I was reluctant to face it because it feels like a failure but I suppose you're right, Ami.
It may be for some reason the two of us just can't fix this old cycle. Maybe it will create a sense of freedom and safety within healthy boundaries we each need in order for us both to participate here happily. I'd like to post here for years more, knowing it to be a safe and positive part of my life.
So I'll think of it as just meeting a lot of people in a big room, and realizing that for reasons neither of us intends, we tend to rub each other the wrong way. Some people bring out the best in me and vice versa. I'll leave you alone and respect your right to engage with others, and you can continue to enjoy that. And vice versa.
The board's a big generous room; not all circles have to constantly overlap.
Maybe it is the most supportive thing to do for us both. It doesn't have to be a result of anger, so thank you for suggesting it calmly. I can extend compassion while respecting and relying on the NC boundary to feel more safe and relaxed. I hope this boundary will have benefits for you, as well. I genuinely wish you the best as you continue to heal and find your way to a more peaceful, happy future. You have been through unspeakable pain and I hope you will find relief. I'm sure you will.
So. Richard, in order to avoid an old repetitive pattern, I'd like to go NC with Ami. For safety's sake, I should then proactively go NC with Wiltay as well.
To confirm I'm understanding right: I will not enter a thread Ami or Wiltay begins, and although I will freely participate in any other thread they are also on, I will neither mention nor address them or use hints, allusions, suggestions, intimations, asides, etc., about them. I will also not respond to their posts in any thread we're both participating in. Please let me know if I've missed anything.
I'm ready to be corrected if I slip. I will apologize and step back behind the boundary. (Ami or Wiltay, if you notice a transgression, please address the moderator rather than me about it, as the NC rule is reciprocal. Other people, please feel free to help me "steer" if you notice I need that. Thanks.)
I'm sure that although it may be awkward at times at first, with practice our NC will just become an automatic part of the landscape, and I hope living with this boundary in place will not cause discomfort to anyone else.