Here's my idea, Lupita:
--Get the one with the washer/dryer.
--Immediately stop buying laundry detergent and stop using "dryer sheets." Instead of paying $.20+ a load, do it for $.02 a load. Here's how to make your own detergent (I just made 3 gallons the other day, and it took 15 minutes total. LOVE FRUGAL TIPS LIKE THIS!)
1) an unscented bar of plain Ivory soap ("Zote" soap bar is also okay)
2) 1 box Borax (20 Mule Team is a common brand)
3) 1 box Washing Soda (Arm & Hammer makes it)
a 4 or 5-gallon container with lid (anything will a plastic kitty litter or empty detergent bucket). I had an old 5-gal bucket but no lid, so I cut a styrofoam circle for the lid. It doesn't need to be perfect.)
1) Grate soap bar (any texture's fine--flakes, little curls, whatever)
2) Boil 4 cups water (you can grate the bar while water heats)
3) Add the soap flakes/curls, turn heat to LOW, stir until dissolved into "soapy soup"
4) Take the bucket to where you'll keep it (to avoid carrying it full).
5) Add 3 gallons warm tap water to the bucket
6) Add to that water: soapy soup, then the borax, then the washing soda
7) Stir and put on lid, leave for 24 hours
You'll have a soupy gel-like mixture. It will be partly clear, part "globs". That's fine. It doesn't need to be an even consistency. To do laundry, add 1 cup to washing machine as it fills and that's it.
It works just as well as any laundry detergent I've ever bought and better than some. If you want scent, add some essential oil.
Now you have a way to save money that will help compensate for the rent difference!
