Is Emily still out there somewhere? I read her posts from back in 2004, and then I read parts of them to my husband ... we were both floored because even though those posts were from 5 years ago, she was describing our oldest son --- today, now. I have thought he suffered from depression since his junior high days; he did finally admit while he was at college that he had a problem, and got on antidepressants for awhile, and seemed better.
Our whole family seems to have dysregulated self-esteem (although I hate the word self-esteem, it is used so often in a cheesy way). Part of the family seems to have an overinflated sense of self and the other half doesn't value themselves enough, and we all fit together like locks and keys. In a painful yucky way. I have no idea where this particular son falls. Sometimes he seems arrogant and sometimes you see through that arrogance to a person who is trying desperately to fake it. But he's 21 and somewhere somebody said that we must give our children a sense of agency --- so I am trying sooo hard to give him adequate space while "keeping the light on for him" if you know what I mean. Being a person of extremes myself, finding balance is not the easiest thing I try to do every day.
I am curious about Emily's situation ---- if it has resolved and how, and how she finds her situation five years later. However, if Emily is well and truly gone, are there others who recognize their own situation in what she and I have described? It is truly bewildering and frustrating. I've learned how to deal with the Ns (well, OK, that is never a completed process, but I'm learning) but this weird mix of arrogance and depressive states I am totally at a loss to understand.
By the way, both my husband and I function normally. My husband has probably more self-confidence than most people, and I probably have a bit less, but for the most part we fall within the normal range. How we managed that, I don't know, except we found each other young and parented each other a lot of the way through --- both of his parents and one of mine are Ns.