No, I am not still engaged. I let him come back once, almost twice, but finally disentangled myself about a year ago. He kept calling for awhile, saying the usual (he was sorry, he was still in love w/ me, etc). But by then, I finally saw it. I found out about narcissism in general when I divorced my husband four years ago. The psychologist told me he was narcissistic, but I didn't do much research - I just got out. However, I thought my next man was completely different. Turns out, just as your situtation, he was just disguised differently. I finally went to counseling where I found out I had become involved w/ yet another narcissist. Come to find out thru therapy that my mother has NPD, & that is why I keep replaying the tape. That is when I started doing some more reading & research. I've learned a lot. Like you, I'm happy to be living alone & actually enjoying myself for the first time in a very long time. I am ready to venture into the dating world, but ready to jump into intimacy again? Now THAT will take some serious time... fm