Author Topic: Beautiful Ohio-- I used to love that song-- saw movie tonight!  (Read 940 times)


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Close to the beginning of the movie....

" I just saw a movie with 2 parents and their 2 teenage boys, "not communicating" at dinner. The dinner was special for one son winning the State Math Championship, then younger son mentions his car that he wants, then father who sells insurance mentions how costly Insurance is for that kind of car, while adding a question to wife about why are anchovies in the salad? and discussion about how good a cook she is...(now far from the reason for the special dinner.) So there is a great family discussion with no one paying attention to anybody else's interest, needs, whatever, and by the end of the movie we are all surprised that the eldest son is gay, and that the "phony girlfriend" (for cover) was getting it on with the younger brother.

Boy! That was obvious to me, and right now I cannot remember anything said at our family table except Mom saying "Don't eat out of the bowl!"

That never made sense to me, as a youngster, as the food was in the bowl to begin with. I finally realized she ought to have said to move it from the bowl , with the serving spoon, to the plate, then eat it with out utensil!

We must have been a bunch of wolves after our first serving to sit afterward and take a forkful out of the bowl, straight to our mouths.

Do any of your reemember any such lack of communication?
"The joy of love lasts such a short time, but the pain of love lasts one's whole life"