I DO have to assert myself. Probably should have done it a long time ago, but that's always been a problem area for me - with doctors, therapists, employers, other family members. I was taught to always do what I was told, so asserting myself does not come easily for me. Subsequently, it's pretty easy for a bad doctor or therapist to get away with harming me.
One thing I'm pretty certain of, is that this therapist doesn't believe everything I'm telling her. I think she feels that I'm over-exaggerating a little. I've had this problem with other therapists. Some of the things my N mom did were SO whacked out, it is a little hard to believe, but anyone familiar with NPD should know what these people are capable of.
About three months ago she did something that really bothered me, and bothers me still. I went to see her to discuss my brother's schizophrenic/N wife. SIL is one crazy scary woman, and I discovered that she had been monitoring my Internet activity, probably for years (hence I have a different user name on this board than when I originally joined). I found out after opening a Twitter account. She showed up as a "follower" after a few short hours, and since I registered using a nickname, it wasn't like she just stumbled across me. She was searching. Anyway, in the process, I saw HER Twitter page, and some of the horrifying comments she was posting, like wanting to kill the mailman, kill her neighbor, bashing family members, and so on. Most of her posts were things that would come off as joking around to a stranger, but knowing she's schizophrenic, and has the potential to be dangerous, I found it quite unsettling.
So I went to see my therapist, and hubby went with me, just because he was off that day. I was telling T some of the things I had read on SIL's Twitter page, when she turned to my husband, and said, "Did YOU see any of this?" He promptly told her that yes, he HAD seen it. But I was stunned. She was looking for a witness to corroborate my story.
What's this therapist's fixation with you being a 'good girl' for your father??? What do YOU need from your father?
That's what I don't get. What do I need from my father? Well, his love would have been nice, but I've been trying to get that for 50 years, and so far, no luck. He's certainly not going to start loving me now because I send my mother a card, or called her, or whatever. Inheritance? Nope. I was only added to the will last week, and only as an act of retaliation against my brother's crazy wife. AND, I have not actually seen said will, so, nuff said. And even if I were in the will, I don't WANT the money if it's not being given to me as act of love, but rather to stick it to someone else.
It almost seems like that question needs to be directed at the therapist. What does SHE think I want or need from my father? How does SHE think I'll benefit from putting him first. Maybe I need to turn this around on her and get those answers. Whatever it is she seems to think I need, well, I don't need it.