I think before you can appreciate money, time, other people or anything, you must have good mental and emotional health. I think that is the ability to see things as they are.When your FOO makes you see things skewed, you are not living life as it IS.
You are living in your own head of distortions.
I ,slowly, am getting my mental and emotional health back.
Last night, if I didn't have my Enlightened Witness, I could not have gotten out of the 'BAD".
I was stuck in "I am bad ". He showed me that I was trying to be perfect and that was why I was stuck. I saw it and I became unstuck, almost as if you pull s/thing off when it is glued.
I became unfrozen . I think the fairy tales are metaphors of this.
It is scary to me how stuck I get and how I can't get out myself but that is how it is ,now. I have to trust that God did not bring me this far to drop me. I know inside He didn't.
The other day, my guitar teacher said he was sitting across the room from my guitar and it played by itself. He( a born again Christian as I am) told me that he thinks Scott's( my son who died) spirit is in the house.
I have felt so happy since then, free in a new way.
So, there are many things outside the dimensions on earth. Ami