Author Topic: whoat Now?? Im out of Answers!!!  (Read 2371 times)


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whoat Now?? Im out of Answers!!!
« on: September 17, 2009, 02:50:31 AM »
Many of you have read my posts in the past and have given very useful and supporting advise. But now Im at a loss... I went back to court and after the N father "dissapeared" (which was fine with me) for a year, He took me back to court and forced my ADHD/ Bipolar son back into overnight visitations with him- 3 times a month. My son was totally stabalized, and doing excellent. He had come sooo far, and once the visitation started again all of the endless hours of work and behavior modification I and other therapists and teachers have done with him- it has all gone own the drain. We are back at square one. The outright defiance, hyperactivity, not being able to focus, sit still for 2 minutes, etc... its all back. A year and a half of non-stop work all gone. His father brainwashes him to tell lies about me (things that a 7 year old knows nothing about), has called child protective services on me, abducted him for 3 days past his visitation period, took him off all his meds, smacked him in the head and knocked him off the bed (sons doctor reported that to CPS) father told the cps worker he would not talk to her w/o his attorney present... and to boot when we went back to court HE GOT LONGER VISITATION!!!! What is wrong with the court system. We had another evaluation.. The evaluator favored me, said that there should not be a custody change, the child is in a very fit home and is getting the help that he needs (with me). For the past month I have been in court (300 miles away) every week. everytime I have my attorney there it is a minimum of $1600. I am tapped out I have borrowed $ from everyone I know and still owe the attorney over $10,000. The thought has crossed my mind to just let him live with his father but hed be better off put in front of a firing squad. I would never let him go. I have fought with everything in me and im not sure what I have left. I am so drained. I want to just dissapear... But with a child with special needs what would that do to him? I cant continue... The judge lifted the restraining order on the girlfriend because and I quote "there is no point in him making orders that are not going to be followed". So why are we in court? Isnt there a group that will hide you? Thats where Im at... Everyweek my son comes home crying because he knows hes been put up to lie to me and he wont do it because I know better... The newest one is.." My dad didnt hit me.. but I know now that when I sleep theres a little devil that sneeks into my head while I sleep that makes me lie".... Hes 7!!! Who makes a child believe this crap.. its so way beyond Narsissistic now its just demented... He doesnt even realize his birthday is next weekend. Any advise...??? Either emotionally or financially im going under and i dont know what to do anymore. The judge as usual just keeps giving him more and more... I want another move away order... any advise on that? Already got one to move 300 miles away- Im going 2000 miles this time.... but im not holding my breath...  :cry: :cry: :cry:


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Re: whoat Now?? Im out of Answers!!!
« Reply #1 on: September 17, 2009, 03:44:07 AM »
This is just horrific.  I'm so sorry, I've no advice to give, I can't believe this man has been given anything other than supervised access.  If you were in the UK I could recommend a couple of groups to contact for advice and support but I don't know of any in the US (I'm assuming you're in the States?).  Have you involved children's services against the father?  I have heard of this sort of thing here in the Uk where an abusive parent is basically given leave to carry on abusing but it's so shocking to read this, your poor son.  I can only think of going back to court to get the visitation order revoked but am guessing that's either not an option or has already been done?  So sorry not to have any advice to offer.  This is such a dreadful story.  Thinking of you, although I know that's not much help in this siuation.  If you want to PM me and let me know which area you live in I could contact the groups I know here and see if they know anyone where you are that could help?  Might not have contacts but I could ask.


Twoapenny xxx


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Re: whoat Now?? Im out of Answers!!!
« Reply #2 on: September 17, 2009, 04:58:08 AM »
Can't your son's schoolteachers and/or therapist help you and your son? Is there no way to convice the judge of what is going on and the damage it does to the child?


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Re: whoat Now?? Im out of Answers!!!
« Reply #3 on: September 17, 2009, 07:47:13 AM »
I'm so sorry...... the system is broken.

The Judges are jaded and certainlyl lacking  the basic education to qualify them to make decisions in children's lives.

To their credit, the perpetrators are very good liars and it's to be assumed everyone is lying..... Judges don't know who to beleive.

My advice is to get a good therapist, who has experience testifying in these matters, and go back into court asking for more than is fair.

Judges tend to "split the baby" and give both attorneys something

This isn't the best way to run family court, IMO.

Children are damaged beyond repair.

Lives are ruined.

Their excuse, "We just didn't know better" is cold small comfort.

Find someeone who can educate your Judge from the stand is the only advice I have for you.



I know.

But what else can you do?



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Re: whoat Now?? Im out of Answers!!!
« Reply #4 on: September 17, 2009, 07:47:42 AM »
Can you start teaching him to protect himself?

You're sending him into a dangerous situation, obviously, where there is no one to protect him. He really NEEDS to learn to protect himself and he CAN, even at this age. From what you describe, it sounds like he needs help with boundaries - inner and outer - already. Teach him that it's safe to tell the "little devil" NO. You can use superheros and - watch cartoons with him, there are a lot of "good lessons" in cartoons these days... you can use this as a teaching tool... but it requires talking with him about it; interacting and spending time with him. Think of it as an investment that might save his life...

I was going to say a whole lot more, but I erased it. I wish someone had taught me to protect myself from psychological/emotional abuse - not just physically - at that age.
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Re: whoat Now?? Im out of Answers!!!
« Reply #5 on: September 17, 2009, 07:56:58 AM »
PS -

Martial arts - either Kung Fu or Tai Kwon Do - take kids his age and they teach inner/outer defense skills at an age-appropriate skill level. Many kids with attention problems are helped by being involved in these kinds of activities.
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Re: whoat Now?? Im out of Answers!!!
« Reply #6 on: September 17, 2009, 09:50:01 AM »
I am so sorry you  and your son are going through this((((Kalebsmommy and son) )))                         Ami
« Last Edit: September 17, 2009, 09:53:52 AM by Ami »
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: whoat Now?? Im out of Answers!!!
« Reply #7 on: September 17, 2009, 10:11:35 AM »
Kayleb's Mommy,

Your work IS NOT down the drain. The symptoms are back because of stress, but all the coping skills he has been learning are still in there. They are going to help him deal with life.

First, I hope you are DOCUMENTING EVERYTHING IN AS MUCH DETAIL AS POSSIBLE. Keep a back up copy of all your documentation. If and when you get a new judge present the whole story from start to finish to him/her. Keep working via the internet and any other means you can find, to find advocates for children and people who have successfully overcome situations such as this. I personally don't know how to navigate the system successfully, but I guarantee you there are people out there who do know. Keep pushing and educating yourself until you find those people. Don't give up. Don't give up.

Tell him not to worry about being told to lie to you. Tell him he doesn't have to argue with his dad about the lying, that he can just be quiet at his dad's and then tell you the truth when he gets home. I think 7 is old enough to understand, "Your dad is ashamed of what he did, and he wants to hide it. That's why he tells you it's all in your head. People always want to hide it when they are ashamed of what they did." Or something similar.

I think martial arts are a good idea, but be sure that you get lots of personal recommendations from parents and kids before deciding on a dojo. I wouldn't recommend it for the physical self-defense against an adult per se --- even a trained 7 year old can't defend themselves against a grown man --- but for the mental self-defense. Also, usually martial arts dojos are full of good men that can be positive role models about being both strong and honorable. As you get to know the instructors and black belts, you will find one or two you can confide in about what your son is going through. But, because I am inherently suspicious, I say don't ever drop your guard and let him be alone with any adult men like this, always go to class and to tournaments with him. You can't risk somebody else victimizing him.

My husband and three sons are all black belts, and it is very good for training body, mind, and spirit. None of my guys are ADHD, but many of their classmates were, and the intense mental training does strengthen their ability to focus. After a year or so of martial arts, many times you can't tell who is diagnosed ADHD and who is not.

Eventually, as your son gets into his teens, martial arts training WILL enable him to say no to the abuse (assuming you have not found a way to get him out of this absurd visitation by then).

I sound really bossy, don't I? I don't mean to be ... I am assuming that you will feel absolutely no obligation to do anything I've suggested if you find it wrong. I have had several cups of coffee this morning, I think it revs me up.


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Re: what Now?? Im out of Answers!!!
« Reply #8 on: September 18, 2009, 07:05:37 PM »
Thank you all for your input I need all the strength I can get right now!
Heart, I know my work is not down the drain> I have not allowed the phone calls that are supposed to happen three times a week (in which he does nothing but grill Kayleb) and I slowly see him getting back into his groove of what he knows... but as soon as that weekend visitation hits... BOOM- we start back at square one. The visitation has only been going on since the beginning of July and the product of my work and all of Kaylebs work is just wiped out. I cant take all of the credit for getting Kayleb to where he was< kayleb worked very hard too to change the way he thinks, acts and reacts to certain situations. But he is (and he has admitted this) scared of his father. It recently came out in one of his at home sessions that the N father "begs" him to give him answers to things "he needs to know" and swears to Kayleb "he would never lie to him". Typical N. The really sick part is that I can see and hear his voice telling my son these things because he did the same to me. It is very sad how much of an impact a relationship with an N can make on your entire life no matter how short-lived the "relationship" was. I feel sick just thinking about how this is going to effect Kayleb as he gets older. And I have seriously considered martial arts for Kayleb but with the attorneys fees skyrocketing bc the father calls a motion every week for some ob-sured reason, I simply cant afford it.

MO2- Your post is exactly true.

 Even after the father asked in court for my sons ENTIRE 6 week summer vacation- the judge told him no way because he does go to a special program so instead he granted him 1 extra day! Thats it!! 24 hours extra in the 6 weeks... so guess what the N father did? He took off with my son and hid with him for 3 days I had police in 2 cities in LA looking for them, meanwhile he had him with doctors trying to get another opinion on his diagnosis. He took him off of all his medication, we were in court 3/5 days- I'm sorry I was in court- He never showed- My judge was out of town that week (and he knew that) he accused me of taking my sons medication- so the judge ordered that my son be returned to me that night and that I stay one more night in Los Angeles because I was a wreck and she didn't think I should be driving 300 miles at night to get home... plus because of the severity of the "allegations" she wanted the test results. She knew I took perscriptions for my anxiety. His attorney mutually agreed that HE would also take a test. I had to get to the testing site in 30 minutes (IN DOWNTOWN LA 5;00 TRAFFIC) which was about a 20 mile drive. I made it.  :lol:probably not the safest driver on the road... but I did it! My test came back "preliminarily positive" for my perscriptions... so his attorney advised him not to return my son to me...(HE DID NOT TAKE A TEST UNTIL SUPPOSEDLY THE NEXT MORNING AND IT CAME BACK POSITIVE FOR ALCOHOL) **Next day in court.. the pro tem judge REEMED his attorney for not returning my son to me and sent the court into recess until he brought kayleb back... 2.5 hours later (and 3 days late) I got my son back. She again asked that I not drive home that night due to my state of mind. So EVERYTHING went in my favor. I did everything the Judge asked me to do. The following week his attorney called another ex-parte again about the drug test... I was in court every week of august... so the last week of august was our "scheduled" hearing. MY judge REEMED his attorney... I asked for supervised visitation (the judge that we have is the one who granted my move away in the first place and knows Kaylebs diagnosis (we've had him since the beginning in 2007)) So he knows Ive done everything for my son.. and this bum has never paid a dime in support, bought him school clothes nothing!!! do you think I get what I asked for? hell no!!! He got 5 more hours every weekend!!!! WTF??????? I don't get it??? Is this my karma? what did I do to deserve this? And now If I cant move away again, I'm going to be forced to go back to LA... Does anybody know anything about those women advocates who help you dissapear? Thats where I'm at right now... I just want to protect him... :cry: :oops: :cry:
« Last Edit: September 18, 2009, 07:28:53 PM by kaylebsmommy702 »


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Re: whoat Now?? Im out of Answers!!!
« Reply #9 on: September 18, 2009, 07:53:19 PM »
This website will help you find resources:
There's advocates' links on both sites.
I've also been reading about "divorce ordered rules" put in place by courts such as limited phone contact with other parent when son's with you, stuff that helps prevents parental alienation syndrome/abuse.   
Hops is right about documentation.  Start Now.. yes, this is bossy, I know and I'm sorry.  But it holds up in court.  Every day you write down (like a journal) what happened, times, locations, when he was late, what he said, how it affected your son, etc.  Keep it factual and keep your emotions out.  This journal is admissable in court and will help.
I'm Sorry.  Good Luck.


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Re: whoat Now?? Im out of Answers!!!
« Reply #10 on: September 18, 2009, 08:31:04 PM »
Thanks Kat! Definately helped... Im going to look into them further when the zoo here calms down!!



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Re: whoat Now?? Im out of Answers!!!
« Reply #11 on: September 19, 2009, 11:17:59 AM »
I am just stunned..... he broke all the rules and you followed them, yet you're punished, along with Kaleb.

Why is this smuck not paying any support?

Why was he allowed to run with your son and not arrested?

What were the consequences for running with your son?

This is just nuts!

Please do get in touch with the advocate groups...... it sounds like the court system has sabotaged you and your son, not bc they don't care, but bc they appear to be primarily concerned with punishing everyone who graces their doorway.

That's just not acceptable when they're harming children, IMO.

What is your attorney saying about all this?



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Re: whoat Now?? Im out of Answers!!!
« Reply #12 on: September 19, 2009, 11:32:37 AM »

  Don't know what the situation is with your attorney as far as him willing to keep working for you with the outstanding bill or whether he's any good but the Legal Services Corporation might be helpful.
  I have no experience with them  and no idea how good their lawyers are but I know they specialize in family law for people who can't afford to support their own family and their lawyer's family as well.



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Re: whoat Now?? Im out of Answers!!!
« Reply #13 on: September 19, 2009, 01:01:24 PM »
Document the damage to your son..... a Licenced social worker will be least expensive way to do this.  There are some who testify well and some who don't.  There are some with experience with people like your ex and some who can be easily manipulated.  Check them out and get referrals. 

Perhaps a local womens shelter can give you some good information to go on regarding legal help and therapists?

Ask that your ex have an evaluation by forensic physcologist.

The Judge, in all his apathy, will probably order both parties tested,  which is wicked expensive and I'm sorry about that.  Perhaps you can prove your son was doing well before ex came back into picture, and so only he needs testing?

Honestly, it usually comes down to Judge wanting to make both attorneys happy.  Not what's best for the child: /



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Re: whoat Now?? Im out of Answers!!!
« Reply #14 on: September 19, 2009, 11:18:26 PM »
There were no concequences for him running with my son. Instead he was granted more visitation. When he called Child protective services on me it was coincidental that he had a case opened on him the very next day by kaylebs psychologist because he told him that Dad smacked him in the head and knocked him off the bed. The social worker came to my house and read me the report- including "kayleb said he saw mom smoking out of a lightbulb"- like im a crackhead or something. once she got done interviewing me she pretty well knew it was all BS, but sent me for yet another drug test- hair and urine- again negative. She went and interviewed Kayleb at his program, and told the people there before she even interviewed him that I was one of the most organized mothers shes ever seen because everything she asked about doctors, medications, school, etc- I had the full records for in had for her review. I also know all of the phone numbers docs names and medications and dosages by heart. Im sorry i would think that any parent that is as involved as I am would know that stuff... So she interviewed my son, he told her about the hitting incident (she didnt even have that report yet) and he told her how dad makes him lie. All of the licensed workers at his program spoke very highly of me and said I always keep them up on what medication hes on, if anything changes, any dramatic behavior changes, etc. The social worker said its sad but she gets calls like this all the time before a custody hearing. So here is the real kicker-- when I was first in touch with her she ws almost real bitchy to me as if I had done something wrong-- she said that this case was a waste of her time... I spoke with her about two weeks ago she called me and let me know she finally (after a month of trying) made contact with the father about his case for hitting Kayleb. He didnt even deny it... Instead he ranted about what a bad person I am and what a horrible mother I am and how Im overmedicating him, and he has liver damage (had blood tests --very not true!!) she then told him that she doesnt care how much he hates me, shes here to protect Kayleb- and in her words "he didnt like that". She asked him to release the medical records for the doctors that he took Kayleb to see In LA because I wasnt there I couldnt release them. He refused. Then he continued to tell her that he refused to speak with her any further unless his attorney was present. She kinda laughed and asked me what is wrong with this guy?  All I could say was well u can try to find out with a drug test? I told her that I had the records from the "finest doctors" in LA who couldnt even diagnose Kayleb, and that I would forward them to her, and I immediately did. She said she was closing my case but his she was taking his to her supervisor, because of his behavior and his reaction to her. The hitting thing could have been closed all he had to do was deny it because there "was no marks" even I know that... Instead he hopefully made it a whole lot worse for himself. Ive been trying to get ahold of her all week but havent been able to... Im ready to call the supervisor. But then again- if I finally have somebody on my side I dont want to piss her off...
Um I dont know about anyone else but in my experience- other peoples stories- u dont have the "attorney" privledge with CPS... and if CPS says supervised visitation- thats what happens... so Im hoping she sees whats really going on and makes her reccomendation to the court... In Kaylebs favor!!!