Hi Portia,
I really don't want to be Madonna or David Beckham.
ditto. LOL.
I have a hard time when I realise that people are envious of me. I get shocked. I think: you're seeing what you want to see, you're not seeing me. Walk a few yards in my shoes and then tell me you're envious.
All I can share with you is my own take and experience as well as what I have read in books, if envy interests you I would take the time to study the emotion. Here is a book on envy that I have loved (the grown up version of the fairy tale expose): Cinderella and Her Sisters: The Envying And The Envying[/i] by Ann & Barry Ulanov. Understanding envy more deeply can open up all kinds of doors to higher understanding. It is a powerful emotion that we all process to one degree or another. When I began to study envy, taking ownership for what I lacked in envy or how much I carried envy I grew and found a new level of happiness and self understanding.
Since my youth I have carried a low self image and low self-esteem partly created out of my negative FOO belief system; blinded by my own low self image I could not see that others were envious of me..."for what?" I would ask myself. It was always hard for me to understand why when other women were cold to me, shutting me out or gossiping about me that is was because they might be envious, I did not like myself and felt that there was no reason for anyone to ever be envious of me. It took growth and self exploration for me to understand that I was a "good" person, that goodness in me was what others envied. People are most envious of good character, deep down we all know just how hard that is to posses, good character.
It took a long time for me, years, to develop an understanding that I had a good heart, not to blow my own horn, that goodness was something I worked to develop over the years having learned that good character was more important than anything else, including fashion -- lol. I am the kind of person who much prefers to get to know other women, care about each other and develop close friendships; I'm a very noncompetitive spirit when it come to female friendships and love.
Is envy just a projection? The grass is always greener until you jump the fence. People don't count their blessings enough!
Envy is an emotion that becomes a projection, the most widely projected emotion, in my estimate, because so very few want to actually have to claim it; therefore, better or less painful to stare at envy in someone else, or pawn it off on someone else.
The grass is always greener until you jump the fence. People don't count their blessings enough!
True. Some of the most envious women I have known are also the most talented and naturally gifted and outwardly beautiful. I imagine that if they were able to take responsibility for some inside thought processes and behaviors they might also be beautiful on the inside too.
I'm not sure envy necessarily deprives the envious one of others joy and goodness: I think it can also/instead deprive the envious one of their own joy and goodness, which is waiting to be found. ?
Yep... Envy deprives when it becomes malicious, meaning acted on envy in the form of say back stabbing, spreading untrue or true rumors as a form of covert relational aggression, stealing..etc., there is a saying that envy steals charity, envy wishes to rob others of their goodness, or joy. It is the
deprivation that the envy feels that wishes to rob and steal from others.