Thanks Hops. It's irrelevant to the post but I have so much to be grateful right now and it took coming out of hell to get here and I get these opportunities and I don't know how to deal with them. Maybe I am tired because I am working 12 hours (just for a few days for a congress we have at work) and do my freelance stuff on top, and moving houses back finally since I am living out of a suitcase for almost 6 months and I met this great guy and it's romantic, and fun and then the scared little girl appears and I don't know what she wants, she is like a detached part of me that maybe I need to nurture but in a more 'mature' way, yes, compassion for myself, but I just returned home after 12 hours of work with 4 hours sleep last night, and I can't stop crying. And I can't blame NM for ever for what she did to me, but I can't help thinking that I am doing the best I can with the set of faulty tools I was given. I am doing really hard work, I am being hard on me, hard on others and the real reason is because I don't think I deserve these wonderful things that are happening for almost the first time.
Only you guys on this board can understand. I think this is the time to apply 'I ask God to restore me to sanity because I am powerless over what happened to me in the past' but I am fully responsible for what mess I create in my life from now on.
Thanks for letting me ramble
Dear ((((P)))
I am sorry I have not seen you struggling ,P.I missed this part of the thread.I have had so many friends say 'GET over your Mother already. It is YOUR life.".It never helped, never, ever, ever.
It made me worse cuz on top of my being stuck in my feelings about my M and being stuck in the damage, I, then, had guilt that I was not over it.
Intimacy is terrifying when you have had Mothers like ours. . Intimacy can really hurt. It brings up the feelings we had from our M's. It is scary, scary, scary.
What you are feeling with the man is natural given your background.All humans fear intimacy but we have a much,much worse fear of it cuz of our rejection by our M's.
There are no easy fixes . I just want you to know that you are not alone . Your feelings are from how your M stole every bit of you that she could(your sense of self) and left you defenseless in the world with a set of coping skills that would make you road kill.
Keep sharing. Keep talking. xxxoo Ami
PS For me, healing comes as I am "seen" in a genuine way for who I am.When someone sees me, I can see myself. Our Mother's never gave us the ability to see ourselves(mirroring). We get spooked in situations cuz we don't have enough of a genuine self to feel we can handle life's situations such as intimacy.
Sharing on the Board, your true heart, is a form of being seen,IME.