Author Topic: Fear of intimacy  (Read 4673 times)


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Fear of intimacy
« on: August 15, 2009, 04:52:14 PM »
Does any person out here have a fear of intimacy?
If so, how does it manifest?

I wonder if people who did not have a secure bond with their mothers as infants are more likely to fear this...
Or if we don't like ourselves and we really do need some love but are fearful for being seen as a bad person...
« Last Edit: August 15, 2009, 04:53:59 PM by Helen »


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Re: Fear of intimacy
« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2009, 06:22:27 PM »
I think you have explained the dilemma of the child of the N parent in a few sentences. They demanded perfection for THEM.They demanded we take care of THEM or they told us  we were "bad"(often with the  word, "selfish")
 We can't risk being seen b/c other people could confirm our biggest fear, that we are bad.
 So, we get in a closed loop where we can't change b/c we can't risk.
 I have been in a closed loop since 14.
 It was an edifice of distortions that when I see them, they blow away like smoke. They were only ghosts but were so real to me that they almost killed me.             Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
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Re: Fear of intimacy
« Reply #2 on: August 15, 2009, 08:22:27 PM »
Hi Helen,

Fear of intimacy is proably the biggest emotional problem there is, it is what a great many disorders, including NPD, and relationship difficulties are founded on - fear of not being loved and fear of being rejected, fear of not getting the love we need and fear of not being able or adequate to give the love others need, so that we can be loved.

To be loved just feels really wonderful....actually, love is, as I once heard, like the wind on a sail that makes it move.  Love is a blessing on our spirits that sends a strong signal to our hearts that we are wanted. If we are not loved then we are stifled in are ability to move, or sail, through life. We need love like we need air.

So, if our emotions as babies, such as crying/tears/grief/expression for a need we had, such as the need to be picked up and cuddled, a need that a baby cannot identify as a need and instead identifies themselves as the need to be picked up and held, were not approved of by our parents/caregivers then babies instinctively shut down the need and the emotions with the need because we instinctively know the primary need we have is to be loved by our parents; if the caregivers go away because of our crying we sense a real threat, a real life killing threat. We instinctively know that we can survive without our emotions, but we also know that we will DIE without our caregivers, therefore, I, as a baby sold my soul, my emotions out in order to get a little food, N supply, or anything to just keep me alive and not abandoned.

The tragedy for me was that I WAS abandoned as a bay and child, repeatedly, which set me up in life for deep anxiety disorder in relationships.
I spent a great deal of my life running away, I think that I am more of an abandoner, one of my favorite things in life, just love them and run.

Explained another way:
So much gets tied into emotions. There are many emotions, facial expressions, needs. Basically babies are a bundle of  constant needs. If the caregiver cannot respond to those needs then the child may squish their own needs just to assure primal security of not being abandoned in their psychical needs.

Guess what...the vast majority of the human race cannot love, most people live in fear. Most people confuse love for admiration or success. Most people are terrified of losing face in this world. Most people have lies they carry that they tell themselves such as they are not worth much, they are hopeless, they are inadequate in someway, therefore, if you carry these lies, then you carry  the fear of intimacy that goes with the lies. Lies generate fear.


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Re: Fear of intimacy
« Reply #3 on: August 15, 2009, 08:31:57 PM »
I think we have to know we won't die if s/one rejects us in order to be intimate and real. We have to know we can survive or else we will go in to protection mode and never risk. KWIM?      Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: Fear of intimacy
« Reply #4 on: August 15, 2009, 09:07:05 PM »
I think we have to know we won't die if s/one rejects us in order to be intimate and real.

Well, that is one way to overcome fears, we are all different as there are different ways to overcome. Truth, just telling the truth is one way, but you are correct, we do need safe others in order to tell that truth to and not have them run in order to show us that we are OK.  Safe others that will accept, without judgement, our weakness and buried, lost, hidden away frightened child within who just wants to be accepted and loved back into the world.

Pray for "safe others." There is a saying in 12 step recovery "let us love you until you can love yourself."  When I first came into AA I found huge amounts of this unconditional acceptance and love stuff. Sadly, there is shortage today.  People accept, blindly, but the unconditional love is running very thin in the rooms as well as other places. When I say unconditional love I mean people who had eyes to see and hearts to hug with yet did not make those of us, the walking blind wounded, wrong for being wounded with judgements. It was that atomopshere that made it safe for me to begin to heal and see the truth about myself.

Unconditional love is like a wind that can enable truth to come into our beings, truth that will set us free.


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Re: Fear of intimacy
« Reply #5 on: August 15, 2009, 09:11:42 PM »
I think we have to know we won't die if s/one rejects us in order to be intimate and real.

Well, that is one way to overcome fears, we are all different as there are different ways to overcome. Truth, just telling the truth is one way, but you are correct, we do need safe others in order to tell that truth to and not have them run in order to show us that we are OK.  Safe others that will accept, without judgement, our weakness and buried, lost, hidden away frightened child within who just wants to be accepted and loved back into the world.

Pray for "safe others." There is a saying in 12 step recovery "let us love you until you can love yourself."  When I first came into AA I found huge amounts of this unconditional acceptance and love stuff. Sadly, there is shortage today.  People accept, blindly, but the unconditional love is running very thin in the rooms as well as other places. When I say unconditional love I mean people who had eyes to see and hearts to hug with yet did not make those of us, the walking blind wounded, wrong for being wounded with judgements. It was that atomopshere that made it safe for me to begin to heal and see the truth about myself.

Unconditional love is like a wind that can enable truth to come into our beings, truth that will set us free.

You said it all,Lise. unconditional love is so rare and so powerful !                                         Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
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Re: Fear of intimacy
« Reply #6 on: August 17, 2009, 08:04:45 AM »
Helen, what do you call fear of intimacy?

I have been accused by my friend W that I have fear of intimacy. I do not want him in my house too much, I do not want anybody in my house too much, I do not want to share my toys with anybody, my things in general. Is that it? I do not want to take care of anybody. Is that it?

One day we went to the movies and I did not want him to drink from my drink. I do not want to share drinks with anybody. Is that it?


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Re: Fear of intimacy
« Reply #7 on: August 17, 2009, 08:50:49 AM »
I think there's a fear of being intimate with the contents of your own head.

Identifying too closely with the stupid 'me' that we hang on to, not understanding that underneath, we're all the same. We all have basically the same brains, thoughts, emotions. The brain is just another organ, to be understood and changed, for the better.


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Re: Fear of intimacy
« Reply #8 on: August 17, 2009, 09:04:39 AM »
I think there's a fear of being intimate with the contents of your own head.

Identifying too closely with the stupid 'me' that we hang on to, not understanding that underneath, we're all the same. We all have basically the same brains, thoughts, emotions. The brain is just another organ, to be understood and changed, for the better.

This is IT. Portia. I always tried to get that concept  but I didn't trust myself enough to face it. If I tried to describe it, I didn;t trsut myself enough to verbalize it. Thank you so much, Portia. You have put a piece in the puzzle for me!! That is exactly MY fear of intimacy. I may do a thread on that,if that is OK      XXXOOOOO Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: Fear of intimacy
« Reply #9 on: August 17, 2009, 09:26:04 AM »
Go for it Ami! We're ALL in this together.


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Re: Fear of intimacy
« Reply #10 on: August 17, 2009, 06:11:29 PM »
.......or maybe we're not. I have no idea.


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Re: Fear of intimacy
« Reply #11 on: August 17, 2009, 06:15:37 PM »
Hi Ami,

I'm ok with that, if you would like to start another thread about intimacy or the contents of your brain.....
Who you askin' permission from? The Nar-mother in your head?


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Re: Fear of intimacy
« Reply #12 on: August 17, 2009, 06:20:29 PM »
No, I know I can start another thread Portia and Helen.No problem.  I forgot about my post b/c I was on the other thread.   
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: Fear of intimacy
« Reply #13 on: August 20, 2009, 02:35:26 PM »
Just in case you happen to see this:

I was fearful of intimacy not just with others - but with myself. There were definitely skeletons in my closet that I was afraid of... until they finally got drug out of the dark and looked at... and I could say: well DUH... of COURSE...

I just this week discovered that I find it difficult to stay emotionally active with other people, in the course of conversation or interaction.
Success is never final, failure is never fatal.


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Re: Fear of intimacy
« Reply #14 on: August 20, 2009, 07:12:07 PM »

Can you say what you mean by "emotionally active"?

Do you mean paying close attention to the other's emotional state? Tuning in? (as opposed to 'zoning out', which I think I can choice).

I'm interested.