Hi David,
Last night I had a very, very vivid dream, that I was shrieking at my x-N dating partner, telling him that he was a flaming N, and what it was, and all the N behaviors he did. It was at some function where his friends and parents were too, and they heard it all. He burst into tears. It was a very disturbing dream, actually, and I woke up with a negative vibe, feeling emotionally hurt, too.
So then I get up, and see a single ripped out page from a newspaper, on a table in my room. I look at it curiously, and it is a full page article entitled “Narcissism-The Disease Of The 21st Century ?” Geez!!! Right after I had that dream!! I was a little freaked out for sure, wondering what was going on in that moment, and if the universe was trying to tell me something… I didn’t even have any idea as to how the article got there at first.
Only when I turned it over, I realized there was something a friend wanted me to see on the other side, and I’d put it there before going to bed. I simply picked up the opposite side. But what are the odds of a Nism article on that other side!!
Anyway, my
point (there is one lol) in commenting back on this thread, was because of the content of that article. The whole thing quoted Sam Vaknin, and was based on his views of Nism. This was a local (not national) French only newspaper, in Canada. I can’t tell you how surprised I was to see that.
My point is that journalists are often doing different stories each day or week, not really having the time to delve into any one topic very deeply (unless they are doing a series). So, with the ability for very quick online research, and also saturation of Sam V. stuff out there, I’m afraid there is going to be more misconception (the over exaggeration) spread, just via the way journalism works… If the writer is really rushed, then balance of the issue can suffer. Some people will read that article and think that is what narcissism is, and they will think “wow, I didn’t know it was all around me in my life like that”. Then, they can begin to see Nism where it isn’t.
Again, I was surprised to see all of Sam V.'s words in a more smallish market- but there it was... Too bad the whole thing will continue to get perpetuated that way, too