Thank you for thinking about me. I am home and on my computer....
The chemo attacks all fast growing cells. Cancer is fast growing but so is the inside of your mouth, your hair and fingernails. My mouth is so stickin sore......I ate mild salsa and thought I would was so hot. I drank a pop and it burned.
So what did I have for breakfast? Oatmeal. Yogurt.
I have been eating quite a few popsicles and sucking on ice.....that feels good.
I came home from two days with my daughter and granddaughter in another city. I watched the baby while she did some training.
When I got home my h was very drunk. I told him I wanted a divorce. He said he was trying to be supportive and I asked him, "If I needed to be rushed to the hospital, could you have driven me last night???????"
He apologized. I need someone who is going to be there for me!