Non-Violent Communication I feel tenderness for the struggles shared by many people posting on this board and a need to alleviate the pain they are experiencing.
The thought came to me that I can share a tool that was meaningful to me. I'm not sure that it helped my pain, actually sometimes it just uncovers more pain. But I think that I have found something solid in the NVC process and it helps me get real with myself. So maybe it can help someone out there.
Some of you may have already been exposed to the Non-Violent Communication Process.
So First of all I have to say that I have tried NVC with my Nar-mother, and other relatives, it has at times prevented relationships from getting worse, but it did not fix or improve the relationships. If you do decide to use NVC I would caution against using it with
Nar- people. You can try if you like. I tried using it with a Nar-person at work and it totally inflamed that person, the person reverted back to an unrestrained five year old brat. Come to think of it, I hadn't even been talking to her, I was just stating something totally neutral to the group that was about work and was not a personal issue. The fact that I exclaimed my enthusiasm for something pissed the co-worker off. I don't understand how these Nar-people become popular, they are just so lame....
So, The reason why I'm suggesting the NVC out here is because I think it may be a tool of sorts that a person can use to have a relationship with themselves. A person can use the NVC process with their OWN THOUGHTS!
NVC hasn't fixed all my struggles in life but it has helped me get clear and simple and truthful.
The NVC process is this: Identify Feeling, The feeling points to the Need, Identify Need, and then one can even request that the need be met by someone
I find that just Identifying the Feeling and The Need internally can be useful for me (thats' a very safe level), this can be enough of a challenge at times.
Requesting to get the need met, now that is a struggle for me..I usually don't go this far, out of fear that I won't get the need met and embarrassment for having asked in the first place.
From reading about NVC I learned that culturally it is brain-washed into all of society to deny their own feelings and needs.
With children of Narcissistic Parents the struggle is greater because they didn't get practice at experiencing their own feelings and needs - they got warped by the Nar-Person. And the Nar Person was not going to give.
I personally don't buy into every part of the NVC Philosophy, it's a too idealistic, instead I just like the process. You can decide for yourself what makes sense to you..I really struggled with the NVC Philosophy at first, because it includes the premise that (People have a need for other's wellbeing), and NVC practitioners state this like an absolute fact. I believed this at first but I had to go through that hard reality check, that told me not only do some people not "have the need for another person's wellbeing" but they "have the need for another person's suffering". The idea that "a person has a need for another persons suffering" goes against NVC, but it is true in my mind and I have a need for getting down to reality to keep myself safe from harmful people and to keep my mind straight.
You are welcome to explore and come to your own conclusions!
Anyways, there is A LOT of good stuff in the NVC process. There are even practice groups in some cities.
I recommend checking out the websites and if it looks interesting then get some used books of
I think I got about 4-5 books for about $10.00.'ve got a few more things to say about this... of course... will do that later..
Off subject: I had this dream last night that someone washed my dishes for me! I don't have a dishwasher-machine so I was delighted. What a funny dream. I guess my subconscious doesn't approve of my dirty dishes in the sink. Ha Ha