Hi Amber,
"Just because they won't hear - doesn't mean we should stop talking; saying the same thing. You can say it 100 times with no effect, but something changes and the 101st time - enlightenment dawns and you are heard."
"And I realized I could stand and fight; I could repeat myself until I was heard."
The above 2 statements may be where we disagree (& it's fine if we disagree): What I'm saying is that I do not assume I will be heard after the 101st time. In my experience, I repeated myself many times & still was not heard. Therefore, I find no point in talking to someone who will not/can't hear. So, yes, in such a situation I would stop talking; it's too frustrating & why should I frustrate myself? I cannot change the other person & that person will not/can't hear me.
So, what I'm saying is that if someone manifests a pattern of not hearing me, then I will assume that pattern shall continue & I will no longer endeavor to try to make myself heard because, based on prior evidence, I assume that the person (for whatever reason) doesn't hear me.
So, what do I do with this person? Enforce boundaries, set limits, do LC or NC. And, move on to find other people who do hear me.
"I didn't have to run away to NC for fear of being hurt again. I can BE HURT and still stand and fight for my "reality" and what I want - and be furious with control and intention - without falling into the same old roles & patterns again."
I hear what you are saying. However, for me, I feel I no longer need to fight for my realty. I know what my reality is, so the gaslighting doesn't work on me any more. Actually, think I always knew what my reality was, but I allowed the gaslighters to gaslight me. But, no more.
Perhaps just a choice of wording, but, I don't want to be furious & fight, I've had too much of that. I've become very sensitive to/conscious of when either I or someone else starts creating drama. When I sense drama brewing, I back off, back down, collect myself & figure out an assertive, calm strategy. I no longer engage with drama queens/kings.
Personally, I have found that LC & NC has replaced drama & strife with peace & calm. It's a wonderful thing to eliminate the drama queens & N vampires from my life. I don't want them, nor need them.
Agree with you about not falling back into the old patterns.
Fun discussion. I enjoy hearing your thoughts.