Hi Sealynx,
What you said about your parents selling up and leaving your stuff behind really struck a chord with me. I have spent years puzzling over why my mum and her husband said and did the things they have over the last thirty or so years. I've always been led to believe everything was down to me and I was selfish to expect more from them. I never told my mum I was going NC - I just stopped contacting her. She's never once tried to get in touch with me in two and a half years. I've gone through a whole range of things, from my mum's drink problems to her abusive childhood to possible mental health difficulties (she's not a diagnosed N) and yesterday it just struck me - they don't care about how I feel and that's why they've always done whatever they wanted without considering what it's doing to me. And the reason they don't care is because they don't love me. It all seems so simple. I agree with what you say about someone who means nothing to them not being able to hurt them - I can see now that my mum's histrionics about not seeing her grandson are all for effect - she's never once asked how he was or asked if she could see him. I feel relieved that I don't need to keep blaming myself for their inability to love me and I suddenly felt a huge sense that I am a good mum - because I do love my boy, with all my heart and I'd never neglect his needs and emotions the way they did to me. Thanks for your thoughts xx
Kathy, what you say about moving on really rings true with me at the minute. I saw my step dad when I was out today and it was like looking at a stranger - that whirlpool of emotion just doesn't seem as pressing any more. I know I'm a lot healthier without them in my life but I've always felt a bit guilty about it. But now I've realised they don't care that I'm not a part of their life - as soon as I refused to take the abuse anymore I was worthless to them and they moved on to my sister instead. One thing that struck me was, now that the role of parent is vacant, maybe there's space for nice, healing people in my life? I've always attracted abusive types but that's been happening less lately - maybe that has something to do with it? I seem to be spending more time with nicer people who don't put me down and belittle me constantly - it feels good! Thanks for sharing xx
Ami - xx and hugs to you! I appreciate your sympathy and your kind words. Funnily, I'm not finding it painful at the minute, instead I'm feeling relieved and at a new place. That might change, I know sometimes it takes a while to really sink in, but I feel like I've known it for ages but only just acknowledged it, if that makes sense? Anyway, today I am feeling good and I grab those days and enjoy them when I get them! Thinking of you and sending hugs back, Twoapenny xxx