Thank you, thank you.
I am working to let it go and send love but not desperation.
I am not happy with how desperately I fear the loss of her love.
It DOES feel better in the moments when I send kindness. You are exactly totally right.
There's allowing myself to feel love and concern rather than fear.
It's being gentle with myself, and gentle with her (even in her absence, her withdrawal).
I don't think not calling me or emailing me is explained by her being "busy" looking for an answer, though. I think it's just an iron door coming down in her, that shuts me out (because the question I pose with my vulnerability and my shock and anger is a question she is likely afraid to answer).
Thank you so much for identifying the two pieces (I've been working my way toward both these meanings today, and hearing you say this is validating to a great degree--I have so much respect for you, Amber).
1) Release
2) Kindness
Those are truly the only tools I have...and one other:
3) Self care (tough one, but I'm working at it).
Thank you again (and you too, sincerely, Leah...I find this embarrassing to say--which is about my own loss--but in an odd way when I am in a lot of emotional pain, I find myself saying to myself: I wish I still believed in God).
I don't know what to think of this, but the truth is that I am very comforted by the idea that those WITH faith are offering a prayer for her, or for me. I don't have the faith myself, yet in a funny way, I have a little bit...else, why would it ease my heart some to know that?
Thank you. I know how sincere you are. And I really do want prayers (whether I deserve them or not is another question entirely. Yet, knowing who I am, you offer them anyway--this teaches me something I can't even articulate, but I am grateful).
love to you both,