Hi Genuine,
I sympathize with you so much. I haven't suffered the loss of a child, but loosing your family puts a lot of hurt in your heart - no matter what causes the loss.
I am very much like Dawning, said bye to the whole lot of them this spring/summer and am much better off for it!
But, I still get depressed and angry over what has happened over the years. I get angry at myself for having allowed them as much power as I gave them. I did it all out of fear, but I still allowed it.
I allow it NO MORE! And you have the right to do the same for yourself. Your Nmom has bestowed on you a terrible crime! Forcing a child to abort their child is criminal. The act of abortion is not criminal, but one person forcing another against their will is criminal! Your Nmom will pay for this. I feel it in my heart that these cruel and unloving Ns will get their just do someday. I can live my life knowing now that I make my decisions and I refuse to be a party to their lives. I do not want to be within 1000 miles when they are forced to pay for their evil deeds.
It's time to escape sister! Time to run free. The old saying "If you love it, set it free, if it comes back to you, it is yours....." rings true here. Set yourself free from your Nmom, and if the relationship is ever meant to come back together, it will and you will own it - not your Nmom controlling it. Otherwise, be happy you are free and she can no longer hurt you.
I have always wondered why my Nmom thought getting pregnant was the absolute worst thing in the world. But it's not - it's just how they feel at that moment. Get them upset about something else that is one of their No Nos and all hell breaks loose again! My Nmom and Ndad always said I would end up pregnant when I was still a teen. I didn't and THAT made them angry. My lil sis got pregnant at 19 and they forced a shot gun wedding. She divorced 4 years later and they took her child from her. They said she didn't deserve a child!
I started my family at 30 and Nmom got angry THEN that I was having a baby. She said I had to give it to her because I waited so long she didn't think I wanted kids. I have 3 kids and they tried many times to take them. Moving over 2000 miles away has been my sanity saver. But this year I told them I was not Afraid of them anymore, they can't take my kids, they can't beat me anymore for smoking and drinking and they went balistic.
So, see, it doesn't matter what you do. The act of doing something Ns say you can't do will stay with them forever. They will never let you live it down.
Get out now so you don't have to continue living with your Nmom's evilness. Stop taking her dumping on you for her inadequacies.
I always wondered if maybe my Nmom got pregnant prior to getting married - maybe that is why it's such a bug issue to her! She'd never let us know. She still lies to the world that my sister was married before she got pregnant - like anyone even Cares anymore! This is 2004!