Only because you asked--

Hi everyone, thanks Mo2
My new wheelchair is being delivered today, and yesterday the Co, came to pick up the loaner ‘chair and the bed trapeze. I began using my old (1999) chair a week ago as enough swelling had gone down that, after a few elastic bands and baggie ties I had it workable and that began easing up on my back aches and knee aches. I have managed twice to have a 4hour block of sleep, but I still pain and I cannot move my leg.
The physiotherapist has the control over my case, even over doctors. I resent that, and even checked online. It would appear to be true. I was at my Dr.’s on Tuesday and he was quite reticent about his replies, and definitely nothing against the physios. “It’s their call” I had blood drawn to see if the tremors had anything to o with old thyroid problem, but Dr. suggests it’s still the stress/shock of being hit and injured.. I told him about my hallucinations and he made a note of morphine and me, saying I ought to have said something.. I said I was too afraid everyone would think I was nuts and he said, “Oh you were behaving pretty strangely. We knew”…..ya! ok! so why not broach the subject with me?
I lose my housekeeper etc. one day a week (1.75 hours x 2 days) and will have her one day about 2½ hours. The physio has not seen me in action but says I now must do my own grocery shopping., and have yet to have therapy on my leg. I deal with my lawyer on these issues, and he intercedes. (I hope all goes well cuz , for me, I have been lazy far too long.)
I was pretty bored when I had 2 days without the internet, but now I am deeply involved in conspiracy theories. Last night I watched The Money Masters, a 3½ hour movie I googled in “Full length movies,”
It held my attention throughout from the time of the Romans until the present Bilderburg Group and the private elite who own the Federal Reserve, and ended with suggestions for how USA could get out of the debt-based system.---
I watched :
The Obama Deception,
More 911 proof of an Inside Job
Why JFK was assassinated
About the faux moon landing
Bill cooper’s murder
Alex Jones interviews Aaron Russo
and More that I have marked as Favorites, and it’s said only about 50% of the population suspect conspiracies. It kills me to think there is no gold in Fort Knox, as once the USA owned 75% of the world’s gold.
---and of course have been following Susan Boyle and play her morning, noon and night, as she is, as described, a breath of fresh air in this world in which we now live.
Nothing surprised me more than to receive an email from my youngest grandson, now 17, responding to my Happy Birthday Wishes for the 13th. He is the one I didn’t know was coming, and never really got to know. now, granted he never asked about me, just thanked me and all the rest was about him, but that’s the part I want to know, his way of writing, his plans, etc. that he is still with N father. It is the first time he has ‘really’ acknowledged me. Is into cadets and military besides school, the same as his big brother.
I can say this though. For his birthday, big brother saw to it that little brother had a wonderful day and I am happy they love one another. Thos is SO different from what I knew, no birthday party/recognition and one sister does not remember birthdates, as they are unimportant, while I remember them ,as they are important---just two different perceptions of ignored birthdays when we were growing up.