Author Topic: Hey Izz.  (Read 3384 times)


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Hey Izz.
« on: June 17, 2009, 06:01:05 PM »
How're you doing lately, Izz?


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Re: Hey Izz.
« Reply #1 on: June 18, 2009, 01:20:05 PM »
Only because you asked-- :lol:  :lol:  :lol:
Hi everyone, thanks Mo2

My new wheelchair is being delivered today, and yesterday the Co, came to pick up the loaner ‘chair and the bed trapeze.  I began using my old (1999) chair a week ago as enough swelling had gone down that, after a few elastic bands and baggie ties I had it workable and that began easing up on my back aches and knee aches. I have managed twice to have a 4hour block of sleep, but I still pain and I cannot move my leg.

The physiotherapist has the control over my case, even over doctors. I resent that, and even checked online. It would appear to be true. I was at my Dr.’s on Tuesday and he was quite reticent about his replies, and definitely nothing against the physios. “It’s their call” I had blood drawn to see if the tremors had anything to o with old thyroid problem, but Dr. suggests it’s still the stress/shock of being hit and injured.. I told him about my hallucinations and he made a note of morphine and me, saying I ought to have said something.. I said I was too afraid everyone would think I was nuts and he said, “Oh you were behaving pretty strangely. We knew”…..ya! ok! so why not broach the subject with me?

I lose my housekeeper etc. one day a week (1.75 hours x 2 days) and will have her one day about 2½ hours. The physio has not seen me in action but says I now must do my own grocery shopping., and have yet to have therapy on my leg. I deal with my lawyer on these issues, and he intercedes. (I hope all goes well cuz , for me, I have been lazy far too long.)

I was pretty bored when I had 2 days without the internet, but now I am deeply involved in conspiracy theories.  Last night I watched The Money Masters, a 3½ hour movie I googled in “Full length movies,”
It held my attention throughout from the time of the Romans until the present Bilderburg Group and the private elite who own the Federal Reserve, and ended with suggestions for how USA could get out of the debt-based  system.---

I watched :
The Obama Deception,
More 911 proof of an Inside Job
Why JFK was assassinated
About the faux moon landing
Bill cooper’s murder
Alex Jones interviews Aaron Russo
and More that I have marked as Favorites, and it’s said only about 50% of the population suspect conspiracies. It kills me to think there is no gold in Fort Knox, as once the USA owned 75% of the world’s gold.

---and of course have been following Susan Boyle and play her morning, noon and night, as she is, as described, a breath of fresh air in this world in which we now live.

Nothing surprised me more than to receive an email from my youngest grandson, now 17, responding to my Happy Birthday Wishes for the 13th. He is the one I didn’t know was coming, and never really got to know. now, granted he never asked about me, just thanked me and all the rest was about him, but that’s the part I want to know, his way of writing, his plans, etc. that he is still with N father. It is the first time he has ‘really’ acknowledged me. Is into cadets and military besides school, the same as his big brother.

I can say this though. For his birthday, big brother saw to it that little brother had a wonderful day and I am happy they love one another.  Thos is SO different from what I knew, no birthday party/recognition and one sister does not remember birthdates, as they are unimportant, while I remember them ,as they are important---just two different perceptions of ignored birthdays when we were growing up.

« Last Edit: June 18, 2009, 01:23:06 PM by Izzy_*now* »
"The joy of love lasts such a short time, but the pain of love lasts one's whole life"


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Re: Hey Izz.
« Reply #2 on: June 18, 2009, 05:53:42 PM »
Oh Izz..... I pictured you busy and productive but crushed under all that pain and lack of mobility.

It's going to be tough getting back into the swing, that's true but..... please don't call yourself "lazy."

Getting wiped out in an accident, then having your bone crumble in two after surgery, does not a lazy Izzy make.

You're astounding my dear.

Glad to hear the chair is finally on the way!



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Re: Hey Izz.
« Reply #3 on: June 18, 2009, 10:49:31 PM »
Hi Mo2

I think I hit "Notify' Were you notified?

My new chair is perfect and was $1,456.20. The 1999 one was $1,700.00 (plus) and the 2006 one was $2080.80 but I made her refund me what I paid for the Back (if you remember) and for quick-release axles, not having the latter, and the former is paid for only if one orders a special crixx-croxx back for adjustments -$311.11 so $1700 + too

At least the ICBC can see that I am not trying to get more than what I owned.... that was damaged, that was stolen too,  It's difficult to dress as I cannot bend my left leg for sock ,clamdiggers, shoe---- takes a special klind of gymnastic trick and about 20 minutes, but I'll have to go out at least twice a week now.

Yes, there is pain, and there are aches, but nothing like the initial break and the continuing pain until all the titanium and staples were removed. Dr. said is was morphine's memory of the pain that made it last so long

Well I'll think about that because I don't know how truthful he has ever been with me, and the hallucinations as well. I asked about the second surgery and he said I must have been given a weakened version.

When I'm dying and it doesn't matter, I will really give him what's left of my mind!!!!!

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Re: Hey Izz.
« Reply #4 on: June 19, 2009, 10:14:53 PM »
Nope, wasn't notified, Izzy.

When I read what you have to go through to get out the door I think there has GOT to be a neighbor who can pick up your groceries for you every once in a while.  Maybe FOR A WHILE till you're functioning more smoothly?

Surely, your list isn't that long and it's fairly standard?

I'm so glad to hear you're not in terrible pain any more.

That wasn't acceptable..... it just wasn't and that darned doc deserves to hear how badly he handled your case.

What's going on with the legal aspects of your situation?

Are you taking anything special for the pain now or what?


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Re: Hey Izz.
« Reply #5 on: June 20, 2009, 03:49:19 PM »
My GP knows nothing. He is an N.   He spins tales until my mind spins. He wouldn't even give me any help re physical therapy, cuz he's 'just the Dr.'  (from my 2nd last post)
his replies, and definitely nothing against the physios. “It’s their call”.

I'm the Dr. here. Not you! is his favourite speech to put me in place.

He also said that when the food stopped tasting like it was sprayed with burnt urine, was because the morphine was out of my system. That woulld be April 5-6 as I came home from first surgery on April 7

He can't have it both ways
From my last post
Yes, there is pain, and there are aches, but nothing like the initial break and the continuing pain until all the titanium and staples were removed. Dr. said is was morphine's memory of the pain that made it last so long

All metals gone, the last being staples on May 5, and the bleeding stopped on May 6-7.

I went to him for the record re legal. Still need therapy

I ought to be able to shop and do drugstore because they have automatic doors. Only leaving my building is a heavy door--will angle today as I do when I enter----works ok then.

So today is Library and no way in but up ramps. There is always someone around to push me up if I tire in the middle. it's ok on the way down, and I do have my smooth new chair----and the Police (RCMP) Dept is right next door to Library.

I had THREE surgeons, Malish who put in all the titatium, another who took out the floating bolt, and a third, O'Farrell ,who removed the rest of the metals.

Yet Mary Jo, physical therapist, has a say over all 4 doctors as to my care??????? as to when I receive therapy, as I am in litigation, and removed the trapeze and loaner chair at my request, but cut Christine down to one day (2½ hrs)

My lawyer cannot order anything for me.

No therapy? I never move my leg again? The settlement goes HIGHER!

No meds now. Wanted to drop codeine, (morphine has codeine too) and have Tylenol Extra Strength, if needed.

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Re: Hey Izz.
« Reply #6 on: June 20, 2009, 07:41:08 PM »
Wow, Izz.

I'm tired just thinking about an outing to shop, under the circumstances.

Maybe get a nice little police recruit's help, with the heavy door, at planned times?  He/she could make a habit of it.

Sounds like you could get out of most of the pain with a stronger med..... maybe a different one than you've been taking. 

Or a quarter or half a dose?

I don't like you're being in pain esp if it's not necessary.

The doctor's a nightmare..... please clarify how you're getting along with the therapist?

Keep us informed (((Izzy.)))


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Re: Hey Izz.
« Reply #7 on: June 29, 2009, 02:24:00 PM »
Hi Izzy!!!

I just saw a movie I thought you might like. Check out: Gran Torino with Clint Eastwood.
The movie wasn't at all what I interpreted the marketing to be about... and this one left me sobbing at the end, because of personal connections in the story. But it's really an amazing story, without my identifying with some of the characters.

Australia is another one - it's epic length, you'll probablly need to allow for an "intermission" - that I really liked.

Both movies have images/ideas that have stayed with me for a few days. It's been some years since there were movies like that.

What are you up to this week?
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Re: Hey Izz.
« Reply #8 on: June 29, 2009, 10:00:56 PM »

Thank you,

Usually I have a grasp of the plot from the movie title and take it from there, but am often fooled. I have been watching all my movies, free, at home on the computer, and if one doesn't grab me by say ½ hour, I stop and go to another.

I was just writing about feeling young, not 70 and will make it a new thread, so that'll tell the tale as well about my 'interesting life".

Thanks again
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Re: Hey Izz.
« Reply #9 on: July 01, 2009, 02:07:13 PM »
Hey PR

I DID enjoy Gran Torino, and would likely have shed tears if you hadn't forewarned me that you sobbed, so I was putting 2+2 together all along.

I was happy that he had a purpose and happy that his snotty granddaughter was not willed the Gran Torino.

I was "downloading" Australia and it was late. Movie was slow coming in so I left the computer on and have the whole thing ready for today. I, without thinking, clicked on a link in one of my emails and it overwrote my minimized movie, sending it back to zero. I will check in a moment to see if it downloads immediately (still recorded on the hard drive....but the page is closed so ....)

Thanks again

"You can't tell a movie by its title"  (I would have thought car racing and skipped over it.)

« Last Edit: July 01, 2009, 02:09:04 PM by Izzy_*now* »
"The joy of love lasts such a short time, but the pain of love lasts one's whole life"


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Re: Hey Izz.
« Reply #10 on: July 02, 2009, 08:31:35 AM »
Here's something else to check out... my hubby put me on to this.

You can download the free application to put together your own photo book - with captions - offline. Then, upload it and order an on-demand print version of the book. The prices aren't bad at all, and hubby says you can choose the quality of the book. Friend of ours took a college group to Ireland and he'd made one of these from his pix. You can also order other people's books... and offer yours for sale/download, too, on commission. It's pretty neat, I think! They even have a juried competition...

I was thinking I might get my MIL to work with me, putting her old family photos together for the kids. She's the only one who would know the people in the pictures. But then, hubby - who's never met a tangent he wouldn't pursue - started talking about all the different kinds of books that we could make. We've talked for a long time about "Raleigh's Big Adventure"... a story from our dog's point of view about his first trip to the beach. He just loves the beach - but it was the being able to go with us instead of being left behind at home - that was his happiness.

And THEN... I remembered all the negatives my mom had sent me - my FOO pictures. At one point in my process, they became invaluable - the pictures of Twiggy especially. I have a scanner with a slide attachment and the software lets me save the negative image as a positive. Requires a bit of editing in photoshop... but I thought it might be an interesting process to tell Twiggy's story through those pictures...

... and then I remembered the story of Izzy. I'll bet you also have a stash of pictures... and this might be more "active" for you, while you're healing up. Even if you don't upload the book....

so I thought I'd share the tip!  Has your new chair arrived? Are you getting out more now?
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Re: Hey Izz.
« Reply #11 on: July 02, 2009, 09:09:27 AM »

... but I thought it might be an interesting process to tell Twiggy's story through those pictures...

... and then I remembered the story of Izzy. I'll bet you also have a stash of pictures... and this might be more "active" for you, while you're healing up. Even if you don't upload the book....

Amber and Izz:

I find this concept fascinating. 

Izzy, you might include your music.

Amber, you might include art pieces you feel help tell your story.

How about an update Izz?



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Re: Hey Izz.
« Reply #12 on: July 02, 2009, 01:38:24 PM »
Thanks PR and M02

It is a great idea and my younger sister beat this to the punch. SHE has all the “antique photos” and made me a CD for my 70th birthday. After all the antiques of ancestors, came those of parents and us little and growing kids, then --in mine were personal about when she and my brother came out here. I understood she was doing this for everyone (siblings that is, then her daughters) and all were the same until the personal ending. She said she had to keep changing the caption when our grandmother became the kids’ great-grandmother and the grandchildrens’ great-great Grandmother.

I had wondered who took custody of the old photographs and she had one of me at age 17, that I never saw before., talking with  my bro-in-law back on the farm. plus many I had seen only once, maybe.

It was quite an undertaking and with her being 68, and into Reiki, Reflexology, all over the place, even in a woman’s prison and taking her 5 grandchildren everywhere, never mentioning her husband, write me about every 2 weeks, comes home to 1250 emails at a time--all her newsletters and invitations. Usually says about 350, but was away for two days at another healer’s place this time.

So I have my copy, then my Daughter has all the albums now for whatever she wants to do re her children. As far as my music,, I have all my songs recorded on CD’s and have a 3-ring binder of hard copies.. Since I’ve usually been organized, I am in pretty good shape now  in that respect. Any song not recorded is in another binder and the ones not set up, as sheet music, as the previous are, are in another binder (as well as on the computer)

Am typing this in Word and will Copy and Paste for posting.

Will likely have more news on my progress now that I have regular therapy and  my own in between---mine has pitchers  fer me 2 no wut 2 du. (If I just read the instructions, I would exercise my good leg and it would go quickly)

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Re: Hey Izz.
« Reply #13 on: July 02, 2009, 09:10:56 PM »

>>So I have my copy....... and as far as my music, I have all my songs recorded on CD’s and have a 3-ring binder of hard copies.. Since I’ve usually been organized, I am in pretty good shape now  in that respect.

So Izz.....

when can we expect to see the rough draft?

: )Mo2


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Re: Hey Izz.
« Reply #14 on: July 03, 2009, 02:29:23 AM »
Here's one

and I put it on my No Contact post too
« Last Edit: July 03, 2009, 02:33:06 AM by Izzy_*now* »
"The joy of love lasts such a short time, but the pain of love lasts one's whole life"