I understand where you are coming from about Sam…
I received value in Sam V.’s writings
only inasmuch as what they revealed about NPD,
if one is
already knowingly dealing with someone with the disorder (which I was). And I didn’t always buy (as in believe) what I read in general as well, because I also found a lot of what appeared as over-drama around his work. His focus seemed to be the psychopathic/malignant narcissist (where they are dif. kinds), so maybe that is why, but still, some things seemed over-hyped...
Anyway, I took bits and pieces of what was of value to me at the time, and left the rest.
We experience bad relationships and not so pleasant people during the course of our lives. It doesn't mean that these people suffer with NPD! According to Sam, if you so much as shake a persons hand to firmly, they're Narcissists with NPD! He does so, because it is in his financial interests to do so, not yours!
Yes, definitely true. For example, I relate very well to a lot of what those on this message board, who were raised by an N parent, say about feeling voiceless, invisible, over-criticized, emotionally abused, etc., and I did not grow up with an N parent (my N experience was with a dating partner). A very overwhelmed parent with her own other troubles, but not an N.
I can see the difference clearly, and I can see what you are saying in that Sam V’s work might try to give a nudge in convincing someone like me, otherwise.
I think he should stop writing about Nism and start writing Steven King type horror, or mystery type books

I think he has the perfect mind for it, the inner melodrama, and I have to give it to him that he is one heck of a writer…. At least that way he’d be getting the attention he craves, have an outlet for his Nism energy, and not be hurting anyone. I don’t think he’d be convinced to shift over though
But I will tell you, one thing that makes the little hairs on the back on my neck stand up, is hearing how articulate in speech he is (radio interviews) how marvelously intelligent, and 'normal' he sounds, witnessing what a brilliant writer he is…. all adjacent to the the torturous, ill thoughts of his inner self…
You just never can tell about a person, and a woman could be easily fooled and lured by him and his outer persona, not to realize until it is too late for deep damage, how profoundly ill he is…. So in that way, I guess it is really a good thing that he sticks to writing so blatantly about his illness and keeps it out in the open….