Last Friday I got fired again from this temporary job I have been doing that I didn't really want but still was trying to do it anyways.
I'm not emotionally upset about it because I have been through worse, but god I need the money.
The part that I don't like is that this crap all gets put into my employee file.
So next week I am going to a union meeting where I am going to present the manager with a voluntary resignation and request that she process it to replace the dishonerable termination that was based on my "performance".
The problem with my performance is that I had an assertive communication style and she didn't like that.
Luckily since this was a union position there are other people in the same types of positions who are all having the same issues with this manager.
So that is what I am working on this afternoon, my statement and what I will present next week at the meeting.
I get to go back and advocate for my coworkers I guess.
On Thursday the manager had called my coworker and I down from our desks into a customer area and proceded to tell my coworker that he was doing something wrong. I stood up to her because there are convoluted circumstances behind this situation.
The manager had previously told me to train him even though I am new and the manager also told me it is not my responsibility to train him.
Additionally people are complaining about how this manager humiliates employees in public areas. I felt embarrassed for him and somewhat responsible.
I told her that it is someones responsibility to train us to do these things. Rather then humiliating him in public before he is even told how to do it properly. I asked her some questions about how to prioritize work she wouldn't respond to that and I told her I was frustrated.
She then got angry at me and demanded that I go over to her office with her in another building. This manager has a reputation for yelling at people. So I told her I'm not going over there with her today unless there is a mediator because she is having an angry reactive response and this is not a regularly scheduled meeting. She then changed her mind when I requested a third party be present and threatened to fire me.
I met with her the next morning only after I got her to say that she will speak to me in civil tones. I said "I feel reassured now that I know you are not going to yell at me".
She then fired me, first she tried saying I was aggressive for refusing to go over to her office, then she was saying insubordination then they ended up saying I don't communicate appropriately to leadership.
OH WELL!!!! I will find a better job some day...
The truth is I think they already hired someone to replace me. I will find out more about that in the union meeting.
It turns out that the reason why that male coworker was venting to me previously is because the whole work group was having problems with communication, organizing the work and getting accurate information on how to do the work. It's too much of a mess.