That's amazing, Lizzie20. Wow! This is language I understand and connect with.
Triangulation? Only in the sense that she hides everything from everybody else but shares it all with me (dumps it all on my shoulders). So she gives the appearance of being 'fine'. The social worker knows otherwise but she also prefers the quiet life and if I was the one creating the waves - however right I was - then she agreed with the care home that i should be 'removed'. That was the killer. No, the killer was that I colluded with my own 'death', paid an awful emotional price for putting my mother through hysterical terror in order to do so, and then began to ask questions to finish up a job I'd been asked to do - only the care home wanted me to 'lie down and die'!!! They really, really, really wanted to destroy my credibility and chose my weak points. Under better circumstances I'd have welcomed the opportunity to stand up for what I believed!! But they were actually using smoke screens for their own misbehaviour. It was so very complicated.
I understand about 'not admitting liability'; I can understand that many employees at senior level may be unable to handle it in order to deliver it professionally.
I can recognise that I threatened everything everyone knew about dealing with elderly people (they lump 'old people' together as one 'entity') and they were hugely resistant. Partly because of poor leadership and management. Just like my son's school.
I just assume everyone else knows what I know, even tho once upon a time I didn't know. I assume they want to learn and grow. I've been so preoccupied with fighting my mother's outward nastiness (childishness) for so long with 'tough love' (parent) that I have completely missed this 'innocent child'/understanding parent relationship I try to have with the world. I am at a complete loss as to how to protect myself.
It's taken me a lifetime to become a good 'parent', soothing emotional angst in other people, terrified at the blame which will be heaped upon me for having created the angst in the first place (whether I did or not!). Meanwhile the child in me never grew up. Is this the 'parentified child', I wonder. My teenage son is more worldly-wise than I am. I feel ashamed that he sees me so traumatised by other people. He simply tells me that I'm 'naive', having become convinced by his own experiences that the world is full of sh**-bags. We need to meet in the middle somewhere because not everyone is so wrapped up in their own interests. Oh dear - perhaps we are. Even 'giving' is 'taking'.
Thank you for the golden common sense, the strength, in your reply.
Obfuscation, smoke-screens, crazy-making, blocking, ridiculing & even completely denying the truth is fairly standard business practiceI found it difficult to accept this when I first read it. I don't treat people that way and never would. I spend my time listening. Being open. It's what I strive for. I purposely came to work in the 'real world' many years ago in order not to stay in a closed and protected world of touchy-feely, humanistic, wholistic etc etc in order to grow. (I forgot to go back.

Tho I'm sure I'd have found the same 'unethical' - all-too-human - practices sooner or later even in that 'touchy-feely' world. I know that I would.)
You have given me a new handle on all this.
I was looking after my own interests - my mother's interests, my son's interests - not the interests of the school staff or care home. And I somehow expected they would want to have my mother's and son's interests at heart even tho it means thinking the unthinkable, not least that they may have got it wrong or made mistakes. I wasn't interested in litigation, I just wanted understanding and recognition for my family so they wouldn't feel pain.
I can say clearly that the care home is inadequate for my mother's needs and move her to a new one (which had been my intention until this rucus). Except I never know what SHE is going to do or decide at the last minute so I'm on shifting sands. That's what makes it worse. She could at any moment pull the rug from under me and thereby prove me wrong (and the care home right). And I haven't been feeling strong enough for that final wound. (I now picture myself as the bull at a bullfight with all those spears sticking out of me and my mother producing the final sword to the neck which fells the beast!) In the past, she'd have done that to express her anger at me (because I moved on and left home like normal people do!) no matter that it might actually be against her own interests. She did it on Xmas Day when her most hated nurse engaged me in conversation! We all had a miserable day because she was angry with me and expressed it by being as ornery as possible for the whole day. I actually thought I'd be severely punished in this way for not having been able to be in touch with her for so long. She's veering both ways at the moment!! The wild animal with a thorn in its foot.
So partly my troubles have included fear about how my mother will react to me for having played (as she puts it) into the care home's hands. Although I do occasionally remind myself that I wouldn't be quite so vulnerable if she hadn't spent a lifetime of acting unreasonably towards me. Let alone the gaslighting. I often likened my childhood to a combination of the films Gaslight and Sybil without any recognition as to why.
Apologies to Lupita for possibly having hijacked this thread - I should perhaps have gone back to a couple of threads where I originally started a discussion about these issues (Voiceless Again!) but it flowed unexpectedly from your comments...
lizzie20 - you said (my emphasis) '
One thing I can know for sure is this, how badly this thing is affecting
me''s time to
stop explaining and start planning how to change the situation to suit our needs. This is very adult, & by doing this
our internal child can take a well-deserved rest in back-seat while our 'adult' steers our ship into port.
I am so driven to understand. And i seem to find it impossible to find solutions, to 'start planning'. To remain a victim (sharp shamed intake of breath) and be played with is my role in life. It's almost how I show love (eek) and compassion for others. I don't come across as someone like that, I know. You wouldn't look at me and think I was a pushover. I was horrified by some recent 'feedback' from someone else who has been 'playing' with me. It wasn't exactly overt feedback. But I 'heard' it. I was horrified. It hurt my pride so much that it was unbearable to believe. I don't want to know that this is what *they* see. 'There's a bit of the victim in you'. And he referred obliquely to his own part in 'almost' playing with me because he could get a rise out of me. My frustration because I wasn't being listened to or acknowledged drove him to 'play' with me and 'almost' ignore me on purpose. (But that's exactly what WAS happening) Shiver.
Be adult, not frustrated. Never, ever, ever be frustrated. There's a link between being frustrated and being powerless for me. I bang on the door but I don't open it myself! *They* won't open it so I bang even harder until I'm afraid of what might happen if I *do* open it so I'm not sure I want my frustration to end. Even if I wasn't afraid when I first knocked on the door.
But hey - here I am again in 'understanding/analysing' mode.
So my final step is 'What am I going to do about it?' And then I set about, very deliberately, machine-like, considerately & humanely to do what is the very best for me. Yeah, well - don't much want to be considerate and humane by this stage!!

I want to rage and be completely hysterical and accusatory. But I won't let myself so I stay outside the door, frustrated and getting sick.
I'd like to say that a solution is to pick up the phone and talk to people more but i found with the care home that I was too vulnerable and it was THAT which finished me off. The more I stood my ground and managed to keep to my own path, the more it drove them to behave more badly. But I remind myself that I WAS vulnerable. My mother had been dying, I felt I'd failed her, I had mild concussion (!), I was reminded of the awfulness of my father's death, I had been very ill, my marriage had broken up, I was living on my own in a strange town, my 'best' (and only) friend had betrayed me and then disappeared out of my life, my therapist had a cancer diagnosis and ignored my request to help me find a replacement, my business was sapping my confidence. Too many tipping points.
So I'm going to say there should be 'hope' in here that I can, in better circumstances, find a better way, be more resilient, less prone to being toppled. I have faced similar things and each time (surely) I have become stronger. No, let's be real and awful. I have become weaker and 'it' has become stronger and more visible. But perhaps now 'it' has been outed. I am at the centre. I will never change other people - they don't actually merit my time and effort anyway.
Here's the truth. I am vulnerable. That is so hard to say. My pride hurts (tough!). I am vulnerable to other people's mischievousness and power plays. ALL I can do for now is build boundaries and NEVER let the drawbridge down to invite people in. For goodness sake - I challenge people AND drop the drawbridge at the same time. How insane is that!!! I trust them to do the decent thing with no thought of whether they are likely to or not.
Build boundaries, practice keeping the drawbridge up, watch the world from my parapet instead of encompassing people with my heart and soul, and then see where I can go from there. A new route. The bear hunt song : 'We can't go round it. Oh no, we gotta go through it.' I respect my ex-husband but he isn't a good example. He doesn't do anything - he just stays home. So how do you 'go through it'? Becoming more touchy feely isn't going to do it. Reaching out isn't going to do it. Staying centred - in me, for me - might just help. I don't know what I want - other than to make other people feel hsppy (because then they'll love me!). (Der!) Following through on what I plan to do, when I first think of it might help (remembering that's not the same as a knee-jerk reaction to circumstances)!
Thanks for your help.