Author Topic: "Clark Rockefeller" trial  (Read 4748 times)

Dr. Richard Grossman

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"Clark Rockefeller" trial
« on: June 03, 2009, 09:45:54 AM »
Hi everybody,

For those who have been in a relationship with a narcissistic spouse or partner, you may be interested in the “Clark Rockefeller” trial.  Google the case if you want background information.  In the trial video today, “Rockefeller’s” ex-spouse, Sandra Boss (ex-Harvard Business School, etc. etc.), is asked by Rockefeller’s defense attorney, essentially, how she could have every believed him…

The Boston Globe writes:

"But at times, it appeared as though Denner (Rockefeller's defense attorney) was blaming Boss for having been fooled by his client, even though Denner insisted he was not."

In the video it seems that way to me.  My heart goes out to her.



Certain Hope

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Re: "Clark Rockefeller" trial
« Reply #1 on: June 03, 2009, 11:09:31 AM »
Now that is infuriating.
Indeed, the attorney comes across to me as repeatedly implying that this woman is either an idiot for not recognizing her mate is a fraud....  OR
that she knew all along of his lies and so she's his co-conspirator. 
I suspect it's the latter... but that's because I've been there, experienced that - not in a court situation, but from a pathological narcissist himself.
It seemed absolutely vital to him that I acknowledge myself as a willing conspirator to his engagement in an alternate reality.

I really admire this lady's calm demeanor and her fortitude. Just wondering why no one objected on her behalf?!

Also, I'm really glad you're still active here, Dr. Grossman. Enjoying your postings!


Dr. Richard Grossman

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Re: "Clark Rockefeller" trial
« Reply #2 on: June 03, 2009, 11:21:31 AM »
Hi Certain Hope,

It's great to hear from you!

The defense, as I understand it, is trying to argue that "Rockefeller" is insane and therefore not responsible for kidnapping their daughter.  In my view, in cases like this, (quoting Chico Marx):  "There ain't no sanity clause."  "Rockefeller" should be held responsible if he did what is alleged.

« Last Edit: June 04, 2009, 10:24:24 AM by voicel2 »


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Re: "Clark Rockefeller" trial
« Reply #3 on: June 04, 2009, 06:55:00 AM »
I saw this in the newspaper (yes, I'm that much of a dinosaur!) and immediately understood what that poor woman is being put through. My heart goes out to her... at the same time I admire her strength and courage to speak out the truth, publicly, and risk being accused, like that.
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Dr. Richard Grossman

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Forensic Psychiatrist/Psychologist testimony
« Reply #4 on: June 04, 2009, 07:47:06 PM »
From the Boston Globe:

"Both witnesses (forensic psychiatrist and forensic psychologist) said that he suffers from narcissistic personality disorder and grandiose delusions and that those illnesses caused him to believe a slew of fantasies, including that he was a member of the storied Rockefeller family. Recently, however, he has recognized his true identity, in part because his confinement has stripped him of any aristocratic pretensions, they said."

Or perhaps he simply lied to everyone until he finally got caught....



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Re: "Clark Rockefeller" trial
« Reply #5 on: June 04, 2009, 08:13:32 PM »

Sometimes it's not easy to tell what a person is Madoff...


Certain Hope

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Re: Forensic Psychiatrist/Psychologist testimony
« Reply #6 on: June 04, 2009, 08:18:14 PM »
From the Boston Globe:

"Both witnesses (forensic psychiatrist and forensic psychologist) said that he suffers from narcissistic personality disorder and grandiose delusions and that
those illnesses caused him to believe a slew of fantasies,

Awww.... poor guy couldn't help it, suffering from his illnesses and all....  :shock:

Or perhaps he simply lied to everyone until he finally got caught....

Yes. Crazy like a fox!

Thanks, Dr. Grossman! Staying tuned for any further updates.


Crazy like a fox!


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Re: "Clark Rockefeller" trial
« Reply #7 on: June 05, 2009, 10:29:13 AM »
I saw a little newcoverage surrounding Sandra Boss' education, earning power and relationship with her husband.

People were willing to conclude she was too smart to be taken in.

They stopped just short of agreeing she deserved everything she got.

I think it was Jeraldo who implied Sandra never saw her child and the nut was the only decent parent the girl has.

I'm saddened by the coverage, more than anything.



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Re: "Clark Rockefeller" trial
« Reply #8 on: June 06, 2009, 06:57:36 PM »
I know 2 similar stories:  1.  Nice female Jewish physician married a Jewish guy (meaning instand bond with the religion) who came to Houston.  He had no driver's license and no identification papers when she met him; and told her his entire family had been killed, so he had no relatives.  One day he leaves her a note, takes all the money from the bank, takes the best car and  leaves their daughter who is 2-1/2 with her. Bottom line:  he was selling illegal IRA's (they had just come out), and our office building was loaded with FBI men going into his partner's office files.  The guy was from the East somewhere and was just a plain old con man.  Last I heard, she moved back in with her parents so her daughter had some stability.  2.  My own niece makes something like $450K and is at the top of her field.  Married to a guy who also has an MBA, but doesn't want to work in a "job."  She has caught him not only cheating, but with a to-do list planning to abscond with all the monies in the bank in joint ownership.  They divorce...and less than a year later she remarries him.  Of course, he controls the money and is the boss at the home (when he's there) just like Clark Rockefeller.
Now, if you can tell me why women who are intelligent, educated, with professions that make above average incomes will be so desperate to have a man in their lives that they will tolerate--and totally tune-out--the reality of these guys...well, that is the $64,000 question.  All 3 of these women are just average appearing ladies, but is their self-esteem so low that this is what they will accept?  Guess so.
Maybe I've been single way too long, but I've heard and known so many situations like this I could scream.  What is wrong with these women?
And to be the Devil's advocate here, in my opinion, these woman are stupid.  I can see why Denner called her stupid.  She was.

Dr. Richard Grossman

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"Clark Rockefeller" found guilty
« Reply #9 on: June 12, 2009, 02:14:09 PM »


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Re: "Clark Rockefeller" trial
« Reply #10 on: June 12, 2009, 02:51:34 PM »

I guess there are a lot of explanations why women would ignore potential red flags in relationships and even very successful people are subject to the exact same emotional hopes & wishes (and self-deceptions or emotional issues) as those of us who grew up with abusive parents... and never quite "made it" that big.

It's bad enough to have suffered such a relationship, as Ms. Boss did. But it's insult to injury - and truly shows guts & dignity on her part - to allow this to be made public. Hopefully, it will gain some positive attention to NPD and increase public awareness.

Wonder how he had the money to get the loan for the house in Baltimore? And who originated the loan, based on the provided identity? Did nobody check to see if he really was a sea captain?
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Re: "Clark Rockefeller" trial
« Reply #11 on: June 12, 2009, 08:39:35 PM »
There is a Houston Women's Clinic or similar name there where a woman can go and speak to a psychologist or intern in the field.  I knew a lady who was the head there, and, when we were talking about men like Rockefeller and women who married brutal men, she told me it was nothing to have a lady with a Ph.D. or high position and good amount of education "taking care" of some guy who abused them, lied to them and often beat them up.  I think this is more common than we think.
God bless this gal who was with this Rockefeller character.  I, too, give her props for putting it out there for all to see.  Good for her as I know the embarrassment must be huge for her.  I agree it took alot of guts--and the ability to put her own ego aside--to take the stand against this creep.
Whatever did she see in him?  His supposed education and family background I guess.  It surely couldn't have been his looks.

Certain Hope

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Re: "Clark Rockefeller" found guilty
« Reply #12 on: June 14, 2009, 03:10:21 PM »
Hi everybody,




Hi Dr. Grossman,

I appreciate the info at the link you provided. Thanks! 

Also, I see that the Dateline program, on NBC, will be broadcasting an episode about this character tonight.
Already have the dvr set to catch it.

Sure hope that his victims have access to excellent counsel and care as they piece together the puzzles of their lives.
