Author Topic: New to Board But Not New to NPD  (Read 3329 times)


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New to Board But Not New to NPD
« on: August 30, 2009, 03:34:00 PM »
I hope that I am posting in the right the right place to introduce myself.  I am 47 years old.  I've been married for 19 years and we are raising two remarkable daughters, ages 15 and 11.    This is my story and no one with a "normal" mother can understand why I honestly do not love my mother.  It is so hard to convey to the "normals."

As a very young child, I recognized that my mother was very unhappy.  She seemed lost in her own head, which I now recognize as total detachment.  She fed us, got us to school & kept the house clean (with ample complaining about it).  She never read to me.  Never helped with homework (or even asked).  She didn't like us having friends over.  She never was excited over Christmas or any other holiday.   She was just totally uninterested in her children as people (and still doesn't know the first personal thing about any of us.)  She had given up her career of college level teaching when she married my father in late 1950s and lamented that over and over.  My father was well aware of her moodiness and used to instruct us over and over and over again, "Whatever you do, just don't upset your mother today!"  We learned to walk on eggshells around her.  As we became teenagers, she became more miserable because of my father's career change.  She'd rail & scream & lock herself up in her bedroom.  I often wondered when I came home after school if she'd be dead lying in a pool of blood in her bathroom (from cutting her wrists.). She never laid a hand on us, but she never hugged or kissed us either.  She ruined holidays by constant complaining about how hard she had to work and by screaming at my dad for buying her the wrong thing.    At my three graduations (high school, college and law school), she came up to me and expressed that she was disappointed because I had not won awards and gotten public recognition.    She didn't offer to come and help me when either daughter was born claiming she couldn't come because my father was still working.    When I'd call her, I often would be in the middle of telling herself something about my life and she'd interrupt and say, "I've got to go" and she'd hand the phone over to my father. 

I won't go into my father in detail right now,  but my father was a very loving man who adored his children.  He lavished us with much attention and was our constant champion and advocate.  All three of us loved him dearly.  He died 4 years ago after an arduous battle with cancer (my mother complained the whole year how hard it was on her.)  Without my father to buffer her, her personality came raging forth.  I tried to take her on family vacations with us out of a sense of duty, but she destroyed them with her constant talking about herself, her politics, stories of how people have wronged her, railing at me for having a different view, griping about not wanting to be somewhere or do something.  She'd talk to my brother on the phone and be very sweet to him.  She did nothing but complain and complain and complain about being a widow to me.  She's been left totally and utterly set for life - no mortgage, $100,000+ in pension income, and she is in great physical health.  She is afraid of the world and refuses to travel alone, yet she is depressed about not traveling.  She watches TV constantly and bombards me with horribly negative new stories (the swine flu, rape stories, murder stories, you name it) via email.  She is racist and can be such an ugly, ugly human being.  She has two friends (if you can call them that) and she trashes them to me all the time!  One has cancer and is all puffed up from drugs, and my mother derides her for being "fat."

I have gone to limited contact for my sanity.  I don't call her anymore because the hour-long calls nearly kill me.  We live 6 hours away by car and I haven't been up there since Christmas because the entire visit is all about her complaining.  She totally ignores my daughters when we visit.  If one is talking to me, she will start talking right over her (my daughter).  I hold up my hand to tell her that one of the girls is still talking to me, and she gets mad & says, "Oh....."  She is angry with my lack of attention and tells my siblings all about it.  Honestly, if I had the guts, I'd cease all contact with her.  Guilt is my constant companion.   I don't miss her at all.  When I see her, I try very hard to avoid hugging her because it feels so awfully wrong.  When in her presence, I cannot look into her eyes.  I am terrified of her for some reason and terrified to speak my mind around her.  We have a totally superficial relationship grounded only in biology. 

If I could, I'd move to another country just so I didn't have this constant pall hovering over me (the guilt from not visiting or calling.)

I am glad to have found this site and look forward to seeing old friends and meeting new. 


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Re: New to Board But Not New to NPD
« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2009, 03:44:19 PM »
Hi, WearyofHer,

People on this board will understand your frustrations!

« Last Edit: August 30, 2009, 04:19:29 PM by Helen »


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Re: New to Board But Not New to NPD
« Reply #2 on: August 30, 2009, 04:15:49 PM »
Welcome WOH:

You've found a refuge of understanding and fellowship, provided by the good Dr. G.

::Extending hand::

Nice to meet you: )



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Re: New to Board But Not New to NPD
« Reply #3 on: August 30, 2009, 04:41:31 PM »
Welcome Weary,

I share so many similar feelings you have had through the course of your experiences with your Nmother.  It's difficult to say the least. Come here to share more with us and we will share our stories with you.  Hey, even if you want to rant, we are awesome listeners! So don't hold back.

Bear :mrgreen:


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Re: New to Board But Not New to NPD
« Reply #4 on: August 30, 2009, 05:53:06 PM »
Hello Weary - Glad you found your way over here.  You will see a few other familiar "faces".


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Re: New to Board But Not New to NPD
« Reply #5 on: August 30, 2009, 06:00:32 PM »
Hi, WOH!

I'm glad you're here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  (We've met on another board before!) :mrgreen:

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Re: New to Board But Not New to NPD
« Reply #6 on: August 30, 2009, 06:01:53 PM »
Hello Weary - Glad you found your way over here.  You will see a few other familiar "faces".

Hi, CGM1028!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Re: New to Board But Not New to NPD
« Reply #7 on: August 30, 2009, 06:45:24 PM »
Hi Weary
 When I read your post I thought,"There are so many insightful, talented children of N's. How do the N's have such good children when THEY are so dense?
 I don't know but you fall in to the above category and I am glad you are here  :P        Warmly, Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: New to Board But Not New to NPD
« Reply #8 on: August 30, 2009, 08:57:29 PM »
Hi, CGM1028!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Back at ya Bones!  Glad to see you here as well!   :D


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Re: New to Board But Not New to NPD
« Reply #9 on: August 30, 2009, 09:22:30 PM »
Hi, Weary.  Glad to see you on this board. 

Butterfly (aka "Joy")   


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Re: New to Board But Not New to NPD
« Reply #10 on: August 30, 2009, 11:46:51 PM »
Hi Weary,
I'm glad you're sick of her.

That's a sign of burgeoning health.

Glad you're here to share the healing journey.


"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: New to Board But Not New to NPD
« Reply #11 on: August 31, 2009, 12:31:24 AM »

Hi Weary,

Pleased to meet you.



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Re: New to Board But Not New to NPD
« Reply #12 on: August 31, 2009, 05:42:54 AM »
Hi everyone

It is good to see familiar faces here!

Hi Weary

My mother shares similar traits with yours. She was never really interested in me as a child and certainly not as an adult. I only really accepted that it wasn't my fault when I saw her behaving in the same way to my daughter. My mother would also talk over me and my daughter, or she would ask my daughter a question and then ignore her when she answered or start another conversation whilst she was answering.

She would however hug and kiss me, but only when it suited her. She would withdraw this at the drop of a hat if she perceived some misdemeanor. Like your mother, mine would also scream and lock herself away. She still has tantrums like this but refuses to believe it is unreasonable behaviour.

My father also said "Don't upset your mother". He just wanted an easy life, which was understandable as he had a very bad childhood. I was very close to my father though, and when he died I was only 18. When I was little he took me to the park, museums, cinema etc. All the things a mother 'normally' does. Mum was jealous of our relationship but never attempted to get close to me. When dad died she blamed me for his death, saying I had been mean to him. She never had a good word to say about him and gave him misery every day of his life.

Weary - my friends with normal mothers do understand why I don't love my mother because I have shown them some of her poison pen letters. I only started keeping them the last couple of years, but there is enough there to show what a truly nasty, vindictive old witch she really is.


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Re: New to Board But Not New to NPD
« Reply #13 on: August 31, 2009, 07:04:35 AM »
Hi, CGM1028!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Back at ya Bones!  Glad to see you here as well!   :D


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Re: New to Board But Not New to NPD
« Reply #14 on: August 31, 2009, 07:12:03 AM »
Hi everyone

It is good to see familiar faces here!

Hi Weary

My mother shares similar traits with yours. She was never really interested in me as a child and certainly not as an adult. I only really accepted that it wasn't my fault when I saw her behaving in the same way to my daughter. My mother would also talk over me and my daughter, or she would ask my daughter a question and then ignore her when she answered or start another conversation whilst she was answering.

She would however hug and kiss me, but only when it suited her. She would withdraw this at the drop of a hat if she perceived some misdemeanor. Like your mother, mine would also scream and lock herself away. She still has tantrums like this but refuses to believe it is unreasonable behaviour.

My father also said "Don't upset your mother". He just wanted an easy life, which was understandable as he had a very bad childhood. I was very close to my father though, and when he died I was only 18. When I was little he took me to the park, museums, cinema etc. All the things a mother 'normally' does. Mum was jealous of our relationship but never attempted to get close to me. When dad died she blamed me for his death, saying I had been mean to him. She never had a good word to say about him and gave him misery every day of his life.

Weary - my friends with normal mothers do understand why I don't love my mother because I have shown them some of her poison pen letters. I only started keeping them the last couple of years, but there is enough there to show what a truly nasty, vindictive old witch she really is.

Welcome, ((((((((((((((((((((((((((Binks)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

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