Oh god, you mean the smurfs are on my ship!! How did they get on the ship!! Oh noo. Blimy!
I could shishka bob the little demented smurfs on my sword!!! Yes!! Smurf kabobs.
I bet they taste like chicken.
Aye, Matey, We be eatin smurfs.
Of course the smurfs are the perfect size to tormentingly ride around on the skunk.
The smurfs are going to be after the gold, it's hidden in the latrine!!! Hurry, Me Hearty Smoking Pigeon, dive for the gold!!
(Nah, I wouldn't make you do that..) We will figure another way to get the treasure out of the toilet (Ship's head).
We can tie the smurfs to little strings and lower them down into the toilet and make them fish the gold coins out!!
The smurfs want me to walk the plank!!! No, I'm afraid of water... NOOOOO....ANYTHING BUT THE PLANK!!
JUST wait a minute... a smurf can not even carry a lagoon of gold.
Just what the heck is going happening on this boat?
Me be laughin so harrrd, I be blowin ME boogerrrrss. Arrgggggh..