have some investment in them continuing to do so.  Or rather - I don't have the strength to put in place any changes which would prevent them doing so eg phoning, setting deadlines, phoning again.  And again, and again. 

I am aware that my 'best friend' deserted me at EXACTLY the same time as the 'crash' with the care home.  I think that possibly affected me more than I realised.  The one person who had come up to the plate when my cancer was diagnosed, the one person who actually seemed affected by the thought that I might die, the one person who made me feel 'normal' - I saw how she 'cared', how she did so many small things, how she just 'understood' -  and I realised that was how I 'cared' for my family.  They just didn't recognise it as such.  I have no idea what they really wanted - their autistic world is so different to miine.  She helped me 'escape' the nightmare.  But then began an undermining I hadn't noticed before - and then that grew to spectacular proportions - and all the time I'm being understanding and patient.  How destructive does one person have to be before I get the message??!

Jeez - I must be so exasperating to these passive aggressive people in my life - I must seem completely impervious to the messages they are trying to give me through their behaviour because I'm being narcissistic (in a generous way!) and thinking it must be 'all about me' instead of recognising it's 'all about them'!!!!!!  Triple 'der'!!!

But I have started to relax a little - I cancelled an appointment yesterday, following my intuition about what would be best for me, and relaxed into my exhaustion rather than instantly falling asleep as a result of exhaustion every time I sit down.  My mind is racing less.  My Reiki lady reminds me to think of my autistic son as happy, fulfilled and content, with a career niche and a lovely girl who will appreciate all he has to offer, as this will help fill me with loving feelings rather than fear and unwellness.  And it does.

"No matter how enmeshed a commander becomes in the elaboration of his own
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Re: Voiceless AGAIN?!
« Reply #26 on: June 06, 2009, 10:47:58 AM »
Dear Rose,
 What happened with your best friend deserting you?     Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
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Re: Voiceless AGAIN?!
« Reply #27 on: June 06, 2009, 01:13:14 PM »
She had money problems.  For years I tried to put business her way - she had skills I needed; I had money (my business/financial success was in part because she had given me the opportunity to help her with her own business venture.  Through 'helping' her, I had gained skills and confidence and a unique way of developing a different business venture when the opportunity came along.  I don't forget my 'roots'!)  But she chose to undermine my business by 'not doing' the jobs I put her way which were small but fundamental to my ability to make moneyl.  For two seasons somebody else's needs or interests were constantly more important.  I made no sales at all during those two seasons.  I allowed it to happen.  I didn't think I needed to set dates for work to be completed by as she knew inside out how my business works.  She finally said that although it must have been obvious, it hadn't occurred to her.  I believe her.  But it seems to me that it was dishonest - passive-aggressive behaviour that she wasn't aware of.  

There's some other stuff too complicated to explain - we'd known each other for over 20 years and we had marvelled at how our friendship had developed into something unbelievably strong and rich over that time and suddenly I was relegated into being associated entirely with something she was uncomfortable with and had chosen to become involved in.  She wasn't reading MY emails because I was associated with this other project - something I had not asked her to get involved with.  It was that 'horror/terror' all over again.  It was a terrible shock to realise she had done this - that our friendship was actually *that* unimportant.  I was devastated and she couldn't have given a toss.  I wrote simply that her actions had not been well received.

And then...she disappeared.  And it's odd because it's as tho she really did disappear.  I had the impression of 'not existing'....and yet it was as tho *she* no longer existed within my energy field.  She's often told me that she can do that - just completely drop a relationship when it's convenient.  She wrote briefly to tell me how she had been meeting up with various friends (?! - what makes me suddenly not counted or noticed as one of those friends being missed out, I wonder)  and the other day, after a two month silence, a very long email about everything she's been doing in between time.  Clearly she's been busy.  

I'm so sorry (sarcasm) I was such a drain that she needed to do all that without 'talking' to me.  

As if I care.

We used to email each other every day - twice a day or more!!  I never bothered about when or if I'd get a reply.  We just communicated as and when but it was often.  We communicated at the deepest level, about our emotions and relationships.

She avoided any mention of the rift between us.  It would have been better to say 'sorry I just dropped you but I needed to...' rather than regale me with her busy, busy life - She had recently moved to the area I moved to and had a social network already in place through family and friends.  She begged me to move here so we could have such fun going out together - girly friends.  I said it wasn't possible (didn't want to be dependent on her and still don't want to be) but a whole load of strange coincidences pointed me here before I knew this was the place she intended moving to.  She was upset because it took her a year longer to move here than she wanted to.  And once I moved she started putting me down - everything which gave me joy was something she wanted to disparage.  Disparage and sabotage.

It was getting harder and harder to value her and her friendship.

Perhaps she was doing exactly what my husband did.  I'm here with loyalty and they all just want to get rid of me and I just don't take the hint!!!  How humiliating.  So their behaviour gets worse and worse.  And I'm struggling to be good and take it on the chin!!!!!

On the other hand, my husband gets upset for me when I 'fall out' with people ie stand up for myself, because he says he's afraid there'll be noone left (ie if I stand up for myself, people will fall out with *me*).  It did occur to me that there's a huge world FULL of people out there.  And some of them must be decent human beings who are able to be honest.

The people in my life just want me to be honest so I can be blamed for the rift that THEY want.  Huh!

I guess that's the story in a nutshell.  I just have no desire to start communicating again.  (And that's totally unusual for me as I do just keep plugging away and forgiving and seeking understanding and preserving what we had.)

And somehow, that all got intertwined with what was happening with my mother.  It's not her fault but I'm angry with her and don't want to talk to her - but also feel sick to my boots at even thinking about the care home.  Perhaps I'm thinking (unreasonably) : 'why didn't she protect me from them'.  If she didn't behave so badly and unpredictably, then it wouldn't be so difficult for me to represent her interests.  She's not exactly a cuddly bunny,  more of a spiny porcupine.   But I'm the one supposed to be protecting her interests as she is now elderly and vulnerable, incapacitated and afraid.  (Well, I'm afraid, too, momma!  Not that that's ever been allowed for some reason.)

Anyway, back to my friend.  She no longer has money problems - it's been solved by an inheritance - it's come a little earlier than expected.  So, strangely, there are parallels with my mother's care home again.  I am unwanted, not needed, left hung in the air somehow.  I could heap more coals upon myself right now but...I'm not going to.  This was about how my gifts were received and trashed, not about some nasty ulterior intention of my own.  I gave gifts - not self-sacrificing ones but gifts which felt like they had positive, normal and adult transactions behind them.  

And they landed in dry earth, not fertile, receptive ground.  

That's all, really.  Just dry earth.  I experienced it as something much bigger, more massively painful, annihilating.
« Last Edit: June 13, 2009, 11:25:50 AM by rosencrantz »
"No matter how enmeshed a commander becomes in the elaboration of his own
thoughts, it is sometimes necessary to take the enemy into account" Sir Winston Churchill


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Re: Voiceless AGAIN?!
« Reply #28 on: June 06, 2009, 02:56:00 PM »
Wow Rose
 I think of my own life and how FOO patterns repeat in an almost effortless manner. I am in a new relationship and I hope the old demons do not come up to bite me in the" you know what "again.
 I am almost lifeless at the feet of FOO patterns b/c they are so powerful,insidious and subtle. They are hidden like energy waves until they come up and bite you and THEN they are huge.
 When they bite you, part of you knew ,all the way along, that they were there.     Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: Voiceless AGAIN?!
« Reply #29 on: June 06, 2009, 04:55:32 PM »
I think something else i'm finding difficult is that the set of people I work with no longer seem to need me or aren't interested in my input any more

But this evening I'm beginning to feel quite cheerful!  I've been answering some other posts and I've finally entered the land of Twitter and Audio Boo - found interesting people and new ideas.   I see how they work now.  I have spent hours on there.  Not very productive but in my head I'm interacting with people without being challenged or elbowed aside or dumped or dumped *on* (UK English-speak) or generally messed with or humiliated or any of those duff things that 'real' people make me feel. 

You just never know when 'real' people are going to collapse under the strain of your interaction.  So make sure you have plenty of people in your life, spread yourself far and wide and be strong, don't ever need anyone.

I don't know if that is the way to live in the world or not - but it's what I decided when I was younger.

Therapists and such have different ideas (and so did I at one stage) - but they live in an ideal(ised) world.

I'm discovering that my earlier decisions were probably the right ones and probably right again in my current circumstances.

Sigh!  I just feel too tired (and old) to make the effort!!
"No matter how enmeshed a commander becomes in the elaboration of his own
thoughts, it is sometimes necessary to take the enemy into account" Sir Winston Churchill