Oh Hops,
I am sorry. Again we are in the same boat! Did we spoil our daughters, or/and just make them Narcissistic? I think mine has to do with no father, a man she idolized and never knew. I forget. Did yours know/love her Dad a lot? Ever get the feeling that she thought a lot about him and it was your fault that he wasn’t around? both Only Children?
I sensed that in my D and she admitted it in some previous correspondence. She doesn’t know for a fact that I have gone NC in my mind. I just haven’t written, as I have nothing to say except my process of recovery, and I doubt it matters when it isn’t inconveniencing her. She has still not sent the picture that she promised.. That might appear to be small, but it was a promise. I feel at times, and know at times, that she lies.
Back when her father died, she was crying and saying she had planned to go see him that summer. She was 15 and has said nothing to me.(She would have gone to see a father who was drunk all the time, living with a woman who also was drunk all the time.) I believe that to have been made up on the spur of the moment--why? not having seen him for 7 years, except now at his funeral? Was I to feel bad?
This spring after I was hit with the car, she said she had planned to come out to visit me, but with her ‘broken back’ and now me incapacitated, she had to cancel those thoughts. Déjà vu. Why? She never mentioned a thing about it!
I know things went bad for her after she married an N, but it also affected my life and now she has ‘lost’ her two sons to him, her daughter is 20 (the age D was when she married the N) There is something in there that I thought I was missing, but can only think of her, now, as being N.
There doesn’t appear to be much concern about me.
Now your D has pulled this serious blow to your finances and is not concerned about you? Is she aware what a hardship it was for you, in the midst of all, to send her the money to see her through? and now you need it? Then by blasting her, she will have more ammunition against you?
I decided to never give my D any more ammunition, by ‘begging to have that picture’ and truthfully, even for posting here, my life has been so confined for the last 4 months , there isn’t anything happening, worth talking about. I keep a journal re the lawyer and is it ever boring!
Again, I’m sorry about this, Hops, and can relate
Mine is 45 and ought to know better and is working and self-sufficient, but….after I lost her in 1991, she said that would never happen with her children and her.
Is there something about us, having dealt with Ns, that makes us targets again?
I hope she repays you soon.