Here. I got one for ya in the WTF?! category....
Back in March, I was told I'd need a physical for buy-sell insurance, 'coz I inherited 50% of this company (actually 2; now it's 3).
So, while I was still working - and had health insurance - I scheduled a physical with my doctor. Shortly thereafter, I found out that the insurance co. would send their own person to my home to do the exam. So I didn't follow up on anything, suggested by the poor PA who was trying guess what tests they might request.
OK - everyone makes mistakes, right? I was trying to be pro-active & git R done...
Well... this has become an insane thing. First glitch - I had to ask the PA to write a letter saying, that I'd misunderstood the instructions about the exam and that there was no medical reason she knew of for recommending the tests she did.
NOW... I was refused temporary LIFE insurance coverage (the buy-sell insurance) because of this reason:
I'd seen my doctor in the last year.
uh..... aren't we SUPPOSED to have a physical every year?? Why does having a physical trigger "no coverage" for life insurance??? It's not like having a physical means I'm at high risk of dying, you know???
It's all cleared up now, thankfully. Supposedly a "clerical error". But ya know... I think I'm gonna join you on the "glaring eyes" side of things, Helen. This is just so flat out stupid & rediculous that it boggles the mind.
It's the rest of the world that "has something wrong with them", dear... TRUST ME. It ain't us.