Author Topic: Hi, new to board  (Read 2110 times)

Kiba Jin

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Hi, new to board
« on: September 29, 2004, 09:02:02 PM »
Wow. I've read thru the site and the old cliche about not being the only one rings true.....

"Did my parent respect and value what  I said, see myself as independent from them in a positive way, and feel that my thoughts and feelings were as important as theirs." In other words, did my parent allow me "voice?"  

Ah, um, no, no not really. Of late, have had to practice for the deaf/mute Olympics...But aha!  Other people have gone thru this and know what it's like -- that is a big relief.  There's a bunch more I could quote from the site  -- stuff that really got me.  But I'm still stuck in a cross between Homer Simpson's shriek and Edward Munch's The Scream
Been waking up to my situation and feeling that I'm not nuts, it isn't all my fault and shucks, but I was sort of right -- I did and still do have intrinsic value.

A quick bio would be: femme, late 20's and still living at home with parents *which I'm really embarrassed about, actually mortified*  Parents probably a product of this sort of dysfunctional parenting, but they passed it on and continue to practice it and my siblings and I are the ones dealing with the newest version of the family curse (sort of like AOL).  
Laslty,  I feel hopeful and confident in getting on with my life.

Thanks for reading,


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Hi, new to board
« Reply #1 on: September 29, 2004, 10:47:04 PM »
Welcome and know that if you are still in your 20s then you are waking up well before I did and a lot of others did, too.  Do yourself a favor and go to school or something - get out of your parents house and move far away and make it on your own!!!

That from me who is trying to break away in my mid 40s and it's like amputating your heart...............

Kiba Jin

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Hi, new to board
« Reply #2 on: September 29, 2004, 11:37:01 PM »
Quote from: Anonymous
Welcome and know that if you are still in your 20s then you are waking up well before I did and a lot of others did, too.  Do yourself a favor and go to school or something - get out of your parents house and move far away and make it on your own!!!

That from me who is trying to break away in my mid 40s and it's like amputating your heart...............

Thanks for the boost. Every little bit helps, for all of us I should think. A big turning point for me was realizing I could and can leave -- my parents ideas, views and assesments of the 'real world'  did not hold up in the outside world.  I am capable of becoming an adult of sorts (especially on my own terms and ideas).

 I've gone to college on several occasions...and always bombed out. (and oh, the drama-rama that these occasions coincided with...blark) Well, finally I'm starting to aknowledge where my interests and talents lay and that I have talents. So I'm taking one class this term with a teacher I really like.  Going back to school has been a breath of fresh air in an otherwise stale  xenophobic atmosphere of the home. Now to find work, save up and move out.

I really hope this forum will be a place where I can run situations by somebody outside the family and ask "Is this weird....or am I a nutbar?"

Take care.


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Hi, new to board
« Reply #3 on: October 01, 2004, 09:58:49 AM »
This is a great place.  It is helpful to be able to share ideas with others who have been along the same road, and to know that 'you are not crazy!'.
Welcome to the group!  We are not the crazy ones! :wink:


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Hi, new to board
« Reply #4 on: October 01, 2004, 12:21:52 PM »
Welcome Kiba Jin!

If we are nutbars, at least we know it!   :)   Thanks for stopping by and saying hello.
